Thursday, August 29, 2019

Day of Praise

Fri, 08/30/19, "Day of Praise"

"And Herod with his soldiers treated [Jesus] with contempt and mocked him. Then, arraying him in splendid clothing, he sent him back to Pilate. And Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that very day, for before this they had been at enmity with each other." - Luke 23:11-12

It's a simple premise actually: we tend to become friends with people who enjoy, and therefore value, the same things as we do. 

In today's verse, Pilate and Herod both enjoyed ridiculing Jesus, so it makes sense that the at-one-time enemies would become friends. Unfortunately, such a friendship can only self-destruct. 

In contrast, God wants us to believe that if we'll value seeking and serving the Lord (instead of griping about the Lord and other people), then we'll find friendships that endure forever. 

As we shared in worship Sunday night, a friendship cannot just be based on going to church because there are tragically lots of people who go to church but remain their own lord of their own life, which is usually characterized by discontentment and griping, disinterest in studying God's word, and disinterest in serving others. 

Enduring friendships are found with people who value trusting the everlasting God, which is characterized by a consistent joyful spirit, an eagerness to worship God, and a conviction that serving others in love (with words from God and deeds of God) is a natural fruit from the overflow of a daily, personal relationship with the only true God who pours himself and his love into us by the outpouring of his Holy Spirit. 

If you want great relationships, it's more important to focus on becoming the right person and valuing the right things than it is finding the right person who treats you the right way. 

When we value being in a loving, obedient/trusting, and joyful relationship with God through Jesus, the valuable earthly relationships will follow. 

Praise God!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Day of Praise

Thur, 08/29/19, "Day of Praise"

After y'all's replies yesterday about the cliffhanger with Cassidy, I couldn't help but drag this one up from my archives too. 

"And a little child shall lead them." - Isaiah 11:6b

I hurt my left shoulder very badly months ago and like any good man, who never asks directions, I still haven't been to the doctor about it. Furthermore, I'm still terrified of heights, and I still think the only three uses of water are rain, getting clean in a shower, and Holy Baptisms. 


Why in the world would I even consider sliding down a 60 feet high, 100-yard long zipline and crash back first (if I hit it just right, otherwise it's the injured left shoulder first) into a manmade lake at camp last week?


Because my 17-year old daughter, Cassidy, asked me to. 

"Daddy," she says, "do you wanna go down the zipline with me?"

She's 17! Not 7. 

I'm 48. 

There aren't many of these invitations left in life. 

So we gear up; we walk up; we climb up; we get hooked up; we get instructed; we stand backwards on the platform; they open the gate; and she starts singing. 

"Jesus loves me! This I know..."

She looks at me, still singing; she bends her knees; she says, "Bye, Daddy!"; and there she goes. 

What's a real man to do?

Well, let's just say that, with the exception of losing my swim shoes when I hit (and thankfully not my swim trunks...well, not completely, anyway), it was an incredibly smooth landing in the lake. 

And what else should I have expected?

After all, God promised, didn't he? "And a little child shall lead them." (Isaiah 11:6)

Hey, Gang, do something with a kid today. You'll be blessed!

Praise God!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day of Praise

Wed, 08/28/19, "Day of Praise"

Time in the last few weeks with all four of our now adult children has been marvelous and moved us all to pray, pray, pray for safe travel and reminded me of this devotional from my archives. 

"Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots?" - Jeremiah 13:23

Some things, like leopard spots, can't change. But other things can change in a flash. Or as our Cabin Coach at camp last week said, "Life can change on a dime."

My daughter, Cassidy, and I were sharing our 6-hour, end-of-the-week, Daddy-Daughter-talk at camp on Saturday. Cassidy likes to have talks in the car. So we were driving in beautiful (translation "distracting"), northern California mountains on winding, narrow (translation "you better be paying attention") roads.

I ask Cassidy a profound Daddy-Daughter-talk question, "Where should I spit out this bad piece of the apple?" She moves a brown paper bag toward me so I can look down and spit.

Future memo to self: Looking down to spit out an apple while driving on a mountainous, California road is ridiculously more stupid than texting while driving on any road. 

Thank God for the angel that moved Cassidy to look up, to see the 150-foot cliff we were about to run off, and to say, "Dad!"

Friends, we were like "this" close, "life-can-change-on-a-dime" close to dying. 

