Sunday, March 29, 2020

Re: Sunday School Discussion 3/29/20

Thank you, Robbie!

I understand everything you've said because you've said it well. And I agree with all your summaries. 
In accord with your chapter 17 comments, the third point in today's sermon (which y'all can listen to in the worship recording and there's also a link to the transcript) is that God works through hard times like nowadays to transform our yearnings from yearning for things of this world to yearning for things of God. 
I think chapters 18 and 19 then become applications of that transformation. 
Children can easily observe birds or mayflies or other critters mating all around us. It's an opportunity to speak of sex as a natural part of life ordained and put in proper order by God. We, as adults, just need to make time to take walks with our kids, read books and stories to them that are based on God's truth and not the distortions of the world, and actually make time to listen to our children's wonder of all that is around them and talk with them about it, which is why meals and prayers are so important together. Our true yearning is to see all children, not just our own children by blood, grow up in the Lord and His truth. 
Additionally, it's a simple application to say that the senses and affections in marriage remain strong, even after body parts may no longer cooperate, when we yearn to see in our spouse what God yearns to see in each of us, namely, that we come to love broccoli! Ha! What I mean is that many foods are acquired tastes as we mature. So too, submitting to one another out of reverence for Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:21) is an acquired taste. No child is born with it. But surrendering in obedience to God's clear word happens when we believe in and then naturally come to be in awe of God's sacrificially loving work in Christ and the persistently patient sanctifying work of Holy Spirit to transform our appetites to be in harmony with Christ. 
In sum, God made us to love both to praise him for who he is and to love also seeing other people and things grow as we pour out our life for them, especially our God-given spouse and children, along with God-given friends who are friends because we love them with Christ-like sacrificial love, and not necessarily because they love us with Christ's love in return. 
When we surrender to God's word in this way, true love abounds and there is ZERO fear of death because that's what Christ's love does all the time, namely, die to self, trusting God's promise that the one who willingly dies to self and unto the Lord will discover again and again a life, the abundant life, eternal life, for which God made us to yearn! 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sunday Worship at CtK Day of Praise and other updates


Welcome to Sunday Worship, Prayer List, Sunday School, and Ministry Opportunities at Christ the King Lutheran Church!

Please click here for the bulletin for today's Traditional Worship Service. 

Please click here to listen to and enjoy our Traditional Worship Service.

This is pre-recorded.  You can listen at any time, listen multiple times, pause and come back to continue listening, or even just listen to part of the worship service. 

Please click here for the bulletin for today's Contemporary Worship Service. 

Please click here to listen to and enjoy our Contemporary Worship Service.

This is pre-recorded.  You can listen at any time, listen multiple times, pause and come back to continue listening, or even just listen to part of the worship service. 

For our prayer request page, please see below.  Should you, or someone you know, wish to be added to our prayer list, please contact Pastor Chris or the church office.

Sunday School for All Ages
Neal's & other adult classes, youth classes, & children's classes are being provided with interactive experiences.  Please see below for specific links or contact them direct.
Neal Schmidt:  205-305-2987
John Michael Parsons:  334-549-3093
Amanda DeGreen:  205-901-0003
Susan Dearing:  205-467-8736

If your class is providing opportunities to gather electronically, please contact the church office so we can help spread the word.

Prayer requests can be sent to

Offerings are appreciated at or for us all to avoid the credit card fee, mail a check to:
Christ the King Lutheran Church, 611 Riverchase Parkway West, Birmingham, AL 35244.

Hoover Helps is collecting food for students next week. See instructions for items needed on the Neighborhood Bridges website. If you want to contribute but don't want to go out to shop, contact Debbie Fick at 205-862-1704 by Thursday, April 2nd, and she will make a trip to Sam's and make up and deliver bags to the schools.

PLEASE PASS it on:  Some of you are very capable of passing on these links on Facebook and other ways.  Please pass it on and share the good news with others!!


