Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Day of Praise

Tues, 04/16/19, Tuesday of Holy Week, "Day of Praise"

It's Holy Week. Maybe, if you're around Birmingham, we'll see you in Holy Week worship at noon today at our community worship at Riverchase Presbyterian or at 7 pm at our church, Christ the King Lutheran in Hoover. Here's today's devotion. 


"Then [Joseph] sent his brothers away, and...said to them, 'Don't quarrel on the way!'" - Genesis 45:24


Good luck with that! Telling brothers not to quarrel on a road trip. Ha!


I remember my brother and I having some humdinger quarrels, and we were the best of friends! Still are.


Who do you quarrel with?


A quarrel is a pointless argument. It's arguing about Seinfeld--ya know, arguing about nothing.


Oh sure, it's something. But in the grand scheme of things...it's nothing. Do you really need an example? Quarrels I've heard as a pastor:

¤ direction toilet paper rolls out,

¤ whisker water drops on bath sink,

¤ what goes in the junk drawer!?!?


God says this in Proverbs 26:20, "Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down." Ouch! I think we all just got called "gossips" by the LORD!


Joseph said, "Don't quarrel on the way!"


Please God, help us not to quarrel but instead to act in love toward one another as if we're in the presence of The One who Saves us from sin and all such pointless wastes of energy because, well, we are in the presence of Jesus, The One and Only who Saves by His cross that we're deeply pondering this Holy Week! In Jesus's name. 

Make it a great day with Jesus and his boundless love! And remember to spread it around! 

Praise God!

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