"Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance." - Hebrews 12:1
Hooray! It's Saturday! And from the time I was a teen, I dream of Saturday as Donut Day. I dream of getting a dozen Krispy Kreme chocolate-covered, creme-filled donuts and eating all twelve of them all by myself. I've actually done it twice in my fifty-three years.
But I've gotten to the age where I realize that when I eat just one donut, not twelve, just one, that I might as well get some duct tape and tape that donut right to my body on one side of my love handles because that's where it's going to wind up. And ya know, that isn't very helpful at all. I wanna live life with a bounce in my step, and here I've got these donuts taped to my side.
God gives me a simple solution. God says, "Well, just don't eat the donut, Chris." God says, "Let's lay aside every weight, and donut which clings so closely." Okay, well, that's a slight adjustment on what God says.
But that donut is a parable. It weighs me down. Just like sin. Neither the donut, physically, nor the sin, spiritually, help me to run with endurance. When you run and you start getting tired, do they still call it "sucking wind"? Spiritually, "wind" is "the Holy Spirit." In Hebrew (the word "ruah") and in Greek (the word "pneuma"), both words mean "breath, wind, spirit."
So, if I want to run the race of life that is set before me with endurance, then I should probably stay away from the donut. And sin too. Don't ya think?
God's word actually tells me not just to stay away from sin, but to "flee" from it (1 Corinthians 6:18). It's like God wants us to get in shape for the race by sprinting away from things that will keep us from getting in shape.
So as one dear young man in a group home that I visited said, "Bye, bye, sin." And bye, bye, donuts.
Ah, I feel better already. In fact, good enough, to go for a run!
"Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance." - Hebrews 12:1
Praise God!
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