Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day of Praise

Tu, 05/19/15, 45th of 50 Days of Easter, "Day of Praise," so say it with The Easter Guy, "Jesus is alive, and you are loved!"


Okay! Today's devotional...

Luke 18:16 - But Jesus called for them, saying, "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

So, I'm barely done sending out yesterday's Day of Praise texts since there are many who receive it that way instead of email. (And remember, yesterday's devotion was about a wonderful kid with orange-Cheetos hands giving me and my black clothes a big two-handed hug from God.) 

So I'm barely done sending out those texts when I walk into church and see all the preschool kids in the hall, and I ask them all what I regularly ask them, "Who's with you all day long?" And most of the 3s and 4s and some of the 2s say, "Jesus!"

And before I can get to the next question ("Who are you?" where the kids answer, "A child of God!"), this three year old boy comes flying out of the bathroom and gives me a great big, WET, 2-handed hug, and then he steps back, looks up and says, "I huuded yah voice so I huuded out to hug you!"

Tears of joy spilled forth from me and another adult who saw it.

Maybe that's why Jesus said,   "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them..." in today's verse. I bet Jesus loved it when God's littlest ones came running to him with Cheetos hands or wet-bathroom hands just because they heard his voice. 

Maybe that's why Jesus said,   "...do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" in today's verse. I bet God loves it when God's children of any size come running to him with Cheetos hands or wet-bathroom hands just because they heard his voice. 

Friends, God is eager for us to hear his voice, and then God is eager to receive us when we come running, no matter how dirty our hands may be. (And all our hands are dirty, literally and figuratively!) 

Our hearing his voice and our running to him can happen daily when we read our Bibles daily, look for and listen for him throughout the day, go to worship at least weekly, invite others to do the same, and talk to kids, big and small, young and old, about Jesus. 

Just do it! And watch the love of Jesus abound and the kingdom of God spill forth!!!

May God be praised!

Praise God!

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