Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Wednesday worship “Day of Praise”

New time for August Sundays, Shade 

1) Wednesday worship
2) New time for August Sundays
3) Shade prepared joyfully for you, but please sign up
4) Mission Challenge 43 update


Saturday, 8/1, 5:00pmfor Drive-In Worship with contemporary music

Sunday, 8/2, 10:00amDrive-In Worship with traditional music.

Welcome to Wednesday Evening Worship Service!

Please click here for the worship bulletin for tonight's service. 

Please click here to listen and worship with us. 

If you missed our Wednesday 11:45am mid-day worship, we recorded it on Facebook Live.  Check out our Facebook page or go to
(This Saturday's 5:00pmDrive-In Worship will also be on Facebook Live)

More Shade!!!

In order for us to joyfully prepare a shade tent space for you,  a new request needs to be done each week, please.  Please use the following links to submit that request.  

Shade for Saturday Service:

Shade for Sunday Service:





Thank you for the $4,158 toward our $4,300 so far!

Mission Challenge 43 is almost over, and we're so close to our $4,300 goal with $4,158!  Thank you for helping us reach our goal!


WE ASK EVERYONE TO PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER AN EXTRA MILE CONTRIBUTION OF ANY AMOUNT WHICH IS SO APPRECIATED EVEN AS WE SUGGEST $100 PLUS THE NUMBER OF YEARS WE'RE CELEBRATING, SO IT WOULD BE $143 THIS YEAR for this year's recipient of our Mission Challenge 43 which is our local sister school The Renaissance Academy Prep School of Excellence for Boys which provides "a college preparatory education in a safe and structured Christian based environment, that will produce achievers who are scholarly and morally sound contributors to the global society." Learn more at www.trapsoeal.organd

Please join us in stopping to pray EVERY DAY at 7:14 amand 7:14 pm and pray and act in accord with this command of God from 2 Chronicles 7:14 — "...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Spread the word!
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Christ The King Lutheran Church, LCMC
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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Sunday Worship “Day of Praise”

Thank you for joining us! God bless!
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8th Sunday after Pentecost

Worship & Updated Prayer List


8th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, 7/26/2020


Sunday Services

Click here to listen to our Traditional Worship.

Click here to follow along with the traditional bulletin.

Click here to listen to our Contemporary Worship.

Click here to follow along with the contemporary bulletin.



Thank you for the $4,015 toward our $4,300 so far!

Mission Challenge 43 is almost over, and we're so close to our $4,300 goal with $4,015!  Thank you for helping us reach our goal!


WE ASK EVERYONE TO PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER AN EXTRA MILE CONTRIBUTION OF ANY AMOUNT WHICH IS SO APPRECIATED EVEN AS WE SUGGEST $100 PLUS THE NUMBER OF YEARS WE'RE CELEBRATING, SO IT WOULD BE $143 THIS YEAR for this year's recipient of our Mission Challenge 43 which is our local sister school The Renaissance Academy Prep School of Excellence for Boys which provides "a college preparatory education in a safe and structured Christian based environment, that will produce achievers who are scholarly and morally sound contributors to the global society." Learn more at and

Thank you so very much for the over $2300 donated to my Eagle Project.  I am almost to my goal of $2500!!  I can't wait to get started and will keep you all posted.  Thank you, again, for all your prayers and support!!  Love, Nick Vegter

LIVE!  Facebook Live Specifically!

Our Wednesday 11:45 a.m. midday worship & our Saturday 5:00 p.m. Drive-In Worship are now on Facebook Live!

But, IF YOU CANNOT CATCH IT LIVE, then anytime visit to look, listen, be blessed, and pass it on!

Please join us in stopping to pray EVERY DAY at 7:14 am and 7:14 pm and pray and act in accord with this command of God from 2 Chronicles 7:14 — "...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Spread the word!


