Sunday, August 18, 2019

Day of Praise

Mon, 08/19/19, "Day of Praise" 

"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; 
though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." - Isaiah 1:18 

So, what's your favorite color? 

I love color, so I love all the colors of the rainbow spectrum. But I love black most of all. 

The reason I love black is not only because it represents the wisdom of God in Holy Scripture but also because I'm a stainmastermaker. (I just made up that word.) 

Years ago, my son showed that he takes after me as a stainmastermaker. We both had (and I still have) this ability to get pen ink all over our clothes, especially our pockets, of course. 

Black does a great job of hiding ink stains. So it works out great that I'm a pastor and that my son's former high school colors included black so that we both have a lot of black clothes that hide our ink stains. 

Black hides stains really well. Except to God's eyes. 

God sees every stain. Especially the stain of sin. Sin, which is a rebellion of the heart against God, kills relationships. Sin makes relationships bleed. To death. 

Sin creates a scarlet stain on our relationships. And since we all sin, according to God's word, then you'd have to say that we're all stainmastermakers. 

Good thing that God is a master stainmastermaker cleaner. Through the stain remover of Jesus's blood, God takes the scarlet blood of the Son of God and wipes away our sin, restoring relationships to life. 

There is no other stain remover for sin. 


So, if your relationships are hurting. Bleeding. Dying. Somehow, some way, it's because of sin, the relationship stainer, the relationship killer. So take it to God. For God has spoken on what he will do with such stains through Christ. 

"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; 
though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." - Isaiah 1:18 

Praise God! 

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