Sa, Mar 2, "Day of Praise"
"Remember me, Lord, when you show favor to your people, come to my aid when you save them" - Psalm 106:4
Thank you all! Here's your list of God's food for us that Jesus was talking about in John 4:34-35 in yesterday's verses. This is the favor and the aid God gives us as the Psalmist is talking about in today's verse. This is what we can tell every person that they can have or keep on having everyday with God through Jesus.
1 - who would i thank when i wake every day with out Jesus?
who would be my helper as i go to work without Jesus?
who would carry me when my burdens were too heavy without Jesus?
who would i ask to keep me through the night without Jesus?
2 - Without Jesus I wouldn't have my relationship with my best friends.
3 - Without Jesus I wouldn't have a guide.
4 - Without Jesus I wouldn't believe in miracles.
5 - Without Christ, I have no forgiveness.
6 - One thing that is better in my life because of Jesus is ME, because without him, I would be a lost, sinful "filthy rag".
7 - Without Jesus I would never feel safe.
8 - Without Jesus there would be no righteous, no faith, no everlasting life.
9 - Without Jesus, 'The sunny days would have less shine, and cloudy days would be more gloomy than they already are.'
11 - With Jesus I have hope, love, and faith. Without Jesus I would be more selfish, unforgiving, and ungrateful.
12 - With Jesus, we get to see the Father more clearly through the Son. As Hebrews tells us, Jesus is "the exact imprint of his nature". What a joy to know the God of all creation through a man who walked on this earth!
13 - With Jesus, I have peace knowing that God loves me.
14 - Wow! That's thought provoking. I just can't imagine my life without Jesus. I need more of Him in my life not less.
15 - Without Jesus, I would worry constantly.
16 - Without Jesus, I would be lost, I would have no direction.
17 - I love to sing throughout my day, and if I didn't have Jesus and have hope, I wouldn't be able sing.
18 - Without Jesus, I wouldn't have Hope, Love, Faith, Grace, Peace, Eternal Life. Sorry, I can't pick just one.
19 - Without Jesus, I would have no forgiveness and no relationship with God, no salvation.
20 - Without Jesus, I would have no power in my life that is able to stop satan's attacks, and I would be in constant suffering here in time and constant torment for eternity.
21 - Without Jesus, I would have no basis for honest, true and "agape" interactions with any other human being.
22 - All things are possible thru Christ. I would not be where I am today without Christ in my life…my career, education, financially, and spiritually.
23 - Without Jesus I wouldn't have hope in the future or a reason for living.
24 - Life without Jesus is Hopeless! We are always looking to the future in our lives, but when we have no hope, life becomes very difficult and depressing. However, with Jesus in our life, we have a wonderful future to look forward to. Can it be any simpler or encouraging?
25 - Jesus is my anchor in this broken, sinful world. Without him, my days would
be meaningless.
26 - I wouldn't have hope and perspective when things go wrong.
27 - Love
28 - If I didn't have Jesus, death would be the end of life.
29 - Without Jesus I wouldn't know just how much my Father loves me. OUCH!!!
30 - A life without Christ would be an empty life without hope or meaning.
31 - Hope in the midst of the storm. I know in my darkest hours that Christ will
get me through.
32 - Without Christ, there would be no church in which to raise my children in a morally upright environment, instead of the cesspool the rest of the world has become.
33 - With Jesus, my life is better because I can stop worrying about where life will take me and my family since God is leading us all.
34 - Without Jesus, I wouldn't have truth.
35 - Forgiveness.
36 - I can't even imagine a life without Jesus. I wouldn't have anything.
37 - Without Jesus there would be an empty space in my heart and surely less peace.
38 - Without Jesus I couldn't be a nurse. What you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.
39 - I would have no hope without Christ.
40 - Without Jesus I wouldn't have hope.
41 - I would not have peace.
42 - NO hope!
43 - Without Christ, I would be anxious all the time.
44 - Without Jesus I would never see my daddy again. Praise God I will!
45 - Life would be very dull knowing when we die that it is all over, and if we did not have Christ in our lives it would be extremely hot in the grave! Through Christ, He has given us hope and an extended family as we all are brothers n sisters in Christ!
