Luke 5:33 - "And [the Pharisees] said to [Jesus], 'The disciples of John fast often and offer prayers, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours eat and drink.'"
You are about to live a parable. The parable is called Friday.
Let me explain.
A dear friend of mine once told me that the great Warren Wiersbe said, "A parable begins as a picture and then becomes a mirror in which we see ourselves and then, through faith, becomes a window, through which we see God."
So you're about to live the parable called Friday. The picture of Friday is HAPPY! Then that happy picture becomes a mirror, namely, when you look in the mirror on Friday, I bet you see happy a lot more than on Monday! And now the mirror reflecting your Friday happiness becomes a window, through which we see God.
Don't you see God? That's what today's Bible verse is about. Jesus and his disciples eat and drink. In other words, they're happy, happy, happy! Oh sure, Jesus fasted some, like in the wilderness at the start of his ministry. But Jesus feasted more than he fasted. I mean his first miracle was at a wedding with feasting and laughing where he turned yucky water into 180 gallons of happy, happy, happy wine! How 'bout we say that Jesus made a significant contribution to everyone's happiness at the wedding!
Just as he contributes to ours.
I mean, here's the deal. Jesus is alive, People!!!!!!!!!! He conquered death and sin!!!! They have no power over us anymore. Putting it back in parable form, we can rightly say that Jesus conquered Monday! The parable of Monday has no power over us! Because Jesus rose from the dead, there are no more Mondays! Now everyday can be Friday! Everyday can be happy!
Oh sure, there are times for Monday, times for mourning and grieving and confessing. But because Jesus feasted more than he fasted, ya might say that Jesus sprinkled some Friday into Monday and invites us to do the same because whatever life serves up, you can't change the fact that Jesus is alive, transforming grieving into joy and Monday into Friday!
So, Happy Friday today! And Happy Friday tomorrow! And Happy Friday forevermore!
Praise God!
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