Sunday School Links for All Ages

Neal's Sunday School Class
Regarding feeling "alone" or "loneliness" I'd suggest 3 Psalms; 13, 40, & 43 to receive God's Word in our current struggles. 
Since we are physically apart for now, if you have prayer requests that you would like to request, I would truly encourage that. You can send them out directly to the group listed in this email, or you can send them to me or Susan, and I'll be glad to request those prayers from this group. God is always with us, and we are with each other, so let us continue to lift up one another in prayer and offer words of encouragement to one another.  
Some special prayer requests have been made tonight from Lynn Headley. We ask that you be her prayer warriors and cover her with your prayers.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions, pray that her son, Josh, and Mackenzie will have the wisdom to know what to do about their wedding which is scheduled for this coming Saturday, March 28. Pray for their future together as Mackenzie has problems traveling to and from the island vet school where she has been accepted. Pray that God will provide a vet school for her to be able to attend. Pray for Lynn, in the midst of all this, to have this kind of peace: Phil 4:7 "7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Youth Classes
All the high school and middle school youth are meeting together tomorrow through the zoom app.  The zoom app allows face to face conversation.  If you are not connected to the youth classes, please call or text John Michael at 334-549-3093

Children's Classes

Children's Ministry (by way of Shandra Graf's Zoom account) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Meeting Topic: CTK Elementary Education - March 29
Lesson Topic: Praying for Yourself

Time: Mar 29, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

You may join the meeting by either clicking the link below on your PC OR by clicking the link on your phone.  If you use your phone, you will need to download the Zoom app and create an account before joining (it isn't complicated but takes a few moments).  

Also another reminder for Children's Ministry families to join the BAND group:

  • Group has read alouds from the Jesus Storybook Bible
  • Activities, lessons, and craft ideas
  • Boredom Busters for the kiddos
  • The Weekly Children's Message from Miss Patsy
  • Capability to get updates, share photos, videos, and connect with other families, staff, and volunteers.

If your class is providing opportunities to gather electronically, or by teleconference, please contact the church office so we can help spread the word.


Most Recent Prayer Requests
Joys and Concerns, Specific and General, Congregation and Beyond:

Specific Concerns: Nancy Hoffman with the death of her husband John this past week and her need for wrist surgery; Ann Jeffcoat; Melissa Ekstrand; Debbie Fick's sister, Donita, job; Tom Fisher; Chris George, back; Sharon Grimes' husband, Gary, & nghbrs Dr. Tim & Kathryn Peters; Sarah Harfield; Maizie Nelson's son-in-law, Lt Col Don Kosatkas, deployed to NY for a mobile field hospital, & cousin, Nancy, stroke; New Youth Director John-Michael & Lindsay Parsons with many current transitions & Lindsay's, mom, Kelly, & John-Michael's mom, Leta (cancer) & dad, & fam, Anna, Rena, & Penelope, & their fr, Trey & his family as Trey is a Navy Medic working with COVID-19 sufferers; Genelle & Helen Powell; Peggy Sedlacek; Caden & Cassidy's Nanny & Pop; Todd Barnett; Gilberts' fr, Hal Hutchins; Alex Jackson; Gloria Marine (bone marrow transplant); Robert (recently widowed); Scott & Leslie Mazzei;
Specific Concerns recent weeks— The Aughtmans; Charlotte Blackston's gson, Sam; Lisa Brunk; Eli Carter; Donna Cottone; Dave Demsky; Lyn Franks' bro, Ken; Art Fries' fam, Karen; Stan Gillard; Ross Gregson; Bob Hains; Lynn Headley; Hoaglund family's friend, Dale; Kasper's frs, Tommy & Edwin; Kelley Key; Jasmine Lewis's dad; Pat Loyacano; April Matherson & Nakina; Jeff & Jim Minner; Russell Moore; JoJo Nagel; Phyllis Nichols' sis, Sharon & Morris; Ernesto's 9 y/o fr, Destiny; The Palaos; Faith Penrod; Caroline, Nora, Taya, & Sammy Philips; Sherry Pittman;  Shawn Price's dad, Larry; James Scoggins; Chuck & Greg Segrest; John Sergeiko; Tara Slater; Dennis Stanek; Dawn Talley's fr, Kim; Zac Talley; George Wehby's fr, Kevin; Earl Waller, 5/13knee replacement; Daddy George Wehby; Chris Williams, upcoming back surgery; Elana's uncle & aunt, Charlie (brain bleed) & Quito
Joys: Weddings of Catherine Spitalieri & Wally Casey Barker, 03/20, & Josh Headley & Mackenzie Coley, 3/28
Lower parking lot Community Prayer Box prayer requests:  James; Christian
Global Disciplemakers: Terra Nova Academy (Uganda); Joey & Jenese Sammons (Mexico, India); First Priority Global - Benny Proffitt; Hand in Hand Partnership - John Constantine; Philip & Joanna Zeiger (Asia, thru East/West Min.); Our Mexico Mission Team; our youth, praying on God's call!
In Hospice Care: Rethea Foster's brother, Jim Liverman (wife Donna)
Deaths: John Hoffman; Laurel Stanek's dad, Steve Nagy; John-Michael Parsons' gmom, Meme; Larry Loyacano's coworker, Headley; Linda Hinchman's mom
General Concerns that have been requested: For God to continue to reveal himself through all this; The Church in this & every place; All who are vulnerable & isolated; Health care workers in every nation; victory over coronavirus; victory over every illness and disease; the jobless; small businesses; the economy of every nation; the leaders of every nation; Alabama Oncology clinic; the diligence of teachers & students in this different "classroom"





