Saturday, September 5, 2020

Sunday Worship “Day of Praise”

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14th Sunday after Pentecost

Worship & Updated Prayer List


14th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, 9/6/2020


Sunday Services

Click here to listen to our Traditional Worship.

Click here to follow along with the traditional bulletin.

Click here to listen to our Contemporary Worship.

Click here to follow along with the contemporary bulletin.



LIVE!  Facebook Live Specifically!

Our Wednesday 11:45 a.m. midday worship & our Saturday 5:00 p.m. Drive-In Worship are now on Facebook Live!

But, IF YOU CANNOT CATCH IT LIVE, then anytime visit to look, listen, be blessed, and pass it on!




'How to pray more effective prayers, based on scripture'.  Tuesday 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Open to all. Lead by Connie Kasper

Study the book of Genesis Sunday mornings at 8:15 a.m.via Zoom Neal Schmidt leads. For Zoom login info email:
Neal Schmidt is also open to an additional in October on the book of John. Day and time to be determined by the group.  Please contact Neal for information.
College Student study on the Fruits of the Spirit, lead by Caden DeGreen and Drew Dunn Sunday evenings @ 5:00 p.m. via Zoom.  Please contact Caden:  or Drew:
The Life of Christ, Thursday at 6:00 p.m. lead by Tim Champion via conference call #425-436-6306 Login# 190298  Tim's Cell is 256-499-3603
'Gentlemen, Faith is not Blind'  a men's Bible study led by John Michael Parsons.  Day and Time to be determined by the group.  Contact John Michael at or Cell# 334-549-3093
Youth Education & Confirmation: Led by John Michael Parsons and Amanda DeGreen.  Meets 7:00 p.m. both Wednesday and Sunday.  Via Zoom, please contact John Michael for information:
Armor of God for ladies, beginning October 18-Dec 6, Sundays from 4-5 p.m. Amanda DeGreen.  Space is limited to 10.
Children's Sunday Education Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Zoom.  Preschool through 5th Grade lead Shandra Graf, Debbie Fick, and Jennifer Minner.  The first 10 minutes focus on the Preschool lesson then moves to the elementary age lesson. Email
Catechism for Children each Wednesday beginning September 2 at 6:30 p.m. Preschool - 5th grade.  Led by Susan Dearing via Zoom Click:  The Id # 89310396203
EVERYONE Tuesday Morning 10:14 - 11 a.m. Currently studying the New Testament letters both in person and on the phone. Those not physically present call the one step number 727-731-7466, or 425-436-6342  Access Code: 328663.
Prayer and Bible study (worship night) Tuesday night 7:14 p.m. - 8:14 call the one step number 727-731-7466, or use the old number and access code: 425-436-6342  Access Code: 328663.

Please join us in stopping to pray EVERY DAY at 7:14 am and 7:14 pm and pray and act in accord with this command of God from 2 Chronicles 7:14 — "...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Spread the word!


