Sunday, May 31, 2020

Devotion “Day of Praise”

Mon, 06/01/20, "Day of Praise"

"The LORD said to Moses, 'Say to the Israelites: "Any man or woman who wrongs another in any way and so is unfaithful to the LORD is guilty and must confess the sin they have committed. They must make full restitution for the wrong they have done, add a fifth of the value to it and give it all to the person they have wronged."'" - Numbers 5:5-7

Have you ever said, "It's more than I can bear!"? If you haven't, you should. Because it is.

In today's verses, we hear that if you've wronged another person in ANY way (people, that's ANY way!) then you 1) are unfaithful to the LORD, 2) are guilty, 3) must confess that sin, 4) must make full restitution, 5) must ADD a fifth of the value of the offense, and 6) must give all that restitution to the particular person you've wronged.

Moreover, #3's requirement to confess ANY wrong as sin is impossible, for God's word says nobody can even know all their wrongs, as in Psalm 19:12, "But who can discern their own errors?"

It's enough to make us all cry out, "It's more than I can bear!"

Hmm! Sounds like Genesis 4:13, "Cain said to the LORD, 'My punishment is more than I can bear'" or John 16:12 where Jesus said to his followers "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear."

In Psalm 130:3, God gives us another way to speak of our burden, "If you, LORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?" Are our knees starting to buckle yet under the weight of sin?

However, God desires not the crushed soul or everlasting death of us poor sinners.

In Psalm 32:1, we hear, "Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered."

"Forgiven," as in 1 John 1:8-9, "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

And "covered," as in God got an animal skin, a blood sacrifice, and covered the first sin in Genesis 3.

Through confession that we are sinners and then faith in Jesus Christ and his shed blood on the cross, we are forgiven and covered in his righteous love forever.

Spread the word because there's a lot of people out there who don't know Jesus and are still crying out, "It's more than I can bear!" Tell them, "Jesus is our Savior."

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Sunday Worship “Day of Praise”

Thank you for joining us! God bless!
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Day of Pentecost

Worship & Updated Prayer List 


Day of Pentecost

Sunday, 5/31/2020


Sunday Services

Click here to listen to our Traditional Worship.

Click here to follow along with the traditional bulletin.

Click here to listen to our Contemporary Worship.

Click here to follow along with the contemporary bulletin.

LIVE!  Facebook Live Specifically!

Our Wednesday 11:45 a.m. midday worship & our Saturday 5:00 p.m. Drive-In Worship are now on Facebook Live!

But, IF YOU CANNOT CATCH IT LIVE, then anytime visit to look, listen, be blessed, and pass it on!


Please join us in stopping to pray EVERY DAY at 7:14 am and 7:14 pm and pray and act in accord with this command of God from 2 Chronicles 7:14 — "...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Spread the word!