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Christ The King Lutheran Church, LCMC
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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day of Praise

Happy 40th Birthday today to my sweet, amazing, brilliant, generous, patient, compassionate, encouraging, beautiful and godly wife, Amanda!

Let's ask God to help us remember and give thanks for all the sweet, amazing, brilliant, generous, patient, compassionate, encouraging, and godly people that God has given us to have in our lives!

Fri, 03/27/20, "Day of Praise"

"My father," she replied, "you have given your word to the LORD. Do to me just as you promised, now that the LORD has avenged you of your enemies" - Judges 11:34-40

Malcolm X, in his biography, finished posthumously by Alex Haley, once said, "Never ask a question for which you might get a response that you really don't want."

A slightly different saying can be set forth In today's Bible verses about Jephthah the Gileadite, namely, "Never make a deal or promise that you're not ready to keep."

However, because of Jephthah's daughter's faithfulness to God, Jephthah's promise to God is kept. "My father," she replied, "you have given your word to the LORD. Do to me just as you promised, now that the LORD has avenged you of your enemies". (Judges 11:34-40)

Talk about an unsung hero! We aren't even told her name. Sure we remember Abraham and Isaac and their willingness to do as God commanded with the sacrifice of Isaac, but what about Jephthah and what's-her-name?

They not only did the deed, but it was the innocent child, what's-her-name, who made sure they did!

And just as what's-her-name went to the greatest length to help Jephthah stay faithful to God, there are people in all of our lives who go to great lengths to help us stay faithful too.

Maybe you don't even think about or remember the name of ol' what's-her-name or what's-his-name.

But God does.

How about we all slow down today for a few minutes and ask God to help us remember and give thanks for the what's-her-names in our lives who have helped us have some semblance of faithfulness to God?

Ol' what's-her-name clearly doesn't care from the standpoint of needing to be remembered.

But God does...from the standpoint of wanting us to be people of thanks!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

In today's verse, Ruth embodies, ideally, what Jesus is perfectly, namely, faithful.

Thur, 03/26/20, "Day of Praise"

"But Ruth replied, 'Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.'" - Ruth 1:16

Today's verse has got to be one of the most famous quotes, Biblical or otherwise, in all of human history. The only question is, "Why?" Why are Ruth's words so dear and enduring to humanity?

Do we really need to ask?

We all long for faithful friends, for people who will stick with their commitment through...well, better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness or health.

And, as today's verse and the Bible Book of Ruth make clear, such faithfulness is longed for in every kind of relationship. Our flesh might like affection, but our souls are definitely starving for faithful relationships.

I love contemporary music, but there is nothing like the words of faithful friendship found in the Golden Oldie, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."

"Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake you?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He'll take and shield you,
You will find a solace there."

In today's verse, Ruth embodies, ideally, what Jesus is perfectly, namely, faithful. And because Jesus is perfectly what our souls are starving for, then we can be like Ruth, faithful, to the people in our lives.

Dear God, thank you for Jesus. In him, you give us both the longing of our hearts and also strength to be the same for others, namely, faithful friends. Amen.

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday Worship Day of Praise


Welcome to Wednesday Evening Worship Service!

Please click here for the worship bulletin for tonight's service. 

Please click here to listen and worship with us. 


Please join us in stopping to pray EVERY DAY at 7:14 amand 7:14 pm and pray and act in accord with this command of God from 2 Chronicles 7:14 — "...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Spread the word!





Copyright © 2020 Christ The King Lutheran Church, LCMC, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you have opted in through the church office. 

Our mailing address is: 
Christ The King Lutheran Church, LCMC
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Daily Prayer Request Day of Praise

Please join us in stopping to pray EVERY DAY at 7:14 am and 7:14 pm and pray and act in accord with this command of God from
2 Chronicles 7:14 —
"...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Spread the word!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day of Praise

Dear friends, God is not far away. 

Wed, 03/25/20, "Day of Praise"

2 Chronicles 32:8 - "'With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.' And the people took confidence from the words of Hezeki′ah king of Judah."

God alone can call us into being; without God doing it, we don't even exist. God alone can breathe into us the breath of life; without God doing it, we have a body which has no life. God alone can bring forth food from the earth, find us when we're lost, pay the penalty of our sin, defeat the power of sin, and more.

In today's Bible verse from 2 Chronicles 32:8, we hear one of the best kings ever, Hezeki′ah king of Judah, say, "With [those who try to harm us] is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles." And look at how all who believed him responded as we also see in 2 Chronicles 32:8 where God also tells us that "the people took confidence from the words of Hezeki′ah king of Judah." When people hear that God is not far away, when people hear that God is with us, that God is here to help us, then people are encouraged.

And isn't it true? When someone lives their life in a way that shows they clearly believe that God is with us, to do what he does and be who he is and be our help and our strength, then that person inspires us. And when someone calls us to live our life, believing that God is with us, to do what he does and be who he is and be our help and our strength, then that person inspires us.

Dear friends, God is not far away. Like Hezeki′ah, king of Judah, said long ago, "with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles."

Believe it, and be inspired to encourage others to trust that God is here for them too! For it's true!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Monday, March 23, 2020

Day of Praise

Here are two sure things: 1) People will talk to us if we will listen to them. 2) God will listen to us if we will talk to him. 

Tues, 03/24/20, "Day of Praise"

Psalm 28:6 - "Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy."

It's the world in which we live.

Many people find it hard to praise God.

People who find it hard to praise God are people who are just flat out overwhelmed by difficulties in their personal life, usually, because of financial issues, marital issues, health issues, the needs of their parents, or problems with their kids. They can't see God to praise him for who he is because their issues are so big and just right up in their face. 

So we listen. 

To one another. 

And we pray. 

For one another.

And with one another. 

To help one another to see that God is listening. 

Even though it's hard to see beyond the many issues. 

We listen to one another because God promises to send someone into our life who will listen to us. And it helps. It helps when someone listens to us. Because after listening to so many others in the day, we sometimes don't feel like praising God. Instead, we feel overwhelmed by all the people problems put in front of us. But when our special someone listens, it feels like God is listening. And when God listens to us, then our soul is watered, and we can't help but praise God for who he is and for the one he sent us. 

To listen. 

To us. 

That's what God is talking about in today's Bible verse from Psalm 28:6 - "Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy."

That's what people are talking about when they say they feel closer to God after we listen to them and pray with them.