July 26th's Most Recent Prayer Requests
Joys and Concerns, Specific and General, Congregation and Beyond:
Newest specific concerns (recent weeks further down this page): David Durbin's Uncle Steve; Anna & Chris & children, Ann Dawson's g'dtr; our CDC Preschool Director, April Matherson, 7/27 surg; Cheryl O'Brien, 7/22 knee replacement; Tim Saylor, spinal surg; ; Marquita Kirkland herself & frs, Hazel & Ida; Bonnie Tsoutsikos; Al Russell; MM & Co-workers; Phyllis & Ron Keener, 8/10, shoulder replacement surg; Bob Nagel, liver & rotator cuff; Pam Nagel, cataract surg; Chris Williams, back surg; Larry Loyacano, dr. appt 8/17; Kinnebrew fam frs, Greg (cancer) & Cindy Abramson; Lyn Franks herself & her son-in-law, Chris, brain hemorrhage; Pat Florence & Stan Gillard; Cottone's fam, Nancy & Barbara; Fisher family; Cornell's fr, Sandra Davis & Vickie Williams; Todd Vegter's parents, Frank & Donna; Joy Dearing; Laurie Kinnebrew's frs, Cindy Davis, chemo, & Wayne Dunnavant, knee surg; Alex & Ellie Jackson; Caleb Kirkland; Brent & fam; Ben Abercrombie; Susan Kelly Johnson's uncle, William Nabors; Christy Colantuono; Tom Avery's fr, Don; Faith Penrod herself, health, & her son, Mike Krantz, salvation, along w/niece Erin & Ryan & neph Devon; Mel Shinholster; Mike O'Brien's mom, Winnie; JoJo Nagel; Shawn Price's dad, Larry; Maureen Lynn; Wisdom for our Council & Ad Hoc Committee for reopening; continued unity and love in our congregation as has been overflowing in Christ
In Hospice Care: Tim Turner's father-in-law, William Edmond
Deaths: Kasper's fr, Tommy; Debbie Fick's fr, Anthony
Protection for these we know providing medical service (please add/update): Sharon Gray, Mike Remillard, Mitch & Sadie Messner, Lindsay Parsons, Jess Gober, Stephanie Loyacano, Tim Champion's dghtr Shelby, Mike Anglin, Lt Col Don Kosatkas, Kayla Reinicke, Dr. Tim & Kathryn Peters, Parsons fam fr Trey  
Joys: Dawn Talley's fr Rachel gave birth to River 7/20; Ann Dawson's son, Greg & Mandy, son, Grayson Zarling Garrison, born 7/24; Nikki Wahl's dad, Brad, good health news & progress; Ginger Bryant; Ben Abercrombie's small but huge good news about his paralysis; Tim Saylor's successful procedure; Audrey's successful heart procedure & Bob Hains; Bonnie Tsoutsikos, successful procedure; Shawn & Kelly Price celebrate the birth and health of their first child, daughter, Casey, 7/8/20; Christy Avery Colantuono, shoulder surg healing; Continued healing of Ann Dawson's fam, Faith, severe head injuries
Anticipated Weddings: Chelsey Anne Whittaker & Zach Askew, 8/29; Jordie Broadwell & Steven Welch, 10/24; Austin Demsky & Ashley Guidry, 11/21; Julia DeGreen & Ryan Scott, 12/19; Austin Hall & Madison Drake, 3/21/21; Maddie Gathings & Scott McClure, 5/15/21; Benjamin DeGreen & Amber Ball
Anticipated Births: Loyacanos' gdghtr Kayleigh & Paul Teegarden, 9/20
Upcoming Baptisms: Joseph Gelinas; Ellie Wahl, Madison Daniel, Leon Silas Jones, Brody Kelly, Teagan Sayers; Bryson; Hannah Rose; Emma Kate; Sophie; John & Beka Owen's baby, Wilder
OUR MILITARY (please add!): Andrew & Christy Colantuono; Lynn & Shannon Whited; Ben Brasher; Loyacano grandson-in-law, Paul Teegarden; Faith Penrod's neph, Devon, Army; Sara Grace Estill's boyfriend, Adam Waller, USMC; Jacob Hovis (Boyd fam); Linda McEachern's neph, Justin Wheeler (Army); Michael Ross; Maizie Nelson's son-in-law, Lt Col Don Kosatkas
Specific Concerns recent weeks (please send updates to Pastor Chris) —
Members - The Aughtmans; Eli Carter; Donna Cottone; Dave Demsky; Ruth Dunmire; Melissa Ekstrand; Ashley Fisher; Daphne Foster; Chris George; Shirley Gordon; Gary Grimes; Nancy Hoffman; Kelley Key; Marquita Kirkland; Jeff & Jim Minner; Russell Moore; Ernesto Osorio; The Palaos; Lindsay Parsons; Faith Penrod; Caroline, Nora, Taya, & Sammy Philips; Genelle & Helen Powell; Al Russell; Bo Scott; Peggy Sedlacek; Chuck & Greg Segrest; John Sergeiko; Tara Slater; Dennis Stanek; Kathy Stepanski's work opportunities; Zac Talley; Daddy George Wehby; Our congregation's Wed. 11:45 a.m. & Saturday 5 p.m. worship services on Facebook Live (; Everyone's teamwork to share God's word and reach out to many with God's word and food for the belly in this season.
Family & Friends - Little Charlie & his mom, Julie, badly burned in house fire; Laura Aughtman's fr, Kamil; Dominick Ciambrone's fr, Mike; Lisa Collette; Bruce & Mona Cornell's fr, Phil, & son, Mike & gson, Matt; Philip Dearing's parents; Amanda DeGreen's dad, Bruce; Kim DeGreen's cousin Terry; Benji Dyson's missionary sis in Uganda; Jim Eason & his elderly dad, serious fall, major injuries; Elana's uncle Charlie; Debbie Fick's sis, Donita; Suzette Fisher's fr, Shirley, liver cancer, & Dolly; Art Fries' fam, Karen; Gilberts' fr, Hal; Lynn Headley's fam, EJ & Pat; Hoaglund fam fr, Dale; Alex Jackson & fr, Alice Tubbs; Robert & Deanne Johnson's fam, Jimmy; Kasper's frs, Ellie & Edwin; Jasmine Lewis's dad; Larry Loyacano's 2 ½ yr old fr, Lucy; Gloria Marine (bone marrow transplant); Heather Meredith; Jennifer Minner's fr, Frances; Bradley Moore's fr, John; Ernesto's 9 y/o fr, Destiny; Maizie Nelson's cousin, Nancy; Phyllis Nichols' sis, Sharon & Maurice; John-Michael & Lindsay Parsons' nghbrs, Grants, Lindsay's, mom, Kelly, & John-Michael's mom, Leta; Scot Pitman's son, Arlington; Genelle's fr, Jody; Janice Sagissor; James Scoggins; Stiffler's fr, Johnny; Veta Tortomasi's fam, Jerome; Cathy Troha's frs, Phil & Julia; Tim Turner's 23 yo son, Ryan, st.4 lymphoma & son Tim, faith; George Wehby's frs, Jon, Stan, Scott, Don, & Zack; Wendi Vegter's mom, Sandy; Pastor Bill White; Rachael Williams
General Concerns requested: For God to continue to reveal himself through all this; The Church in this & every place; All who are vulnerable & isolated; Health care workers in every nation; victory over coronavirus; victory over every illness and disease; the jobless; small businesses; the economy of every nation; the leaders of every nation; Alabama Oncology clinic; the diligence of teachers & students in this different "classroom"
Global Disciplemakers: Terra Nova Academy (Uganda); Our Mexico Mission Team; David Philips (E3 Global discipleship); Joey & Jenese Sammons (Mexico, India); First Priority Global - Benny Proffitt; Hand in Hand Partnership - John Constantine; Philip & Joanna Zeiger (Asia, thru East/West Min.); The Renaissance Academy; Doers of the Word Ministries; Christian Service Mission; our youth, praying on God's call!
  +   —————————  +  —————————-   +
THE GOSPEL is good news!— Heaven and God's Assurance of Life is a gift of God's grace!
Please pray for those who are lost and do not know forgiveness through Jesus and the new life found only in Him and for us to grow in our joy in engaging all people in love with the life-giving word and certain hope of Jesus!
I AM ___, and I'm one who imagines ZERO languages without the Bible in their heart language because I'm blessed to know my favorite Bible verse, which is ____. 


Copyright © 2020 Christ The King Lutheran Church, LCMC, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you have opted in through the church office. 

Our mailing address is: 
Christ The King Lutheran Church, LCMC
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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Sunday Worship “Day of Praise”

Thank you for joining us! God bless!
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7th Sunday after Pentecost

Worship & Updated Prayer List


7th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, 7/19/2020


Sunday Services

Click here to listen to our Traditional Worship.

Click here to follow along with the traditional bulletin.

Click here to listen to our Contemporary Worship.

Click here to follow along with the contemporary bulletin.

Mission Challenge 43 has begun! We celebrate the first $3,809 that's been given toward our $4,300 goal! Pentecost Sunday was our 43rd birthday as a congregation in the body of Christ. We celebrate our birthday every year by planting seeds for the good news of Jesus locally, regionally, globally. 
 of our Mission Challenge 43 which is our local sister school The Renaissance Academy Prep School of Excellence which provides "a college preparatory education in a safe and structured Christian based environment, that will produce achievers who are scholarly and morally sound contributors to the global society." Learn more at and


Thank you so very much for the just over $2000 donated to my Eagle Project.  I am almost to my goal of $2500!!  I can't wait to get started and will keep you all posted.  Thank you, again, for all your prayers and support!!  Love, Nick Vegter

LIVE!  Facebook Live Specifically!