A leopard can't change his spots, but life can change on a dime. So enjoy each moment, love one another, and as always...

Praise God!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Day of Praise

Tues, 08/27/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." - I Corinthians 13:7 

God is love (1 John 4:8). So, based on today's verse, God always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 

Through Jesus, we know God (John 14), so Jesus always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 

And Jesus says, "whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." (John 14:12-14

So God, through faith in Christ, has provided for us to always protect, always trust, always hope, always persevere, if we will believe and ask for such in Jesus' name. 

Dear Lord, it's Tuesday. The world needs a lot of love, especially love that always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. You promised that if we asked, you'd give us a lot of it so we could taste it from you and pass it around to others. We're asking. Please. May we enjoy it and spread it around to your glory so that all people taste and live in your love. In Jesus' name we ask this. Amen 

"Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." - I Corinthians 13:7 

Praise God! 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Day of Praise

Monday, 08/26/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies." - Romans 8:33 

I enjoy the morning and Mondays, but... 

Not everyone is a morning person. For example, I know someone who has a sign in their bathroom that says, "There must be a better way to start the day than getting up in the morning." 

Not everyone is a Monday person. Someone must have a sign that says, "There must be a better way to start the week than Monday." 

As a pastor, I have a hunch that mornings and Mondays are hard for some because of what we all experience, namely, the voice inside our own head that says, "I gotta do this. I gotta do that." And after about 12 repetitions of "I gotta do this. I gotta do that" then we start to ask, "How can I do all that?" 

It's like one big self-accusation, "I'm never gonna make it through this day. And I'm never gonna make it through this week." 

But if we'll listen, then we'll hear another voice. God speaks to us each day, saying, "I am with you. I will bless you. I will guide you in each meeting and give you wisdom, insight, and discernment. You're not alone in all that you have to do. Give it to me, and I will lead the way." 

For myself, I enjoy the morning and Mondays because, even though I hear the first voice ("you gotta do this and that"), by God's grace, I hear the second voice more, so I trust and thank God for leading the way. 

And I encourage you to do the same because God is eager to walk with you and guide your day. 

"Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies." - Romans 8:33 

Praise God! 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Day of Praise

Fri, 08/23/19, "Day of Praise" 

"He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." - Psalm 40:2 

Have you ever had a sinking feeling? 

Ya know, in your gut? 

Or like everything is slipping away? 

Or like everything is coming down around you? 

When you feel that way, God promises to give us a firm place to stand. 

As the old hymn from scripture goes, "Christ is made the sure foundation." 

Friends, when you have that sinking feeling, believe! And stand on Jesus Christ! He will be your rock! 

"He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." - Psalm 40:2 

Happy Friday! 

Praise God! 

Day of Praise

Thur, 08/22/19, "Day of Praise"

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it." - Hebrews 13:2

Generally, I don't drink coffee. 

But since we grabbed a Bible verse from He-Brews, I guess I should at least mention coffee. (Haha, get it? He-Brews coffee!) Pulpit humor!

Anyway, generally, I don't drink coffee. But oddly enough, I almost always drink coffee at two places: 1) hospitals and 2) get-your-tires-rotated places. 

Pertaining to the get-your-tires-rotated places, there was this time when I was at a get-your-tires-rotated place drinking coffee. It was just me and one other guy. We were just talkin' about nothin', like a Seinfeld episode. Finally, my car was ready, so I got up to leave. As I did, I introduced myself. The guy's eyes got wide because he recognized my name as his step-son's new 2nd grade basketball coach. He told me that he and his wife were going to pull "little M" off the team because he was new to sports and he was too tender. I basically told this total stranger that he was crazy because "little M" had awesome feet and was going to be a star. "Little M?," he said. So they left him on the team. And 10+ years later, "Little M" is indeed a star. 

Are you followin' me? Bible verse from Hebrews about strangers that reminded me about brewing and drinking coffee and a life-changing story with a total stranger. 

Which leads me back to the other place I drink coffee, namely hospitals.

I had a hospital-like setting to visit two days ago. And sure enough while I was there drinkin' coffee, I met a stranger who wanted more out of life. 