And that's what the people in front of you need today. It's why they'll talk to you. Because you'll listen. And it will make them feel closer to God.

Dear God, we praise you for listening to us. And we thank you for the people you send us who listen to us. And for the people who will pray with us. And pray for us. Help us, Lord, to be that person for others who listens to them and prays with them so that more people might praise you today for bending your ear to us all. Amen.

Psalm 28:6 - "Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy."

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

Laughter and encouragement for you, I pray. 

Mon, 03/23/20, "Day of Praise"

Psalm 126:2 - "Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'"

Do y'all think the Almighty laughs? I was so close to finding out.

The second Sunday of the month is usually our 5 p.m. prayer and healing service, which Almighty God has used to bring physical, spiritual, and emotional healing to many. It's an amazing service for those who come. 

After a few calming songs and corporate prayer, we grab a chair and invite people to sit in it. Everyone lays their hands on the person in the chair and prays for them. Getting more than 4 or 5 people around one person requires some creativity, and we always have more than 4 or 5. 

I myself love this service and want others to have a great experience, so I'll assume one of the "creative" positions as we lay hands on the person in the chair. And, for those who don't know me, I not only love worship, but I also take worship very seriously. I mean, we're in the presence of the Holy God. So there's room to be real and smile and laugh but not to turn worship into Comedy Hour. 

So this one night a while back, in all reverence, I creatively found a spot where I had to kneel down next to the person in the chair as we all gathered around. And then it happened. I started to cramp. Ya know, one of those wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-with-a-calf-or-thigh-stuck-in-pain kind of cramps. And I'm thinking that I'm about to fall over in pain and be rolling all over the floor and be unable to breathe let alone speak, but everyone's going to think that this reverent-in-worship, believer-in-healing, Lutheran pastor has been slain in the spirit. So I'm picturing this imminent, comical, cramp scene in my head while we're all praying over the chair person. And, I'm serious y'all, God zaps me and tells me I've got to stop drinking so much Diet Coke.

And I'm just hoping that God has a sense of humor because I'm not feeling very reverent and spiritual through these three minutes. And all I can do is turn my heart to God and, in a way that only God could hear, I squeal, "Please, Lord!" And immediately, I was able to say as in today's verse, "The Lord has done great things," as the cramp immediately went away. 

And not wanting to unnecessarily put God to the test, I did find a standing position when the next person sat in the chair.

So y'all, have a blessed Monday, believing that God loves you, walks with you, is working in his infinite wisdom to heal you in every way, and definitely heals all who believe in Jesus to be the Son of God in the most important way, namely, the healing of your heart through the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation to God. And don't forget, as is also in today's verse, to let your "mouth [be] filled with laughter, and [your] tongue with shouts of joy!"

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sunday worship recording Day of Praise

Earlier today, several (less than 10 😀) church members gathered and worshiped, recorded it, and just now put it on the website and sent out the link in an email. Did you receive it and the phone call giving the heads up about it?
If you did not receive that call and email and you want to, what's your best phone number and email address?
Here's the link to worship on our website! You can click and worship as much as you want!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day of Praise

May God grant all of us to say something like St. Paul, something like "I have believed to the end because the Lord is good!"

Thur, 03/19/20, "Day of Praise"

2 Timothy 4:7-8 - "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing."

I wish I could remember so I could give them credit. But decades ago, I heard or read how someone ended every class by asking people, "What are you taking with you?" It is a way to make people stop and think about what they learned so they can give an account when somebody says, "What did you learn and talk about in class?"

It is a good practice for the end of life too and not just the end of a class. In today's Bible verse, St. Paul is, in essence, answering the question, "What are you taking with you?" St. Paul not only gives an account for his own life, but he also encourages all of us to love the appearing of Jesus because it brings a great reward. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, what St. Paul means is that there is great blessing for those who love it when God shows up and does his thing, which sometimes sets our enemies straight, but sometimes sets us straight, which we may not be so excited about.

