Fri, 08/30/19, "Day of Praise"
"And Herod with his soldiers treated [Jesus] with contempt and mocked him. Then, arraying him in splendid clothing, he sent him back to Pilate. And Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that very day, for before this they had been at enmity with each other." - Luke 23:11-12
It's a simple premise actually: we tend to become friends with people who enjoy, and therefore value, the same things as we do.
In today's verse, Pilate and Herod both enjoyed ridiculing Jesus, so it makes sense that the at-one-time enemies would become friends. Unfortunately, such a friendship can only self-destruct.
In contrast, God wants us to believe that if we'll value seeking and serving the Lord (instead of griping about the Lord and other people), then we'll find friendships that endure forever.
As we shared in worship Sunday night, a friendship cannot just be based on going to church because there are tragically lots of people who go to church but remain their own lord of their own life, which is usually characterized by discontentment and griping, disinterest in studying God's word, and disinterest in serving others.
Enduring friendships are found with people who value trusting the everlasting God, which is characterized by a consistent joyful spirit, an eagerness to worship God, and a conviction that serving others in love (with words from God and deeds of God) is a natural fruit from the overflow of a daily, personal relationship with the only true God who pours himself and his love into us by the outpouring of his Holy Spirit.
If you want great relationships, it's more important to focus on becoming the right person and valuing the right things than it is finding the right person who treats you the right way.
When we value being in a loving, obedient/trusting, and joyful relationship with God through Jesus, the valuable earthly relationships will follow.
Praise God!