Our Wednesday 11:45 a.m. midday worship & our Saturday 5:00 p.m. Drive-In Worship are now on Facebook Live!

But, IF YOU CANNOT CATCH IT LIVE, then anytime visit to look, listen, be blessed, and pass it on!

Please join us in stopping to pray EVERY DAY at 7:14 am and 7:14 pm and pray and act in accord with this command of God from 2 Chronicles 7:14 — "...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Spread the word!


July 19th's Most Recent Prayer Requests
Joys and Concerns, Specific and General, Congregation and Beyond:
Newest specific concerns (recent weeks further down this page): Al Russell; MM & Co-workers; Cheryl O'Brien, 7/22 knee replacement surgery; Lyn Franks herself & her son-in-law, Chris, brain hemorrhage; Pat Florence & Stan Gillard; Cottone's fam, Nancy & Barbara; Maizie Nelson's gdghtr, Lorraine; Jesse Gomez's bro, Obed; Cornell's fr, Vickie Williams, brain surg; Todd Vegter's parents, Frank & Donna; Marquita Kirkland's frs, Hazel & Ida; Joy Dearing; Laurie Kinnebrew's frs, Cindy Davis, chemo, & Wayne Dunnavant, knee surg; Alex & Ellie Jackson; Caleb Kirkland; Sherry Stepanski, job promotion hope; Brent & fam; Phyllis & Ron Keener; Ben Abercrombie; Bob Nagel, rotator cuff; Pam Nagel, cataract surg; Chris Williams, back surg; Larry Loyacano, dr. appt 8/17Nan McLean's dghtr, Laine; Susan Kelly Johnson's uncle, William Nabors; Tom Avery's fr, Don; Faith Penrod herself, health, & her son, Mike Krantz, salvation, along w/niece Erin & Ryan & neph Devon; Mel Shinholster; Pastor Chris's mom, Carol Jane, oral surg; Mike O'Brien's mom, Winnie; JoJo Nagel; Shawn Price's dad, Larry; Maureen Lynn; Wisdom for our Council & Ad Hoc Committee for reopening; continued unity and love in our congregation as has been overflowing in Christ
In Hospice Care: Tim Turner's father-in-law, William Edmond
Deaths: Pastor's fr, Hazel Caldwell
Protection for these we know providing medical service (please add/update): Sharon Gray, Mike Remillard, Mitch & Sadie Messner, Lindsay Parsons, Jess Gober, Stephanie Loyacano, Tim Champion's dghtr Shelby, Mike Anglin, Lt Col Don Kosatkas, Kayla Reinicke, Dr. Tim & Kathryn Peters, Parsons fam fr Trey  
Joys: Ginger Bryant; Ben Abercrombie's small but huge good news about his paralysis; Tim Saylor's successful procedure; Audrey's successful heart procedure & Bob Hains; Bonnie Tsoutsikos, successful procedure; Shawn & Kelly Price's celebrate the birth and health of their first child, daughter, Casey, 7/8/20; Christy Avery Colantuono, shoulder surg healing; John & Beka Owen's baby, Wilder, born 6/21; Continued healing of Ann Dawson's fam, Faith, severe head injuries; Dominick Ciambrone's series of mouth surgs & fr, Mike;
Anticipated Weddings: Chelsey Anne Whittaker & Zach Askew, 8/29; Jordie Broadwell & Steven Welch, 10/24; Austin Demsky & Ashley Guidry, 11/21; Austin Hall & Madison Drake, 3/21/21; Maddie Gathings & Scott McClure, 4/16/21
Anticipated Births: Dawn Talley's fr Rachel due 7/20; Ann Dawson's son, Greg & Mandy, expecting son 7/31; Loyacanos' gdghtr Kayleigh & Paul Teegarden, 9/20
Upcoming Baptisms: Joseph Gelinas; Ellie Wahl, Madison Daniel, Leon Silas Jones, Brody Kelly, Teagan Sayers; Bryson; Hannah Rose; Emma Kate; Sophie; John & Beka Owen's baby, Wilder
OUR MILITARY (please add!): Andrew & Christy Colantuono; Lynn & Shannon Whited; Ben Brasher; Loyacano grandson-in-law, Paul Teegarden; Faith Penrod's neph, Devon, Army; Sara Grace Estill's boyfriend, Adam Waller, USMC; Jacob Hovis (Boyd fam); Linda McEachern's neph, Justin Wheeler (Army); Michael Ross; Maizie Nelson's son-in-law, Lt Col Don Kosatkas
Specific Concerns recent weeks (please send updates to Pastor Chris) —