So, as Lent is a season for us to think deeply about some things that we may not want to think about, the question is set before us, as with Paul, at the end of this day that God has granted you, "What are you taking with you from the day?" And, at the end of the big Day, when Jesus appears to take you to your heavenly home, what will you say to the question, "What are you taking with you from the class of life?"

May God grant all of us to say something like St. Paul, something like "I have believed to the end because the Lord is good!"

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Wednesday Worship Day of Praise


Welcome to Wednesday Evening Worship Service!

Please click here for the worship bulletin for tonight's service. 

Please click here to listen and enjoy. 

If you'd like to see a transcript of the message from Connie Kasper, please click here.







Copyright © 2020 Christ The King Lutheran Church, LCMC, All rights reserved. 

Day of Praise

Good morning! With all that's going on, it totally escaped me that yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. As God grants it, each day, this life of faith goes on. And there are responsibilities to tend to. But life in every season and situation is so much better when we notice, acknowledge, and remember the God and the people, who surround us like a cloud, even as we with love surround them too.

Wed, 03/18/20, For St. Patrick's Day, "Day of Praise"

Hebrews 12:1 - "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

Hunh! "So great a cloud." In today's tech world, the great cloud is where all your data gets stored safely.

But for those who hunger for peace and heaven and enduring life, the greatest cloud always was, is, and will be where people are witnessing to the greatness of God, which is perfectly revealed in Jesus Christ.

That's what St. Patrick did, always yearning to be an overflowing vessel to others by keeping his eyes on Jesus Christ as testified in his breastplate prayer, which has always meant so much to me and is as follows: Christ be with me, Christ within me. Christ behind me, Christ before me. Christ beside me, Christ to win me. Christ to comfort me and restore me. Christ beneath me, Christ above me. Christ in quiet, Christ in danger. Christ in hearts of all that love me. Christ in mouth of friend or stranger.

Wow! Eyes on Jesus; eyes that then focus on spreading the love to others! 

Each day, it is so easy for us to get caught up in the stuff that concerns us and needs to get done. And don't get me wrong, it is important for us to tend to our daily responsibilities, just like the man and woman had to tend to the garden way back before sin entered the world in order that the garden would bear fruit. However, if you remember, it was when the desire to be surrounded by a cloud of stuff became greater than the desire to be surrounded by a cloud of witnesses that things went wrong for the first man and woman.

Our dear friend, Tracy Hipps, Executive Director of Birmingham's Christian Service Mission, sent out an encouragement today for a couple important ways for us to get caught up in loving people more than stuff—

Tracy asked, "How we should serve during these days and weeks?"

And he offers these 2 priority suggestions: 
A) Care for Seniors:
1. Call your seniors around your home and neighborhood. Call your seniors at your church. Give them kind words and time to talk. Pray with them on the phone. 
2. Ask them what they need that you could go pick up for them or do for them. Be their CARE Driver for those essentials that they need.
3. Pick up a prescription for them as long as they let their provider know you are coming. Figure it out for your situation. 
4.  Make meals for them, and take it to them, and leave it on the porch. Tell them it is coming. Ask them what meal makes them happy.
5. Reach out to everyone you can that is a senior to bless them and share the love of the Lord with them. 

B) Care for the POOR and underserved  in our congregation and communities:
1. They will be hurting soon, so when you go to the grocery store, buy something for them and for their kids. 
2. We middle class and upper class for the most part will get paid. Think of ways to help your neighbor in need. Pray for guidance to better serve your neighbors in need. Don't wait till it is too late.  


Serving one another in the strength of Christ's presence and the lead of Holy Spirit is a glory to Father God and a foretaste of Heaven where the One Living God has a room and place at the never-ending Feast prepared for all who trust, love and serve him, even as God in Christ faithfully serves us each day unto everlasting life!

So each day life goes on as God graciously grants it. And there are responsibilities to tend to. But life is so much better when we notice, acknowledge, and remember the Triune God and the people, who surround us like a cloud, even as we with Christ's love surround them too.

Thank you all! I sincerely praise God for you!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson