Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Day of Praise

Thur, 05/11/17, 26th of 50 Days of Easter, "Day of Praise" 

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." - Acts 2:42 

Life is so good in the Body of Christ, which is also known as the Fellowship of Believers, the Communion of Saints, and the Church. 

Most of you know that I'm a pastor. But I've got a lot of church gatherings, not because I'm a pastor, but because life is so good in the Body of Christ. 

For example, Tuesday was Latino fellowship and then Elders and then Missions, Wednesday was dinner, dessert fellowship, class and conversation, worship, and then more study and fellowship, Thursday will be jail ministry and more jaw-dropping work of God in the lives of those that many have given up on. Last Friday was Prayer Summit. This Saturday will be a 9-1 Missions Car Wash so you can wash your wife or mother's car for Mother's Day and support the spread of the Gospel and eat hot dogs and chips while you're at it. 

I tell you all this because there are hundreds of you who read this devotion, but not all of you are enjoying all that's available to you in the Fellowship of Believers. In the path of walking with and growing in Jesus that God sets in front of us in the Bible, the Fellowship of Believers is called Pastoring the Saved. It is being in a network of relationships, being pastored, being encouraged and built up to have a growing confidence that God's love and Jesus's saving work and Holy Spirit's guidance will never fail you. God chooses to sustain your faith in Him by encouraging you through others. 

I realize that hurtful or disappointing things happened to many of you in a church, but there are so many more positives available for you going forward than there are negatives behind you. 

Besides, the Everlasting and Eternal Heaven is going to have other believers in it, so you might as well start to enjoy the everlasting heaven and those that you're going to share it with now! 

Get involved in a church. And if you are involved, get more involved and/or invite others to get involved. 

Because life is so good in the Body of Christ. So good! That's why in days of old "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer" (Acts 2:42). 

Praise God! 

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