Saturday, December 27, 2014

HELP Day of Praise in a couple of ways

Dear Day of Praise friends,

Brace yourself! I'm getting a new phone, which means that my Blackberry will go the way of all Blackberrys, namely, to the dinosaur bones pile.

In transferring my data from one phone to another over the next few days, I have saved my contacts, but I'm unable to save the groups of contacts. Therefore, I'll be manually recreating the groups from your contact info that I have.

You can help me in a few ways. First, if you don't get the devotion in the near future and you still want it, then both please know it's a mistake in my re-creation of groups and also email me and tell me so I can correct my mistake.

Second, if you want to un-subscribe, please tell me, and I won't put you back in a group. I also won't be offended. I love you all as dear friends in Christ whether you receive the devotion or not.

And finally, on a slightly different note but still a way you can help me, I need to know your interest in the first Day of Praise book that is completely done. It's titled "60 Days of Praise! Devotional". It's 200+ pages, will sell for $16.99, and every penny of my profits will go to long-term missions.

The best way to make the most money for missions is for you to buy the book directly from me because of the author's price that I get from the publisher. The second best way is to buy it from the publisher's website. The worst way to make money for missions is to buy it through Amazon because of their fees.

I have a meeting with my accountant next week to set up the accounting process to maximize the money for missions.

For those who order from me, we expect that $8.50 from each book will go to missions, if you don't need it mailed to you. Those mailed from me to you will have the additional mailing expense per book.

The timing of the first printing should be such that you can have the book(s) in hand by the end of February if not sooner.

What I need from you specifically is the number of books that you definitely want to buy through me. I'm planning on ordering 300 to begin with, which should make over $2,000 for missions to start with. But obviously, the amount raised depends on the amount sold, and I don't want to overbuy and have 200+ books sitting in my garage.

So please help me make some money for missions by making a good faith commitment and telling me how many, if any, you'd like to buy through me and we'll get the first printing started in the next two weeks!

Thank you all!

And Praise God!


Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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