September 06th's Most Recent Prayer Requests
Joys and Concerns, Specific and General, Congregation and Beyond:
Newest specific concerns (recent weeks further down this page):  Maureen Lynn, this Tues 9/8, surgery to implant defibrillator/pacemaker; Debbie Fick, biopsy, 9/10, & praise for good lung CT scan; Cheryl O'Brien, rehab; Audrey Hains, successful heart ablation procedure this past week; Tara Slater; Dominick Ciambrone, knee surgery; Philip Dearing; Paula Vitalis Parsons; Herman Troha; Bob Kasper's mom, Phyllis; Todd Vegter's parents, Frank & Donna; Peg Lawrence's parents, S.L. (knee replace) & Joy Ann (alzheimer's) Williamson; Allen Fuller's fr, William; Amanda DeGreen's dad, Bruce, chemo; Alex's bro, Antonio & Leah; Ken's dad, Lee, & fr Kitty; Chip Hoye's uncle, Ray Charles; Benjamin DeGreen, police officer; James Bradley's dad, Jimmy; Megan Elmore hubby, Chris; Chris Williams, back surg; Ben Abercrombie; Our college students & all in close quarters with their education & our nation's elections; Wisdom for our Council & Ad Hoc Committee for reopening; continued unity and love in our congregation as has been overflowing in Christ   
The National & Global Day of Prayer & Repentance – 2 Chronicles 7:14 – September 26, 2020 on the National Mall
In Hospice Care: Tim Turner's father-in-law, William Edmond
Deaths: Sharon Grimes' lifelong fr, Roger; Flint fam fr, Doug Williams (survived by former CtK members, Andrea & Robert); Janice Sagissor's bro, Johnny Brad Tidner; John Hoffman's memorial on 10/17
Protection for these we know providing medical service (please add/update): Mitch & Sadie Messner, Jess Gober, Sharon Gray, Mike Remillard, Lindsay Parsons, Stephanie Loyacano, Tim Champion's dghtr Shelby, Lt Col Don Kosatkas, Kayla Reinicke, Dr. Tim & Kathryn Peters, Parsons fam fr Trey, Mike Anglin
Joys: Loyacanos' great granddaughter Emma Jean born 9/1, but needs prayer for dislocated hips; Alison Aughtman's heart check-up was very encouraging, but still needs prayer for her heart to grow even stronger; Stan Gillard is cancer free, but still needs prayers for renewal after his transplant; Ellie Wahl's baptism next Saturday, September 12 at 5 p.m. Drive-In worship; 79 people from 6 states and 25 congregations in SIP Groups, with 45 from Christ the King; Church Council, 8/1/20-7/31/21
Anticipated Weddings: Jordie Broadwell & Steven Welch, 10/24; Austin Demsky & Ashley Guidry, 11/21; Julia DeGreen & Ryan Scott, 12/19; Austin Hall & Madison Drake, 3/21/21; Maddie Gathings & Scott McClure, 5/15/21; Benjamin DeGreen & Amber Ball
Anticipated Births: Ann Dawson's grands, Chris & Anna due with great grands 10/12/20; David & Celeste Scott expecting #4, January;
Upcoming Baptisms: Ellie Wahl next Saturday, September 12; Casey Price; Joseph Gelinas; Madison Daniel, Leon Silas Jones, Brody Kelly, Teagan Sayers; Bryson; John & Beka Owen's baby, Wilder
OUR MILITARY (please add!): Andrew & Christy Colantuono; Lynn & Shannon Whited; Ben Brasher; Loyacano grandson-in-law, Paul Teegarden; Faith Penrod's neph, Devon, Army; Sara Grace Estill's boyfriend, Adam Waller, USMC; Jacob Hovis (Boyd fam); Linda McEachern's neph, Justin Wheeler (Army); Michael Ross; Maizie Nelson's son-in-law, Lt Col Don Kosatkas
Specific Concerns recent weeks (please send updates to Pastor Chris) —
Members - Donna Cottone; Dave Demsky; Ruth Dunmire; Pat Florence; Daphne Foster; Lyn Franks herself, bro, Ronnie, son-in-law, Chris, fr. Ricky; Chris George; Shirley Gordon; Gary Grimes; Alex Jackson; Ron Keener; Kelley Key; Marquita Kirkland; Jeff & Jim Minner; Darlene Murray; Bob & JoJo Nagel; Helen Powell; Al Russell; Bo Scott; Peggy Sedlacek; Chuck Segrest; Mel Shinholster; Tara Slater; Dennis Stanek; Kathy Stepanski's work opportunities; Daddy George Wehby; Jeanne Wehby; Our congregation's Wed. 11:45 a.m. & Saturday 5 p.m. worship services on Facebook Live (; Everyone's teamwork to share God's word and reach out to many with God's word and food for the belly in this season.
Family & Friends - Cornell's son, Mike & gson, Matt, & frs, Phil, Sandra & Vickie; Debbie Fick's sis, Donita, & Aunt Linda; Suzette Fisher's fam Dolly; Rethea Foster's fr, Brenda M, COVID; Sharon Gray's fr, Lee Johnson; Hoaglund fam fr, Dale; Kinnebrew fam frs, Greg (cancer), Cindy; Marquita Kirkland herself & frs, Elise, Kenny, Hazel & Ida; Mike & Linda McEachern's daughter, Laura, diabetes, & cousin, Ken (COVID) & fr, Seth; Jennifer Minner's fr, Frances; Maizie Nelson's cousin, Nancy; Phyllis Nichols' sis, Sharon & Maurice; Mike O'Brien's mom, Winnie; Faith Penrod's son, Mike Krantz, salvation, along w/niece Erin & Ryan & neph Devon; Scot Pitman's son, Arlington; James Scoggins; Camille Stanek's uncle, Jerry; Stiffler's fr, Johnny; Tim Turner's 23 yo son, Ryan, st.4 lymphoma & son Tim, faith; Wendi Vegter's mom, Sandy
General Concerns requested: For God to continue to reveal himself through all this; The Church in this & every place; All who are vulnerable & isolated; Health care workers in every nation; victory over coronavirus; victory over every illness and disease; the jobless; small businesses; the economy of every nation; the leaders of every nation; Alabama Oncology clinic; the diligence of teachers & students in this different "classroom"
Global Disciplemakers: Terra Nova Academy (Uganda); Our Mexico Mission Team; David Philips (E3 Global discipleship); Joey & Jenese Sammons (Mexico, India); First Priority Global - Benny Proffitt; Hand in Hand Partnership - John Constantine; Philip & Joanna Zeiger (Asia, thru East/West Min.); The Renaissance Academy; Doers of the Word Ministries; Christian Service Mission; our youth, praying on God's call! Benji Dyson's missionary sis in Uganda
  +   —————————  +  —————————-   +
THE GOSPEL is good news!— Heaven and God's Assurance of Life is a gift of God's grace!
Please pray for those who are lost and do not know forgiveness through Jesus and the new life found only in Him and for us to grow in our joy in engaging all people in love with the life-giving word and certain hope of Jesus!
I AM ___, and I'm one who imagines ZERO languages without the Bible in their heart language because I'm blessed to know my favorite Bible verse, which is ____. 


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Friday, September 4, 2020

Devotion “Day of Praise”

Fri, 09/04/20, "Day of Praise"

Revelation 7:16-17 - "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

Once upon a time, there was no such thing as the internet. One such year was 1972. In order to get a hotel room in places such as Daytona Beach, FL, a family actually had to drive there from a place like Kingsport, TN and look for a hotel that had a little sign in the window that said "Vacancy." If there was no room in the inn, the hotel would put a sign that said "No" in front of "Vacancy."

My late father, Ben, Sr., had driven our family of six the long trip from Kingsport to Daytona for a July 4 holiday. He found a place with a "Vacancy," parked the car, and went inside with many other travellers who were seeking a room during that busy holiday. The process of getting a room was taking a while so us four kids, (I was 7 years old), talked my mom into letting us swim in the hotel pool until dad was finished. I myself took off my shirt and exposed my very pale, never-south-of-Tennessee, skin to the scorching Florida sun for 30 minutes while we had an absolute ball in the pool. Bad idea.

I was introduced to my first official sunburn. And it was bad. I was scorched so intensely on my face, arms, chest and back that I had to walk like the Hunchback through the newly built Disney World. As the Haunted House ride went backwards down a steep slope, I held onto the safety bar for dear life because I couldn't lean back against anything without excruciating pain. I had to sleep on hotel floors, lest one of my 3 siblings accidentally turn in the night and touch my sun-scorched body. I literally froze with fever chills as the ceiling fans sent what felt like an Arctic blast in every place we ate. And by the end of the week, I was peeling very large chunks of skin off my body.

This whole recounting is a parable for one of many reasons why I'm a Christian and thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, namely, that, in the language of today's Bible verse from Revelation 7:16-17, I don't want to be struck by "any scorching heat. For the Lamb [Jesus] in the midst of the throne will be [our] shepherd, and he will guide [us] to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from [our] eyes."

These words were written to and were a comfort to those who, through faith in Jesus Christ, had endured the great tribulation of suffering from the scorching heat of persecution under Emperor Nero in 60 A.D. and beyond. Every movement of every Christian came with the uncertainty of bumping into and being touched by an unbeliever who would inflict great pain. It would have been difficult to eat or sleep in peace. When discovered, the lashings would cause the loss of large chunks of not just skin but flesh and leave a body scarred for life.

So when God's word says, "the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat" what it means in reality is that, though we are struck by heat and burned on the outside, there is an unmistakable victory on the inside, "For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

In the end, I had a great time in Florida that week with many fond memories from "It's a Small World" in Disney to a Stock Car race at Daytona International Speedway in the family section of the infield. And I intend to have a great time today, even as we live in a world that is becoming increasingly hostile to lives fully devoted to Christ and his sacrificial ways, like my wife and children and friends and I have experienced recently and regularly from both legalists and antinomians.

The Lamb who is Christ Jesus is with you today. Come what may from the scorching heat of your day, trust him to "guide you to springs of living water, and to wipe away every tear." He promises. He will.

Lord God, Living God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, help us to trust your promises, even when the heat is on. In Jesus's name, amen.

Praise God!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Wednesday worship “Day of Praise”


1) Upcoming Sunday School Classes
2) Wednesday worship
3) Shade prepared joyfully for you, but please sign up


Connie Kasper will be leading a study on prayer.  Tuesday 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. Open to all. Email Connie for more details:

Caden DeGreen and Drew Dunn will lead a Bible study and prayer group for college students Sunday evenings @ 5:00 p.m. via Zoom

John Michael Parsons will be leading a men's Bible study for father's of youth and children.  TBA

Neal Schmidt continues a study on Genesis Sunday mornings at 8:15 a.m. via Zoom email Neal for Zoom login info.

Tim Champion welcomes others to join in the study of The Life of Christ, Thursday at 6:00 p.m. via conference call #425-436-6306 Login# 190298

Amanda DeGreen will offer a ladies' study: Armor of God study by Priscilla Shirer starting Oct 18-Dec 6, Sundays from 4-5 PM via Zoom.  Contact her at 205-901-0003


Saturday, 9/5, 5:00pmfor Drive-In Worship with contemporary music

Sunday, 8/6, 10:00am Drive-In Worship with traditional music.

Welcome to Wednesday Evening Worship Service!

Please click here for the worship bulletin for tonight's service. 

Please click here to listen and worship with us. 

If you missed our Wednesday 11:45am mid-day worship, we recorded it on Facebook Live.  Check out our Facebook page or go to
(This Saturday's 5:00pmDrive-In Worship will also be on Facebook Live)

More Shade!!!

In order for us to joyfully prepare a shade tent space for you,  a new request needs to be done each week, please.  Please use the following links to submit that request.  

Shade for Saturday Service:

Shade for Sunday Service:




Please join us in stopping to pray EVERY DAY at 7:14 amand 7:14 pm and pray and act in accord with this command of God from 2 Chronicles 7:14 — "...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Spread the word!
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