Members - The Aughtmans; Eli Carter; Donna Cottone; Dave Demsky; Ruth Dunmire; Melissa Ekstrand; Ashley Fisher; Daphne Foster; Chris George; Shirley Gordon; Gary Grimes; Nancy Hoffman; Kelley Key; Marquita Kirkland; Jeff & Jim Minner; Russell Moore; Ernesto Osorio; The Palaos; Lindsay Parsons; Faith Penrod; Caroline, Nora, Taya, & Sammy Philips; Genelle & Helen Powell; Al Russell; Bo Scott; Peggy Sedlacek; Chuck & Greg Segrest; John Sergeiko; Tara Slater; Dennis Stanek; Kathy Stepanski's work opportunities; Zac Talley; Daddy George Wehby; Our congregation's Wed. 11:45 a.m. & Saturday 5 p.m. worship services on Facebook Live (; Everyone's teamwork to share God's word and reach out to many with God's word and food for the belly in this season.
Family & Friends - Little Charlie & his mom, Julie, badly burned in house fire; Laura Aughtman's fr, Kamil; Lisa Collette; Bruce & Mona Cornell's fr, Phil, & son, Mike & gson, Matt; Philip Dearing's parents; Amanda DeGreen's dad, Bruce; Kim DeGreen's cousin Terry; Benji Dyson's missionary sis in Uganda; Jim Eason; Elana's uncle Charlie; Debbie Fick's sis, Donita, & fr, Anthony; Suzette Fisher's fr, Shirley, liver cancer, & Dolly; Daphne's fr, David Philips; Art Fries' fam, Karen; Gilberts' fr, Hal; Lynn Headley's fam, EJ & Pat; Hoaglund fam fr, Dale; Alex Jackson & fr, Alice Tubbs; Robert & Deanne Johnson's fam, Jimmy; Kasper's frs, Ellie, Tommy & Edwin; Marquita's frs, Ida, Deena & Mark; Jasmine Lewis's dad; Larry Loyacano's 2 ½ yr old fr, Lucy; Gloria Marine (bone marrow transplant); Heather Meredith; Jennifer Minner's fr, Frances; Bradley Moore's fr, John; Ernesto's 9 y/o fr, Destiny; Maizie Nelson's cousin, Nancy; Phyllis Nichols' sis, Sharon & Maurice; John-Michael & Lindsay Parsons' nghbrs, Grants, Lindsay's, mom, Kelly, & John-Michael's mom, Leta; Scot Pitman's son, Arlington; Genelle's fr, Jody; Janice Sagissor; James Scoggins; Stiffler's fr, Johnny; Veta Tortomasi's fam, Jerome; Cathy Troha's frs, Phil & Julia; Tim Turner's 23 yo son, Ryan, st.4 lymphoma & son Tim, faith; George Wehby's frs, Jon, Stan, Scott, Don, & Zack; Wendi Vegter's mom, Sandy; Nikki Wahl's dad, Brad; Pastor Bill White; Rachael Williams
General Concerns requested: For God to continue to reveal himself through all this; The Church in this & every place; All who are vulnerable & isolated; Health care workers in every nation; victory over coronavirus; victory over every illness and disease; the jobless; small businesses; the economy of every nation; the leaders of every nation; Alabama Oncology clinic; the diligence of teachers & students in this different "classroom"
Global Disciplemakers: Terra Nova Academy (Uganda); Our Mexico Mission Team; David Philips (E3 Global discipleship); Joey & Jenese Sammons (Mexico, India); First Priority Global - Benny Proffitt; Hand in Hand Partnership - John Constantine; Philip & Joanna Zeiger (Asia, thru East/West Min.); The Renaissance Academy; Doers of the Word Ministries; Christian Service Mission; our youth, praying on God's call!
  +   —————————  +  —————————-   +
THE GOSPEL is good news!— Heaven and God's Assurance of Life is a gift of God's grace!
Please pray for those who are lost and do not know forgiveness through Jesus and the new life found only in Him and for us to grow in our joy in engaging all people in love with the life-giving word and certain hope of Jesus!
I AM ___, and I'm one who imagines ZERO languages without the Bible in their heart language because I'm blessed to know my favorite Bible verse, which is ____. 


Copyright © 2020 Christ The King Lutheran Church, LCMC, All rights reserved. 
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Christ The King Lutheran Church, LCMC
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