46 - Without Jesus I would still be suffering from the guilt and shame of the past. Instead I can find peace in the fact that God has been preparing me for something and that he has a plan for my life.
47 - I could write a blog post about this...But my answer is: Jesus is the perfect example of why we are here. The verse today says it...but as I like to think of it (while I sing it) "fishers of men, fishers of men...sent out to catch them and bring them in. We'll wake them up, shake them up, teach them truth and when they're thrilled with God, filled with God we'll send them out and then They'll be fishers of fishers of fishers of fishers of men!") Without Jesus we would not know our purpose. He makes it clear and simple if we could just love God and each other. Sorry so long(:
48 - Without Jesus I wouldn't be alive today - I would be dead either by suicide or heart attack - He showed me His guardian angels keeping watch over me and I've been running to Him since that night. Praise God!!!
49 - Without Jesus I wouldn't have hope - my tears are changing from tears of sorrow to tears of joy as I grow into relationship with Him deeper every day!
50 - Without Jesus I wouldn't know the depth and power of true love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and pure joy. I would still be a very lonely soul. I am worthy of His divine love and grace!
51 - Without Jesus and His mercy, love, and forgiveness, I wouldn't be travelling over 600 miles at spring break to visit my Dad who I haven't had a relationship with in 25 years. By Him I am stronger. By Him I am healed. By Him I am loved. By Him I am forgiven, and I can forgive. By Him I can love again. Thank you Jesus!
52 - The first thing that came to my mind was that I wouldn't have Christ the King Lutheran Church. My brothers and sisters in Christ give our family so much joy, hope, encouragement, and support. My children have developed deep friendships with the youth. My husband and I have made friends for a lifetime. And women like Joy Dearing, Maizie Nelson, Jean Christie, Leschen Hamner, Barb Terlep, Carla Demsky, Lee Segrest, and Suzanne Brown provide me with constant reminders to serve with a joyful heart! I am so thankful for all of our friends at CTK!
53 - Without Christ, I would not have been born. My mother prayed for me every day, even before I was born. The doctors warned her that this last pregnancy would not go well for her or me- I would not make it, if born I would be deformed and mentally retarded.
54 - Without Christ in my life I would not have been able to withstand the daily physical pain, chronic medical problems, emotional and financial stress all my life especially these past 8 years.
55 - Without Jesus we would not have sure and certain hope of everlasting life!
56 - Without Jesus we would not have a Glorious Easter!
57 - Without Jesus we would not have a Reason for the Season!
58 - Also from the hymn: "Because He Lives!"- ...I can face tomorrow; ...all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, Just because He lives!!!
59 - Also a Scout Song: "It Only Takes a Spark!" get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up to it's glowing. Chorus: That's how it is with God's love, once you've experienced it, it's fresh like spring, you want to sing, you want to pass it on. Next verse - I wish for you my friend this happiness that I've found, You can depend on him, It matters not where you're bound. I'll shout it from the mountain top, I want the world to know, The Lord of LIfe has come to me, I want to pass it on.
60 - Also a song I sang at an Amateur Contest at Knoebel's Grove the summer I believe I was 14 and won like $10 - maybe more, but anyway "It Is No Secret" ...what God can do; what He's done for others, he'll do for you. With arms wide open, he'll pardon you, for it is no secret what God can do! (This is the chorus and the verses have some real sweet messages in them , but I don't recall all the words!) Like: For in His light there is no night, you'll never walk alone. Always feel at home, wherever you may roam. Just take Him at His promise, for I have news for you! ...(then Chorus again) For God is by your side, don't run away and hide! (These are bits and pieces of the verses!) Think it was a song by Hank Snow.
61 - Knowing that I need to be constantly alert to keeping my eyes on Jesus every day, I find when I do achieve that goal of keeping my eyes on Christ and trying to be like Christ (hoping to reach sanctification knowing I have lots of room to grow), my life is more peaceful and more joyous. And, it makes me sooooo happy to know I'm loved sooooooooooo much by our creator that it will bring tears to my eyes. Lots of times an overwhelming sense of joy will come in waves when I am so thankful for an answer to a prayer or blessings bestowed or just praising God for loving me so much. I don't want to face life without Him.
62 - I may not have much but I do have Jesus!
Praise God!
Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson