Sunday, April 14, 2019

Day of Praise

Mon, 04/15/19, Monday of Holy Week, "Day of Praise"

It's Holy Week. Maybe, if you're around Birmingham, we'll see you in Holy Week worship at noon today at our community worship at Riverchase Presbyterian or at 7 pm at our church Christ the King Lutheran in Hoover. Here's today's devotion. 


"Burn the entire ram on the altar. It is a burnt offering to the LORD, a pleasing aroma." - Exodus 29:18


Smell is amazing, taking our minds to a whole other realm. Smell of mown grass? Reminds me of baseball. Cigars? My Pap DeGreen. Bacon? My Gram Yost. Cold air and wood? A church sanctuary.


From where do we get this? I guess from God because today's verse says God likes the smell of a ram that's burning on the altar; it's "a pleasing aroma"... is the smell of Christians bearing Christ to the world. "We are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the" - 2 Corinthians 2:15-16


God's saying some will receive us. To others we'll "smell like a rat," which is sad. But if you really care and want them to smell heaven, then share the aroma of Christ.

In the Bible, to "share the aroma of Christ" is 1) to care about other people's relationship with God, 2) to pray for them since incense represents the sweet smell of prayers to God, and 3) to act in a way that brings them blessing. This is what Jesus does for us and why he is our strength to do the same for others. 

Make it a great day with Jesus and his boundless love! And remember to spread it around! 

Praise God!

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