May 31st's Most Recent Prayer Requests
Joys and Concerns, Specific and General, Congregation and Beyond:
Newest specific concerns (recent weeks further down this page): a member who had skin cancer surgery; JoJo Nagel; Bonnie Tsoutsikos; Sara Askew; Ben Abercrombie; Luke Whittaker's mom, Mary Ellen; Tim Turner's father-in-law, William; Marquita Kirkland's frs, Deena & Mark Johnson, COVID; Amanda DeGreen's mom, Martha, & fr, Eddie; Ruth Dunmire; Shawn Price's dad, Larry; Wendy Whitbred's mom, Nancy, stroke; Daphne's fr, David; Maureen Lynn; Chuck Segrest, tests; Bob Nagel, rotator cuff; Chris Williams, back surg; Pam Nagel, cataract surg; Wally Barker; Bob Hains; Nan McLean's dgtr, Laine; Wisdom for our Ad Hoc Committee for reopening; continued unity and love in our congregation as has been overflowing in Christ; wisdom & peace for decisions for many in our congregation
Deaths: Sherry Russell's mom, Ila Buck; Lee Segrest's cousin Sandy's husband, Roger Connor; Sherry Pittman; Jim Liverman; Marquita's fr, Lonnie's 2 year old gson; Rosemary Johnson's frs, Marcus & Ryan
Protection for these we know providing medical service (please add/update): Sharon Gray, Mike Remillard, Mitch & Sadie Messner, Lindsay Parsons, Stephanie Loyacano, Tim Champion's dghtr Shelby, Mike Anglin, Lt Col Don Kosatkas, Kayla Reinicke, Jess Gober, Dr. Tim & Kathryn Peters, Parsons fam fr Trey 
Joys: Jacob Demsky's girlfr, Kimberly McCain, is home from the hospital; Philip Dearing's pain removed & hearing restored! HS Grads – Laura Aughtman, Emma Farnlacher, Katie Hoaglund, Ian Lee, Isabella Ratliff, Mary Caitlin Russell, Shelby Stafford, & Brandon Stiffler! PLEASE LET US KNOW!
Anticipated Weddings: Maureen Lynn & John Bohin, 6/20;Rachel Sedlacek & Daniel Yang, 7/11; Chelsey Anne Whittaker & Zach Askew, 8/29; Jordie Broadwell & Steven Welch, 10/24; Austin Demsky & Ashley Guidry, 11/21
Anticipated Births: John & Beka Owen due 6/29Dawn Talley's fr Rachel due 7/20; Shawn & Kelly Price due 7/25; Ann Dawson's son, Greg & Mandy, expecting son 7/31; Loyacanos' gdghtr Kayleigh
Upcoming Baptisms: Joseph Gelinas; Ellie Wahl, Madison Daniel, Leon Silas Jones, Brody Kelly, Teagan Sayers; Bryson
OUR MILITARY (please add!): Andrew & Christy Colantuono; Lynn & Shannon Whited; Ben Brasher; Loyacano grandson in law, Paul Teagarden; Faith Penrod's neph, Devon, Army; Sara Grace Estill's boyfriend, Adam Waller, USMC; Jacob Hovis (Boyd fam); Linda McEachern's neph, Justin Wheeler (Army); Michael Ross; Maizie Nelson's son-in-law, Lt Col Don Kosatkas
Specific Concerns recent weeks (please send updates to Pastor Chris) —
Members - The Aughtmans; Eli Carter; Donna Cottone; Dave Demsky; Melissa Ekstrand; Ashley Fisher; Daphne Foster; Chris George; Stan Gillard; Shirley Gordon; Gary Grimes; Lynn Headley; Nancy Hoffman; Chris Johnson; Phyllis & Ron Keener; Kelley Key; Marquita & Tyler Kirkland; Jeff & Jim Minner; Russell Moore; The Palaos; Faith Penrod; Caroline, Nora, Taya, & Sammy Philips; Genelle & Helen Powell; Al Russell; Bo Scott; Peggy Sedlacek; Chuck & Greg Segrest; John Sergeiko; Tara Slater; Dennis Stanek; Kathy Stepanski's discernment talks with LCMC; Zac Talley; Daddy George Wehby; Our congregation's Wed. 11:45 a.m. worship on Facebook Live (; Everyone's teamwork to share God's word and reach out to many with God's word and food for the belly in this season.
Family & Friends - Laura Aughtman's fr, Kamil; Lisa Collette; Bruce & Mona Cornell's fr, Phil, & son, Mike & gson, Matt; Amanda DeGreen's dad, Bruce; Kim DeGreen's cousin Terry; Benji Dyson's missionary sis & bro-in-law in Uganda; Jim Eason; Elana's uncle Charlie; Debbie Fick's sis, Donita, & fr, Anthony; Suzette Fisher's fr, Ginny, & fam, Dolly; Art Fries' fam, Karen; Gilberts' fr, Hal; Lynn Headley's fam, EJ & Pat, & fr, David; Hoaglund fam fr, Dale; Alex Jackson & fr, Alice Tubbs; Robert & Deanne Johnson's fam, Jimmy; Kasper's frs, Tommy & Edwin; Marquita Kirkland's son, Caleb, & frs, Strawberry & Imogene; Jasmine Lewis's dad; Gloria Marine (bone marrow transplant); Heather Meredith; Jennifer Minner's fr, Frances; Bradley Moore's fr, John; Ernesto's 9 y/o fr, Destiny; Maizie Nelson's cousin, Nancy; Phyllis Nichols' sis, Sharon & her husband Maurice; John-Michael & Lindsay Parsons' nghbrs, the Grants & Tim, Lindsay's, mom, Kelly, & John-Michael's fam, Leta, dad, Matt, Anna, Rena, & Penelope; Sharon & Terry Pitman's gson & Scot Pitman's son, Arlington; Genelle's fr, Jody Free; Janice Sagissor; James Scoggins; LaTrina Steele's fam, Michelle; Stiffler's fr, Johnny; Dawn Talley's fr, Kim; Cathy Troha's fr, Phil & wife Julia (MS); Timothy Alan; Wendi Vegter's mom, Sandy; Nikki Wahl's dad, Brad; Danny Williams; Rachel Williams
General Concerns requested: For God to continue to reveal himself through all this; The Church in this & every place; All who are vulnerable & isolated; Health care workers in every nation; victory over coronavirus; victory over every illness and disease; the jobless; small businesses; the economy of every nation; the leaders of every nation; Alabama Oncology clinic; the diligence of teachers & students in this different "classroom"
Global Disciplemakers: Terra Nova Academy (Uganda); Our Mexico Mission Team; David Philips (E3 Global discipleship); Joey & Jenese Sammons (Mexico, India); First Priority Global - Benny Proffitt; Hand in Hand Partnership - John Constantine; Philip & Joanna Zeiger (Asia, thru East/West Min.); our youth, praying on God's call!
  +   —————————  +  —————————-   +
THE GOSPEL is good news!— Heaven and God's Assurance of Life is a gift of God's grace!
Please pray for those who are lost and do not know forgiveness through Jesus and the new life found only in Him and for us to grow in our joy in engaging all people in love with the life-giving word and certain hope of Jesus!
I AM ___, and I'm one who imagines ZERO languages without the Bible in their heart language because I'm blessed to know my favorite Bible verse, which is ____. 