We were total strangers to each other, but as God's word declares, we had the potential to become angels to each other. ("Angel" literally means messenger.) So we got to talking, and what do you know? We became angels to each other, messengers of the hope that there's no sense in quitting  when God is clearly up to something. The next thing you know we're at the same lunch table the next day. We were eating with a bunch of angels, people who are hyped up, not about an earthly game, but about the "game" of Life, eternity, the battle on this side of the everlasting, ya know, Spiritual Warfare. There was all this encouragement to stay in the game, to keep learning (because, till we die, we're all learning) to win souls for Christ. So we were encouraged not to quit, just like with "Little M" 10+ years ago, because we were told that God has given us all a gift. Ya know, a life, and talents, and a plan. So we all can become a star. On God's team. 

So, while we're at it today, hanging at oil change places, hospitals, or gas stations, praying for people getting hit by storms, being in grocery stores, games, parks, wherever,  you might start a conversation by asking people if they know that God's into coffee. After all, the Bible does say, "He-brews!"

So have a great day. Be a little silly. Share a lot of love. And as always...

Praise God!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Day of Praise

Wed, 08/21/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Light in a messenger's eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." - Proverbs 15:30 

My wife and kids have learned. 

If they say something to me and I don't respond for a few seconds, then it means that I'm trying to think of a silly response to whatever they've just told me. 

I do this because we love to laugh and chuckle and just plain have fun together. We "belly laugh" about something almost everyday. 

It's amazing how laughter and joy and good news can just stir and touch our inmost being. Our hearts, our bellies, our guts, and our bones are all potential destinations for our gladness. 

Isn't it great? Ya know, when our day has more smiles and laughter than seriousness and stuff that is heavy? Isn't it great? 

God says so in today's verse, "Light in a messenger's eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." (Proverbs 15:30

So, in the name of Jesus, let's have some fun today. Spread some light and joy and good stuff that lifts people's souls and touches them deep down to their bones. Be a little silly. Sing a little song. And share the uplifting love of Jesus. 

Praise God! 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Day of Praise

Tues, 08/20/19, "Day of Praise"

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." - Romans 5:1

I just couldn't do it. I could not swim the length of the pool at the Moose Lodge

So I had to take Beginners Swim Lessons at least three times, and I think it was more. 

Looking back, I'm just grateful that my mom didn't do to me what I saw other moms do to their kids when their kids didn't advance to Intermediate Swim Lessons. I saw moms who picked up their kids and threw them in the deep end of the pool and, while the kid was in mid-air, the mom yelled, "Swim!"

My mom just said, "Well, let's try again." 

So we did. We took Beginner's Swim Lessons again. And again. And again. 

And I wasn't going to move on until I passed. Passing Beginners was something that I had to do. No one could do it for me. 

Good thing it's not that way with having peace with God. Jesus can do it for me. Actually, Jesus must do it for me. Unlike Beginners Swim Lessons, which I can eventually get the hang of, there is no way that I myself can ever accomplish having peace with God. 

That's why, in the Nicene Creed which is a summary of the Christian faith from the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., we confess "for us and for our salvation [Jesus] came down from heaven." Jesus came, and he took on mortal flesh in the womb of Mary to do for us what we couldn't do for ourselves, namely, pay the penalty of our sin, no matter how many times we tried. 

But, upon paying our penalty for sin on the cross, God makes a way for Jesus' accomplishment to become ours. God sends the Holy Spirit to work faith in us, so that, believing in Jesus and his death for us, we receive both Jesus himself to live in us and also his saving work that gets credited to our spiritual account. 

Our debt for sin is paid in full because Jesus paid it in full. And since there's no more debt with God, we can have peace with God. 

This is a really great thing. 

After all, we're not talking about swimming lessons. 

We're talking about God and his goodness toward us through Jesus. 


"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." - Romans 5:1

Praise God!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Day of Praise

Mon, 08/19/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; 
though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." - Isaiah 1:18 

So, what's your favorite color? 

I love color, so I love all the colors of the rainbow spectrum. But I love black most of all. 

The reason I love black is not only because it represents the wisdom of God in Holy Scripture but also because I'm a stainmastermaker. (I just made up that word.) 

Years ago, my son showed that he takes after me as a stainmastermaker. We both had (and I still have) this ability to get pen ink all over our clothes, especially our pockets, of course. 

Black does a great job of hiding ink stains. So it works out great that I'm a pastor and that my son's former high school colors included black so that we both have a lot of black clothes that hide our ink stains. 

