Wed, 07/31/19, "Day of Praise"
"Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.'" - John 6:29
A popular cheer is "We're number one!"
I prefer "We're number two!"
Oh sure, I enjoy it when my team wins a ballgame. Hey! We're number one!
But, of course, we're not talking about a ballgame, we're talking about the game of life. And to win at life, the cheer is, "We're number two!"
It goes like this. In today's Bible verse, the disciples have just asked Jesus what work God requires of us. See? They want to know what they're supposed to do to please the ultimate coach, who is God, before they waste their time doing something else.
And we're just like them. Deep inside, we all want to live lives that count, that matter, that have purpose and meaning, that make a difference. Deep inside, we all have the question, "What should I be doing with my life?" And it's not just a philosophical question; I hear multiple people everyday grappling with what they should do with their life, and within their life, what they should be doing with a season of life, or with an educational pursuit, or with the use of time. What should they do with this day?!?!?! And the next day? And the next?
Wouldn't it be awesome if we knew exactly what we're supposed to do to count, to matter, to have purpose and meaning, to make a difference? Wouldn't it be awesome if someone could assure us that we're getting the most out of life? And if someone knew, wouldn't it be great if they'd just tell us?
Well, someone does! God does! "So, God, will you please tell me what to do to get the most out of life? What is the work that I need to do to make a difference and make my mark in this world?"
Gang, those aren't questions from someone who's in charge. Those are questions from someone who's taking orders. They're from someone who's number two.
And when we're Number Two, it makes perfect sense for us to follow Number One, which is why Jesus says, "Follow me!"
And when we're Number Two, it makes perfect sense for us to love Number One, which is why Jesus says, "Love God with all ya got!"
And when we're Number Two, it makes perfect sense for us to believe in and to put our confidence and faith in Number One, which is why Jesus says, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." (John 6:29)
So please, today, whether you're a ruler or owner or supervisor or employer or trainer or coach or teacher or principal or just someone who got put in the position of "leader" because it just kinda fell your way, before you do each thing (yes, each and every thing), take a breath and say, "Lord, you're Number One! I have confidence in You! So guide me in the task or talk that's right in front of me."
And, oh, one last thing. I have a dear friend who's in charge of, let's say, a lot, a whole great big lot. They're number one in an earthly sense, to be sure! Some time ago they asked me to pray for their team because they'd lost about 23 million units of the stuff they work with. We prayed together that God would be Number One in their meeting and lead them to quickly find what they'd lost. You know where this is going; they found the 23 million units in, the proverbial, no time flat, which is the kinda stuff that happens when God's Number One.
And we're number two.
"Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in The One he has sent.'" - John 6:29
Praise God!
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