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Friday, May 29, 2020

Encouraging Verse “Day of Praise”

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." — Romans 15:13 NIV

Let it be so. In Jesus' name, Amen

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Devotion “Day of Praise”

Thur, 05/28/20, "Day of Praise"

"Then the LORD said to Joshua, 'Tell the Israelites to designate cities of that anyone who kills a person accidentally and unintentionally may flee there and find protection from the avenger of blood.'" - Joshua 20:1-6

Accidents happen. Even really bad ones.

God understands that there's a difference between accidents and acts of violence that are thought out in advance. So God makes provision of protection and mercy for those who do tragic things accidentally.

I remember when I was a kid. My brother and I were with our family at our grandparents in Pennsylvania. Ben and I were being brothers (translation "wrestling") on a really old bed at our Gram and Pap DeGreen's. The bed wasn't made for wrestling. The ensuing crash just about sent us and the bed through the floor to the downstairs.

We looked at each other like, "Oh, man. We are in big trouble now." And we should've been. In trouble, that is. We never once gave thought to the possibility that anyone would see it as an accident.

But our Pap DeGreen did. He calmly walked in the room. (I still don't know how he got there so fast.) He took apart the bed, calmly telling us what to do to help. Then he put the bed back together, calmly telling us what to do to help.

"Sorry, Pap-pap," we said.

"It's ok," he said. "It was an accident."

Mercy, as from God himself.

Friends, your day today will be filled with real people, who will make mistakes. Accidents will happen.

In the strength and calm of the LORD, let's deal mercifully with others, as God in Christ, (and people like Pap DeGreen), has dealt with us.

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Worship Wednesday “Day of Praise”

News: 2nd Drive-In Worship this Sunday
(In addition to Saturday 5:00 p.m.


Saturday, 5/30, 5:00pmfor Drive-In Worship with contemporary music
Sunday, 5/31, 11:00amDrive-In Worship with traditional music.

  See below for Ad-Hoc Committee Weekly Report

Welcome to Wednesday Evening Worship Service!

Please click here for the worship bulletin for tonight's service. 

Please click here to listen and worship with us. 

If you missed our Wednesday 11:45am mid-day worship, we recorded it on Facebook Live.  Check out our Facebook page or go to
(This Saturday's 5:00pmDrive-In Worship will also be on Facebook Live)

Please join us in stopping to pray EVERY DAY at 7:14 amand 7:14 pm and pray and act in accord with this command of God from 2 Chronicles 7:14 — "...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Spread the word!

MORE BIG NEWS in this weekly update from the "CtK ad hoc Committee for Reopening" that meets Sunday nights.
We're adding a SECOND Rain or Shine, Drive-in worship opportunity (this one being TRADITIONAL with Holy Communion) on Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m.beginning this Sunday, May 31.This is in addition to the Saturday 5 p.m.CONTEMPORARY with Holy Communion that we started 2 weeks ago. Like Saturday, all are invited to bring chairs and sit next to your car. 11:00 a.m. Sunday is the best time so it will 1) not interfere with our online Sunday morning Bible studies and 2) be more agreeable for the Riverchase neighborhood. Please call Larry Loyacano at 205-746-8935 to volunteer to help direct cars in the parking lot.
Feedback about our initial Saturday 5 p.m. Drive-in worship services May 16 & 23 include many saying, "It was awesome!" Others said, "It was nice to have Holy Communion!" And others said, "It is so great to see everyone!" The first week 65 people participated. The second week 68.
So, we look forward to seeing all of you either Saturday at 5 p.m. for Drive-In worship with Contemporary music or Sunday at 11 a.m. for Drive-In worship with Traditional music!
Additionally, we are continuing all our current Sunday & Wednesday worship and Bible study opportunities online (both CtK website and Facebook) and outdoors in spaced chairs. Tuesday 10:15 a.m. Bible study (available by teleconference with Pastor Chris) and Wednesday 11:45 a.m. worship (available on Facebook Live and then posted after) are both outdoors at church in spaced chairs in the parking lot.
We continue working with your fantastic survey feedback and planning for reopening CtK facilities for indoor worship based on both careful consideration of what is best for our congregation's health and safety as outlined by state and local public health officials, and also based on our collecting and reviewing information on what other local churches are doing. For example, two large churches in Homewood that are right next to each other are taking very different courses as Dawson Baptist is reopening June 14, but Trinity Methodist is remaining closed. Pastor Brian at Trinity says, "We never closed" as is the case here at Christ the King. We're just sharing Christ, the Gospel, and loving service to one another and our surrounding community by different means than we were before.
Dick O'Brien and Dennis Stanek continue to investigate our indoor worship space seating capacities for both the sanctuary and Luther Room with regard to physical spacing, sanitizing, and air ventilation quality. We are concerned about singing indoors which not only spreads carrier droplets more than six feet but is then also recirculated through the air-conditioning system. Studies have shown this to be a problem in spreading COVID.
The committee welcomes information and feedback from the congregation.  Committee members are Rosemary Johnson, Susan Dearing, Dick O'Brien, Casey Van Kralingen, Sharon Gray, Dave Walter, Pastor Chris DeGreen, Pat Loyacano, Dennis Stanek, John-Michael Parsons, Tim Champion.





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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Devotion “Day of Praise”

Wed, 05/27/20, "Day of Praise"

"But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth..." - Exodus 21:23-25

It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Ya know, how could the loving God of the New Testament say such things in the Old Testament? And doesn't Jesus change that in the New Testament.

It's okay. A lot of people wonder.

But don't just wonder, please. Check it out.

In actuality, "life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth" was a very loving thing for God to command at that time. Why? God's people were surrounded by other people who said, "You took my eye, so I'm going to kill you!"

But God said to his people, "Life for eye is not fair; eye for eye is. Life for tooth is not fair; tooth for tooth is." God was teaching his people about justice.

And furthermore, though God had pointed to the Savior Messiah since Genesis 3 when he covered the man and woman with the blood sacrifice of an animal skin and though the prophets would be inspired to foretell of the coming Savior Messiah, God's people had not yet seen the Messiah, our Lord and Savior, Jesus. So being a people of justice was about as much as they could do.

But when God's people saw Jesus, everything could change. So moving is seeing Jesus that Simeon (Luke 2:25+) says, "This is as good as it gets. Now I can die." So moving is seeing Jesus that Saul (Acts 9+) was blinded by holiness, given new "eyes" of faith, and led to see life in a totally new way so that now he'd live as the great Saint Paul. So moving is seeing Jesus that Jesus in essence says (Matthew 5:38+) that we can say, "I know you took my eye, but I don't need your eye. I need to give you the grace that I was given, so I will love those who hurt me by praying for them. I will forgive, letting go of my stranglehold on those who hurt me, as I have been forgiven."

Seeing Jesus, the Messiah who saves, moves us from being the great people of God who give justice even though we're surrounded by injustice to being the great people of God who give grace because we're surrounded by God's grace.

Dear God, we're surrounded by injustice, to be sure in this sinful world, but, as with Simeon and as with Saul turned to Paul, give us eyes of faith to see Jesus and your grace so that, even when we must administer justice, we can do it in Christ with your love and grace. Amen.

Praise God! 

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Re: Devotion - Tuesday “Day of Praise”


From: Chris DeGreen <>
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 8:41:40 PM
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Mlremillard <>; Jamilla <>; Heidi <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Debbie McAdory <>; Debbie Streets <>; Deborah Fick <>; Deborah Flint <>; Derrick Richter <>; Gerry Bethany Roden <>; Greg Carter <>; James Rives <>; James Scoggins <>; Jan Kneule <>; Jasmine Mike Lewis <>; Jason Powell <>; Jerry Christianson <>; Jerry Ellingson <>; Jerry Nichols <>; Jessica Jonathan Sims <>; Jimmy S <>; pier1122 <>; Al sherry Russell <>; Alisha Callins <>; Angie Cerniglia <>; Aunt Sue Johnson <>; Bill Laurie Kinnebrew <>; Bob Hains <>; Bob Poole <>; Buddy Rutledge <>; Charles Streets <>; Charlotte Blackston <>; Corrine Elaine Eyer <>; Danny Endress <>; David Lyons <>; Dawn Zac <>; Ramona Jones <>; Randy Sandra Barker <>; Rob Hood <>; Robin Moman <>; Ronda Waller <>; Ruth Hudson <>; Sadie Email Messner <>; Sandra Only Barker <>; Susannah Doucet <>; Veta Tortomasi <>; Wilma Sweeney <>; bernie Minner <>; Josh Dunlap <>; Joy ONeal <>; Julie Gibbs <>; Kathy Mason <>; Leta Osborn <>; Lynn Headley <>; Marilyn Walsh <>; Maureen Lynn <>; Michael Randall <>; Mike Anderson <>; Mike Mooneyham <>; Missy Etheridge <>; Mitch Messner <>; Mom Martha green <>; Ms Concetta Ward <>; Priscilla Gray <>; <>; Dr Mike Jasmine Lewis <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Lyn Franks 253-2891 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: Devotion - Tuesday "Day of Praise"
Tues, 5/26/20, "Day of Praise"

Isaiah 1:18 - "Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool."

One of our senior church members, who can't drive and who was moved from Birmingham to Tuscaloosa a few years ago to be near her oldest child, is one of my dearest friends. My friend doesn't get out of her facility much, so she likes me to pick her up and take her to McDonald's for a milkshake, which she always insists on buying one for each of us. After getting my friend settled at a table one time, I stepped into the restroom where a young boy, maybe six years old, was cleaning the bathroom sink after he'd washed his hands. I told him he'd be a great Boy Scout, leaving places better than he found them. He said, "I'm not a Boy Scout; I'm a Christian."

And there you have it! A six year old laboring in obscurity for the Kingdom of God, cleaning up other people's messes and leaving places in the world better than they found 'em.

I don't know about you, but it sounds to me like that kid is walking in Jesus's steps and Jesus's power, which is the power of Holy Spirit.

Ohhhhh, that we had more six year olds or 36 year olds or 76 year olds like that kid.

A kid! Who not only reminded me of grown up Jesus and inspired me to keep following Jesus but who also reminded me of some other young kids I observed in another fast food bathroom a couple years ago.

I went into the Men's Room, and there were two little boys, probably 6 and 4, in there. The 6 year old's head barely came up to the sink counter, and he was trying to pick up the 4 year old, who he called Eli, so Eli could wash his hands with soap and water. As I stepped on through, I showed the boys the dispenser for the hand sanitizer and said it would be easier since they wouldn't need the water to clean their hands. As I continued past them, I couldn't help but smile as older brother told Eli to scrub his hands well with the waterless sanitizer, and Eli replied, saying, "This stuff is really neat. Is it Magic Soap?"

Adorable! A tiny, innocent, young child with a name, Eli, that means "My God" who wonders if he's using "Magic Soap." That's the childlike wonder that God wants from us in today's Bible verse, the wonder as to how God can take our sins that are "like scarlet" and make them "as white as snow." My God and Your God, who's Our God, must use "Magic Soap," where no sink is required, just His promise of His Word through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ and a little bit of tiny, innocent, young child-like faith in My God.

It's enough to both make you want to sing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" and also make you want to go worship and praise God with others ASAP.

So, God bless y'all! Have a Happy day! Watch out for kids who clean bathrooms with the Magical Love of Jesus and believe in the "Magic Soap" of God's Word! And let's praise God that we not only have grown up Jesus to follow but also some not so grown up amazing kids, who inspire us all to truly trust God and act like we're His children!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Monday, May 25, 2020

Devotion - Tuesday “Day of Praise”

Tues, 5/26/20, "Day of Praise"

Isaiah 1:18 - "Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool."

One of our senior church members, who can't drive and who was moved from Birmingham to Tuscaloosa a few years ago to be near her oldest child, is one of my dearest friends. My friend doesn't get out of her facility much, so she likes me to pick her up and take her to McDonald's for a milkshake, which she always insists on buying one for each of us. After getting my friend settled at a table one time, I stepped into the restroom where a young boy, maybe six years old, was cleaning the bathroom sink after he'd washed his hands. I told him he'd be a great Boy Scout, leaving places better than he found them. He said, "I'm not a Boy Scout; I'm a Christian."

And there you have it! A six year old laboring in obscurity for the Kingdom of God, cleaning up other people's messes and leaving places in the world better than they found 'em.

I don't know about you, but it sounds to me like that kid is walking in Jesus's steps and Jesus's power, which is the power of Holy Spirit.

Ohhhhh, that we had more six year olds or 36 year olds or 76 year olds like that kid.

A kid! Who not only reminded me of grown up Jesus and inspired me to keep following Jesus but who also reminded me of some other young kids I observed in another fast food bathroom a couple years ago.

I went into the Men's Room, and there were two little boys, probably 6 and 4, in there. The 6 year old's head barely came up to the sink counter, and he was trying to pick up the 4 year old, who he called Eli, so Eli could wash his hands with soap and water. As I stepped on through, I showed the boys the dispenser for the hand sanitizer and said it would be easier since they wouldn't need the water to clean their hands. As I continued past them, I couldn't help but smile as older brother told Eli to scrub his hands well with the waterless sanitizer, and Eli replied, saying, "This stuff is really neat. Is it Magic Soap?"

Adorable! A tiny, innocent, young child with a name, Eli, that means "My God" who wonders if he's using "Magic Soap." That's the childlike wonder that God wants from us in today's Bible verse, the wonder as to how God can take our sins that are "like scarlet" and make them "as white as snow." My God and Your God, who's Our God, must use "Magic Soap," where no sink is required, just His promise of His Word through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ and a little bit of tiny, innocent, young child-like faith in My God.

It's enough to both make you want to sing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" and also make you want to go worship and praise God with others ASAP.

So, God bless y'all! Have a Happy day! Watch out for kids who clean bathrooms with the Magical Love of Jesus and believe in the "Magic Soap" of God's Word! And let's praise God that we not only have grown up Jesus to follow but also some not so grown up amazing kids, who inspire us all to truly trust God and act like we're His children!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Re: Devotion “Day of Praise” for Memorial Day, Monday, 5/25/20

Amen! This seems to be the Rhema word for the people of God. The sermon by Pastor Dino Rizzo of Church of the Highlands yesterday was titled "Interruption or Invitation." The theme scripture was from the book of Luke, the story of the Good Samaritan. The overall theme of the message was, when God aligns our paths with those who are facing the challenges of life, we - just as Calley - should see that moment as an invitation to show the love and grace of God to that person. By doing so, those persons we help experience a God encounter that changes their lives and trajectory forever. Thank you for this inspirational nugget, Pastor! God Bless and Keep you!