Black hides stains really well. Except to God's eyes. 

God sees every stain. Especially the stain of sin. Sin, which is a rebellion of the heart against God, kills relationships. Sin makes relationships bleed. To death. 

Sin creates a scarlet stain on our relationships. And since we all sin, according to God's word, then you'd have to say that we're all stainmastermakers. 

Good thing that God is a master stainmastermaker cleaner. Through the stain remover of Jesus's blood, God takes the scarlet blood of the Son of God and wipes away our sin, restoring relationships to life. 

There is no other stain remover for sin. 


So, if your relationships are hurting. Bleeding. Dying. Somehow, some way, it's because of sin, the relationship stainer, the relationship killer. So take it to God. For God has spoken on what he will do with such stains through Christ. 

"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; 
though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." - Isaiah 1:18 

Praise God! 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day of Praise

Fri, 08/16/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good." - Romans 12:9 

When I was a kid, I liked the voice and singing of Johnny Mathis. His voice calmed me. The tune of his song "Chances" was particularly calming to me. 

I know this Johnny Mathis memory seems kind of random, but, well, there you have it. And the connection is kind of random too, in that the simple phrase "chances are" comes up a lot in the song "Chances". 

Soooooo, what's that got to do with today's Bible verse? 

Well, "chances are" you're going to encounter someone today who annoys you. Call on the name of the Lord to be your strength, and "Let love be genuine (Romans 12:9)." 

And "chances are" you're going to encounter something today that is not of God. It may be downright evil. God's word says to not make friends with evil. Don't become comfortable with it. God says, "Abhor what is evil (Romans 12:9)." The reason for this is that you can see more clearly how to deal wisely with evil when you haven't made friends with it. Maybe you're supposed to rebuke it or pray for it or some other counsel of God's word. But the best ministry to evil, God says, starts by abhorring evil. 

And finally, "chances are" you're going to encounter something today that is of God. It's good. It may not look attractive in the eyes of the world, but it's good. God says, "Hold fast to what is good"(Romans 12:9).

So, have a great day, and remember that, though the "chances are" you won't think about some Johnny Mathis song, the "chances are" you will have an opportunity to "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good." (Romans 12:9) And may God bless you as you do, according to his word. 

Praise God! 

Day of Praise

Thur, 08/15/19, "Day of Praise" 

[Jesus said,] "You are the light of the world...let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:14,16 

Everybody loves to shine! I mean, as the old saying goes,  don't we all want our 15 minutes of fame? 

In one of today's verses, Jesus says that we're the light of the world. We get to shine! I Love it! And so do you! 

And yet, what I want to know is this: how did we come to be the light of the world when, in John 8:12, Jesus says that he himself is the light of the world? 

Simple, Jesus, who is the light of the world, stooped down to shine his light into our darkness so that we ourselves could shine. 

So, make the application. Do you ever just get fed up with the darkness in this world? Well, then stoop down and shine a little light of Jesus into that darkness, just like Jesus did for us. 

And when you do? The world will indeed become a brighter place. 

So have a great day! May it be filled with the light of God's presence, the light of God's glory, an abundance of blessing for you, and an abundance of blessing through us for those who are before us. 

Praise God! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Day of Praise

Wed, 08/14/19, "Day of Praise"

"For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." - Romans 10:4

I love the song "10,000 Reasons". (Youtube this awesome song!) And today's verse gives us one of the top reasons out of 10,000 why we sing to God -- "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." - Romans 10:4

Apart from Christ, the law is never ending because the law points out our sins and our shortcomings. With our sins and shortcomings in full view, we need the law to curb our sin and keep sin in check. Furthermore, the law just tells us what must be done, but it can't do anything for us. Therefore, the law creates a never-ending cycle that points out our sin but can't help us end our sin. 

Christ, on the other hand, is the end of the law. This doesn't mean that we get a blank check to sin. To the contrary, the holiness and perfect love of Christ stand in stark contrast to, and therefore reveal, our sin and our guilt. However, Christ, unlike the law, is alive and personal, so Christ can live in us and work in us by the power of the Holy Spirit, doing for us what we can't do for ourselves, namely, cover our sin and pay for our sin and give us a clean slate and new beginnings. 

