Sunday, July 14, 2019

Day of Praise

Mon, 07/15/19, "Day of Praise"

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:36

More recent ("Flight" with Denzel Washington) and older ("Les Miserables") stories/movies keep making the same point that's been made a million times in various other stories because people can't hear it enough. 

And that point is that true freedom is a condition of the heart. 

When the heart is free, it is a far greater freedom than any external or physical or material or earthly chain or prison or oppression. 

When the heart is free, you are free indeed. 

It was long, long ago, before the beginning of creation that the Almighty and Living God established the truth of the power and hope and peace and joy and abundant Life that goes with a heart that is free. 

The reason, though, that people can't hear enough of the message that true freedom is a condition of the heart is because way too many people don't have it. Way too many people don't have true freedom because their hearts are slave and captive or maybe just a little bit clingy to something other than the truth. Too many hearts are slave and captive or maybe just a little bit clingy to external or physical or material or earthly things that never did, never do, and never will set anybody free. 

But before we get too preachy and long-winded (because, as one of my dear friends rightly says, "the Day of Praise is a mint to start your day and whet your appetite for God"), let me connect the dots. 

We cling to anything because we think it will make our life better. But ultimately, there is one and only one thing that makes our life the best, and that is knowing that we're loved unconditionally and forever by the everlasting and almighty giver of abundant Life! And this best thing is given to us in the person and God-Man whose name is Jesus and title is Christ!

Just try this. Turn your heart (not your mind) to the love of God in Jesus Christ. C'mon. What do you have to lose, except maybe a few things you're holding that are occupying your hands...and your heart, and therefore binding your heart to the world?

Just try this, (unless you're driving a car in motion). But even if you're at a red traffic light, you can do this. It'll only take a few seconds, and you can do it a bazillion times each day. 

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. And say this like you believe it, "Lord! Are you there? You promised to be there. So here ya go; I'm giving my heart to you. With whatever burden is on me, my heart is in your hands. Resting. Knowing that everything's gonna be ok, because it is ok, because it's in your hands. And since it's all in your hands, I'm just gonna go ahead and give ya what's still in my hands too--the stuff I'm still holdin' onto, as if somehow it can make my life better, when it really can't. I'm givin' ya what's in my hands. That way, it's all in your hands, the hands that you stretched out on the cross, the hands of Jesus Christ, that took the heaviest and hurtingest and stressingest and deceivingest and worst that the world has to offer. Here ya go. It's outta my hands. It's all in yours. Alright, now that all that's back in your hands, it's all good. And I'm good to go. Free to go. Where your hand will lead me."

Then take a deep breath. And smile. 

As if you're free. 

Because you are. 

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:36

Praise God!

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