Monday, May 25, 2020

Re: Devotion “Day of Praise” for Memorial Day, Monday, 5/25/20

Amen! This seems to be the Rhema word for the people of God. The sermon by Pastor Dino Rizzo of Church of the Highlands yesterday was titled "Interruption or Invitation." The theme scripture was from the book of Luke, the story of the Good Samaritan. The overall theme of the message was, when God aligns our paths with those who are facing the challenges of life, we - just as Calley - should see that moment as an invitation to show the love and grace of God to that person. By doing so, those persons we help experience a God encounter that changes their lives and trajectory forever. Thank you for this inspirational nugget, Pastor! God Bless and Keep you!

From: Chris DeGreen <>
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 7:44:40 AM
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Subject: Devotion "Day of Praise" for Memorial Day, Monday, 5/25/20

Monday, 5/25/20, Memorial Day

John 15:13 - "[Jesus said,] 'Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.'"

As we take time this Memorial Day to thank God for the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and the freedoms we enjoy, let's remember that Christ, who made the ultimate sacrifice for the spiritual freedom of every nation, was raised from the dead to pour out his life everyday to set people free.

I remember a time when my three now-adult children and I went on vacation for a few days. As we worshiped together in our hotel room one morning, my oldest, Calley, concluded our worship by asking God to cross our paths with other people of His choosing so we could be a blessing in Christ there in that place like we ask and look to be at home. 

Well, no sooner had we finished worship than we walked 50 yards to our bus and got there just in time to be the last on board so that we were standing at the yellow line next to the driver. The driver started having a grand time, looking in the mirror and engaging everyone on the sound system. His name was Tito, and he was from Carolina, Puerto Rico. 

I turned to Tito and said, "I'm so excited because I've always dreamed that when I retire from pastoring that I'll become a Disney bus driver and minister to people like you're doing." 

Tito replied, "Oh, I'm a big believer, but I don't do the church thing."

I said, "Just look at all the joy you're bringing to people on this bus who weren't even looking for it. Just think how much you'd bring to the many people who come to church because they're looking for God!"

Tito's face turned white as a sheet. Then he asked if, after we got to our destination and everyone else got off, we'd stay and listen to something about God as Creator that he'd recently downloaded to his phone. 

Of course, we said, "Yes!" because Calley had asked God not ten minutes beforehand to cross our paths with God's chosen and planned divine appointments. 

After the bus unloaded, we stayed with Tito, and he played his download about God being the greatest Artist who created all the other great artists. And then we encouraged him to find a church home and use his God-given gifts toward others. 

He started crying, which is a Biblical mark of revival, and shared how he wasn't even supposed to be driving that bus that day, but two others bailed out on the company, and he was the next driver they called. He also shared how God told him to close the door right after we got on the bus instead of cramming in 20 more like he was supposed to do, which led to our standing right next to him. 

In sum, y'all, Christ poured himself out through worship in a hotel room and Calley's prayer and a willingness by Tito to serve by driving a bus he was not supposed to be driving and to talk to the most important person in your world, namely, the person who is right in front of you. Tito, Calley, and the rest of our family, we're just plain ordinary people like everyone else, who God wants to work through extraordinarily, as God wants to do through all people, so He can get the glory because we were all made to love to praise the Lord. 

So stop right now, like Calley did, and ask the Lord to cross your path today and everyday with the people of His choice. Yes, it's kind of scary because it's laying down your life both for others and for God's glory. But we can lay down our lives for these purposes because 1) others have poured out their lives for us, as we celebrate today on this Memorial Day, and 2) Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, continues to pour out his life for us everyday!

To God be the Glory!

Praise God!

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