This is why Christ is the end of the law -- because he does what the law does and more. He points out our sin, and he deals with it on our behalf. 

But remember today's verse, Christ does this "to everyone who believes." If you don't believe in Jesus Christ, you're on your own, and the law will never end for you. But when you surrender to the Holy Spirit, which God sends to call us to faith, then Jesus comes faithfully and dwells in you so that you might have peace with God and a new life, characterized by humility, thankfulness, and the love of Christ flowing through you. 

It's a lot to think about, but it's a better alternative to remaining under the law!!!

"For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." - Romans 10:4

Happy Day!

Praise God!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Day of Praise

Tues, 08/13/19, "Day of Praise"

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9

As opposed to what?

I bet you're thinking unbelief. I bet you're thinking that today's verse is opposed to unbelief.

Actually, today's verse is opposed to a quiet, silent, heady, intellectual "faith." Let me explain.

When Jesus did miracles and wonders, he did not stand there and look at things. Instead, he confessed with his mouth that he was Lord. He said, "Lazarus, come out of the tomb." He said, "Little girl, arise from the dead." He said, "Calm, be still" to the wind and the waves. He said, "Your sins are forgiven" to the paralytic. He was constantly saying, "I am Lord."

And we must too. 

We have situations, and we worry about them. Or we fuss about them. Or we complain about them. 

No! Instead, today's verse calls us to do like Jesus did and speak the truth that "Jesus is Lord" into a situation. Do you have a loved one who's sick? Open your mouth and declare the truth, "Jesus is Lord over this!" Do you have an exam that you're worried about? Open your mouth and declare the truth, "Jesus is Lord over this!" Do you have a matter at work or in a relationship that is burdensome? Open your mouth and declare the truth, "Jesus is Lord over this!"

This is what it means to live in the power of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit who, God himself says, works through the spoken word (Matt. 18, Romans 10, Eph. 6). Don't just have a quiet, silent "faith." Be bold! Speak the truth of Jesus' Lordship into situations. "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord..., you will be saved!" (Romans 10:9)

And today's verse also says, "If you... believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9) Again, this is not opposed to unbelief. It's opposed to a heady, intellectual "faith."

Don't just think that something is true. But look inside your heart. Do you have a loved one who's sick? Look inside your heart; do you believe deep inside your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead? If so, then open your mouth and declare the truth, "God, bring new life to my loved one, too!" 

Do you have an exam that you're worried about? Look inside your heart; do you believe deep inside your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead? If so, then open your mouth and declare the truth, "God, bring new life to my mind, and give me sharpness in this exam!" 

Do you have a matter at work or in a relationship that is burdensome? Look inside your heart; do you believe deep inside your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead? If so, then open your mouth and declare the truth, "God, bring new life to this matter and this relationship!"

I saw God work his "raise-from-the-dead-Lordship" at least three major times yesterday. And that's not counting the "minor" times. 

C'mon, people! Be God's People! Walk in the truth and power of God's Spirit and His Word. Don't settle for sickness and worry and brokenness. Don't settle for a quiet, silent, heady, intellectual "faith." Instead, speak truth boldly, and believe from deep inside your heart. For God's word is true and cuts deep to the heart of every matter. For Jesus is indeed Lord, and God did indeed raise him from the dead!

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved!" - Romans 10:9

Praaaaaaaaaise God!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Day of Praise

Mon, 08/12/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor." - 1 Corinthians 10:24 

When I was a kid, I played baseball. My dad taught me the same mental strategy for hitting the baseball that he used. Very simply, he said, "Have a goal to get one hit" which in baseball means "swing your bat to hit the ball so you can get on base." He would then say, "after you get one hit, change your goal to trying to get one more hit." 

It was a simple mental strategy to break down a long game into small pieces. "Get a hit!" Or "get one hit at a time!" 

That same baseball strategy, only slightly revised, would work well with today's Bible verse. God might say to us not "get a hit" but instead "be a hit." 

Instead of "get one hit at a time!", it would be "be a hit, one person at a time." It's a simple mental strategy to break down a long day into small pieces because when God says, "Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor" (1 Corinthians 10:24), what God is saying is, "do something nice for someone." 

Putting two and two together, if you "do something nice for someone" in this dog eat dog world, you'll "be a big hit." 

Can you imagine if every person took this "do something nice for someone" and "be a big hit" approach to life? 

We'd all win! 

Not a baseball game, but, more importantly, the bigger game called Life! 

"Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor." - 1 Corinthians 10:24 

Praise God! 

Friday, August 9, 2019

Day of Praise

Fri, 08/09/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice." - Proverbs 16:8 

It's Friday. Staying after the salt mine, and nose to the grindstone. Work to be done. What will we do to get it done? What will we do to get ahead? 

I know people in our church and community who have waited patiently for God to come through, and he did! I talked to a guy yesterday for whom God came through miraculously in the blink of an eye. The common denominator to both patient waiting and also seeing mind-boggling miracles is faith -- faith that lives today's verse, "Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice." - Proverbs 16:8

How about I toss the ball to y'all today? You all tell the stories. 

Here's the topic from today's verse: "Integrity at any price." 

Maybe you've got a negative story like a number of you who've shared with me how you cheated on a test by looking at a classmate's paper, and you both got it wrong. So you decided that you could just as well get it wrong by yourself without the guilty conscience, at least, and maybe the principal's office on top of it. 

Integrity at any price. 

Maybe you've got a positive story like one of you told me when you were at the bank to withdraw a few hundred cash for a vacation. The teller counted out the money. Their counting was right, but their matching was wrong as they gave you a hundred too much. Then you stood there looking back and forth at the money and the teller, not wanting to say anything, because their supervisor was also standing there and you didn't want them to get in trouble. The teller still didn't get it, so you had to speak. They were so impressed with your integrity that they wound up coming to your church. 

Integrity at any price. 

What's your story? 

Let's hear it. 

"Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice." - Proverbs 16:8 

Praise God!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Day of Praise

Thur, 08/08/19, "Day of Praise" 

"This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: 
'I am the Lord your God, 
who teaches you what is best for you, 
who directs you in the way you should go.'" - Isaiah 48:17 

I have a dear, dear friend from seminary days. His name is Tim Harding. Tim and his wife Melanie are still dear friends, even though I don't stay in touch as I should. They live in Florida now. But they lived in the Philadelphia area (Levittown, PA) when I was a youth worker in seminary, and they were the youth leaders. 

Tim is a Renaissance Man. He knows how to do everything from computers to welding to building houses to listening well to making beautiful iron works from scratch and more. 

Tim also knows how to look out for your best interests, as a model of God's word in today's verse. 

For example, when his kids were little, if they crossed the street without looking and he saw it, then he would give them a strong hand on the backside. He had a saying that went something like this, "A strong hand on the backside is better than getting run over by two tons of Detroit steel." 

That's the way God is -- always looking out for our best interests, even when it hurts. 

We are Easter people who have seen that God in Christ is for us, even unto death on a cross. So God obviously has our best interests in mind. And he conquered death and the grave, rising from the dead to dwell in us and to guide us, with our best interests in mind. 

So whatever you've got going on, trust the Lord. God in Christ is for you! 

"This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: 
'I am the Lord your God, 
who teaches you what is best for you, 
who directs you in the way you should go.'" - Isaiah 48:17 

Praise God! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Day of Praise

Wed, 08/07/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." - Romans 12:14-15 

Two mini encouragements from these Bible verses: 

1) I had an appointment Sunday afternoon with some people who said it, and I'm still running into people right and left who are saying, "It works!" When you "bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse" (Romans 12:14), it actually works! 

That's why God commands it! It works a) by setting free the one who's been hurt from negative "heart poisons" of bitterness and the like and b) by also kindling the positive, spirit-treasures of joy and praise. 

Try it! 

2) I can remember when we lived in the Fox Meadows neighborhood in Memphis, TN. I was three and four years old. I can remember multiple times that we went tadpole hunting in the local Crick, (which, in case you don't know, is Northern and Southern couuuuntry for "Creek"). We'd get us a bunch o' them thar tad frogs. Not all o' em lived long. It made me sad. In fact, it made our whole family sad. It was true that we were blessed together when we rejoiced in finding the critters, and we were blessed when we mourned the critters passing. 

Obviously it's even more powerful to mourn together over the loss of people, especially people who are lost. For when we mourn together we can a) offer hope in Christ to survivors when a loved one passes and b) team together to offer the living lost to find their heart's yearning in The Way who is Jesus Christ. 

In sum, no matter the situation, "rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." - Romans 12:15 

For as I hear more people saying in their desire and eagerness to know Christ more personally and to share Christ with others more personally, it works! It just plain ol' brings glory to God and blessing to others when 
we "rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." - Romans 12:15 

Praise God! 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Day of Praise

Tues, 08/06/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord." - Proverbs 16:20 

Jesus does not send out Know-it-alls to make Know-it-alls. He sends out disciples to make disciples. In other words, Jesus wants us to be constantly learning from him, even as we're inviting and encouraging others to be constantly learning from Jesus too. 

So let's all "prosper" in the way that God intends, with our constant reception of the richness and riches of God's Word because we are constantly learning from God through Jesus. 

When I was a kid, people would mimic a TV show, saying, "live long and prosper." However, God simply teaches us a slight variation, "learn lots and prosper." Indeed, that's what God calls us to do, namely, learn lots each day from the Lord and true prosperity will come our way. 

"Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord." - Proverbs 16:20 

Praise God! 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Day of Praise

Mon, 08/05/19, "Day of Praise"

"The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold." - Psalm 119:72

I was born in the year of the last silver quarter, which was 1964. Those quarters from 1932-1964 are supposedly each worth at least $4.67 because of the silver content. I even have a few that I collected when I was younger. 

But those silver quarters can never be worth as much as a stone. But it's probably not the stone that you're thinking of like diamonds and rubies and the like. 

It's interesting. When God inspires the use of the words (gold, silver, stone, and precious) in Holy Scripture, there's an interesting pattern to observe that culminates in the following from 1 Peter 2:4, "As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him."

In other words, Jesus is the most precious of all the precious stones to God. But he is also the most precious stone that was rejected by sinners as it's written in Psalm 118:22 and quoted frequently by Jesus in the New Testament, "The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."

But Holy Spirit guides us and gives us eyes to see that the stone, who is Jesus, is most valuable because He is the cornerstone, the foundation, on which to build your life. In contrast, you can play games and buy things and look good with silver and gold, but you can't build an Abundant Life on silver and gold. (And let's not kid ourselves that we can buy the most precious stone with silver or gold, for that's what Judas thought, and we know how his life tragically crumbled.)

So, Heavenly Father, help us to value Jesus as the most precious stone, more valuable than silver or gold, that we may receive him as your Son, your Living Word, your will for our lives, your law that directs and guides our lives by your Holy SpIrit, who would be our treasure unto eternal and everlasting life. Please, Father, grant us a deeper faith that would understand this truth of your Word. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. 

"The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold." - Psalm 119:72

Praise God!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Day of Praise

Fri, 08/02/19, "Day of Praise"

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him." - 1 John 3:1

I wouldn't have believed it unless I'd seen it. It happened in the non-scholarship football player dressing room at the University of Tennessee. I was in there because I was one of those guys, also known as walk-ons. 

One of the walk-ons was just a very nice guy. He worked hard on the practice field and encouraged others by writing Bible verses on his taped wrists. He'd read and mark up Bibles, then give them to other guys who needed encouragement in God's strength, and then he'd start reading and marking up another Bible for the next guy who might need it. 

He knew the great privilege that it is to be called a child of God. (1 John 3:1)

And then there was the other guy, who was a part of "the world [that] does not know [a child of God because] it did not know [God]." (1 John 3:1)

The first guy was being himself, and after practice, knowing how mentally and physically hard it was to be a walk-on, he went up to a new walk-on and encouraged him. The other guy had seen enough of this "child of God" stuff and flew out of his locker space and got in the face of the Christian guy and ranted about the Christian guy thinking he was so important because he offered his assistance to everyone. 

I don't know for sure what was going on in the heart or mind of the Christian guy because, as modeled by other godly people in the Bible, this is what he said, "_______________." Yes, you read that right; the guy was silent. 

But based on his unchanged behavior for all the rest of the years that I observed him, I'm pretty sure that the following is what was going on in the heart and mind of the Christian guy, "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him (1 John 3:1)."

Praise God for those who courageously and lovingly live the faith in the strength of Christ. And let's pray to God for those who don't know him. For God shows us in the cross and resurrection of Jesus that he wants all people to know that they're God's own too!

Praise God!