From: Chris DeGreen <>
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 7:44:40 AM
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Mlremillard <>; Jamilla <>; Heidi <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Debbie McAdory <>; Debbie Streets <>; Deborah Fick <>; Deborah Flint <>; Derrick Richter <>; Gerry Bethany Roden <>; Greg Carter <>; James Rives <>; James Scoggins <>; Jan Kneule <>; Jasmine Mike Lewis <>; Jason Powell <>; Jerry Christianson <>; Jerry Ellingson <>; Jerry Nichols <>; Jessica Jonathan Sims <>; Jimmy S <>; pier1122 <>; Al sherry Russell <>; Alisha Callins <>; Angie Cerniglia <>; Aunt Sue Johnson <>; Bill Laurie Kinnebrew <>; Bob Hains <>; Bob Poole <>; Buddy Rutledge <>; Charles Streets <>; Charlotte Blackston <>; Corrine Elaine Eyer <>; Danny Endress <>; David Lyons <>; Dawn Zac <>; Ramona Jones <>; Randy Sandra Barker <>; Rob Hood <>; Robin Moman <>; Ronda Waller <>; Ruth Hudson <>; Sadie Email Messner <>; Sandra Only Barker <>; Susannah Doucet <>; Veta Tortomasi <>; Wilma Sweeney <>; bernie Minner <>; Josh Dunlap <>; Joy ONeal <>; Julie Gibbs <>; Kathy Mason <>; Leta Osborn <>; Lynn Headley <>; Marilyn Walsh <>; Maureen Lynn <>; Michael Randall <>; Mike Anderson <>; Mike Mooneyham <>; Missy Etheridge <>; Mitch Messner <>; Mom Martha green <>; Ms Concetta Ward <>; Priscilla Gray <>; <>; Dr Mike Jasmine Lewis <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Lyn Franks 253-2891 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: Devotion "Day of Praise" for Memorial Day, Monday, 5/25/20

Monday, 5/25/20, Memorial Day

John 15:13 - "[Jesus said,] 'Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.'"

As we take time this Memorial Day to thank God for the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and the freedoms we enjoy, let's remember that Christ, who made the ultimate sacrifice for the spiritual freedom of every nation, was raised from the dead to pour out his life everyday to set people free.

I remember a time when my three now-adult children and I went on vacation for a few days. As we worshiped together in our hotel room one morning, my oldest, Calley, concluded our worship by asking God to cross our paths with other people of His choosing so we could be a blessing in Christ there in that place like we ask and look to be at home. 

Well, no sooner had we finished worship than we walked 50 yards to our bus and got there just in time to be the last on board so that we were standing at the yellow line next to the driver. The driver started having a grand time, looking in the mirror and engaging everyone on the sound system. His name was Tito, and he was from Carolina, Puerto Rico. 

I turned to Tito and said, "I'm so excited because I've always dreamed that when I retire from pastoring that I'll become a Disney bus driver and minister to people like you're doing." 

Tito replied, "Oh, I'm a big believer, but I don't do the church thing."

I said, "Just look at all the joy you're bringing to people on this bus who weren't even looking for it. Just think how much you'd bring to the many people who come to church because they're looking for God!"

Tito's face turned white as a sheet. Then he asked if, after we got to our destination and everyone else got off, we'd stay and listen to something about God as Creator that he'd recently downloaded to his phone. 

Of course, we said, "Yes!" because Calley had asked God not ten minutes beforehand to cross our paths with God's chosen and planned divine appointments. 

After the bus unloaded, we stayed with Tito, and he played his download about God being the greatest Artist who created all the other great artists. And then we encouraged him to find a church home and use his God-given gifts toward others. 

He started crying, which is a Biblical mark of revival, and shared how he wasn't even supposed to be driving that bus that day, but two others bailed out on the company, and he was the next driver they called. He also shared how God told him to close the door right after we got on the bus instead of cramming in 20 more like he was supposed to do, which led to our standing right next to him. 

In sum, y'all, Christ poured himself out through worship in a hotel room and Calley's prayer and a willingness by Tito to serve by driving a bus he was not supposed to be driving and to talk to the most important person in your world, namely, the person who is right in front of you. Tito, Calley, and the rest of our family, we're just plain ordinary people like everyone else, who God wants to work through extraordinarily, as God wants to do through all people, so He can get the glory because we were all made to love to praise the Lord. 

So stop right now, like Calley did, and ask the Lord to cross your path today and everyday with the people of His choice. Yes, it's kind of scary because it's laying down your life both for others and for God's glory. But we can lay down our lives for these purposes because 1) others have poured out their lives for us, as we celebrate today on this Memorial Day, and 2) Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, continues to pour out his life for us everyday!

To God be the Glory!

Praise God!