Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day of Praise

Sat, 04/30/16, Easter Day #35, "Day of Praise"

Acts 7:55 - "But [Stephen], full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God."

Many think Stephen was killed for his faith in Jesus. But actually, according to Acts 7, Stephen was killed for telling others about Jesus in a way that moved them out of their proverbial "comfort zone."

Most people love the thrill of being moved out of their comfort zone until they're out of the zone that's thrilling. I'm not trying to be cute. I'm just telling you what Stephen's witness displays, namely, people love a thrill, that is, a momentary thrill, until the momentary thrill is tied to implications that aren't so momentary, in other words, the implication that you've got to change the way you're living day after day after day.

But even though people killed Stephen for telling people about Jesus in a way that truly made them uncomfortable, Stephen clearly believed that the price he paid was worth it because not only did Stephen see God as we see in today's verse but Stephen's witness also led to the single most important conversion to faith in Christ, namely, the conversion of a persecutor of Christians, Saul of Tarsus, who would later, because of Stephen, come to faith in Jesus and would himself taste persecution from many for doing exactly what Stephen did, namely, tell the world about Jesus in a way that moved people out of their comfort zone to an authentic faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

What follows therefore is what we can call, "Learning from Stephen: How to Tell a Faith Story (What Stephen did, and how he did it)" - Acts 7:55-60. I pray this is a blessing to you.

WHAT Stephen DID to share his faith story.:
1) He looked up, took a deep breath of the Holy Spirit, and invited others to do the same.
2) He cast a vision by telling them what he saw God doing and invited them to look and see it too.
3) He was prepared for their resistance and attack because casting God's vision will always run counter to what despairing sinners see.
4) He entrusted both his own life and also the others into God's power to make things right.

HOW Stephen WAS ABLE TO DO 1-4:
5) He regularly stopped to both spend time with God and also remember how God had acted mightily and graciously in his own life.
6) He was at peace because, in stopping regularly, he was able to both turn any ill-sentiments against others over to God and also remember his purpose in life to reflect God's might and grace, which he did by praying for God to forgive the very ones who were killing him.
7) He was hospitable to God's word and all that it commands because he knew that God only asks us to do what we will need God's strength to do which increases our faith, brings us closer to God, and unveils our eyes of the heart so we can see God!

May God bless you as you share your faith story!!!!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Friday, April 29, 2016

Day of Praise

Sat, 04/30/16, Easter Day #35, "Day of Praise"

Acts 7:55 - "But [Stephen], full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God."

Many think Stephen was killed for his faith in Jesus. But actually, according to Acts 7, Stephen was killed for telling others about Jesus in a way that moved them out of their proverbial "comfort zone."

Most people love the thrill of being moved out of their comfort zone until they're out of the zone that's thrilling. I'm not trying to be cute. I'm just telling you what Stephen's witness displays, namely, people love a thrill, that is, a momentary thrill, until the momentary thrill is tied to implications that aren't so momentary, in other words, the implication that you've got to change the way you're living day after day after day.

But even though people killed Stephen for telling people about Jesus in a way that truly made them uncomfortable, Stephen clearly believed that the price he paid was worth it because not only did Stephen see God as we see in today's verse but Stephen's witness also led to the single most important conversion to faith in Christ, namely, the conversion of a persecutor of Christians, Saul of Tarsus, who would later, because of Stephen, come to faith in Jesus and would himself taste persecution from many for doing exactly what Stephen did, namely, tell the world about Jesus in a way that moved people out of their comfort zone to an authentic faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

What follows therefore is what we can call, "Learning from Stephen: How to Tell a Faith Story (What Stephen did, and how he did it)" - Acts 7:55-60. I pray this is a blessing to you.

WHAT Stephen DID to share his faith story.:
1) He looked up, took a deep breath of the Holy Spirit, and invited others to do the same.
2) He cast a vision by telling them what he saw God doing and invited them to look and see it too.
3) He was prepared for their resistance and attack because casting God's vision will always run counter to what despairing sinners see.
4) He entrusted both his own life and also the others into God's power to make things right.

HOW Stephen WAS ABLE TO DO 1-4:
5) He regularly stopped to both spend time with God and also remember how God had acted mightily and graciously in his own life.
6) He was at peace because, in stopping regularly, he was able to both turn any ill-sentiments against others over to God and also remember his purpose in life to reflect God's might and grace, which he did by praying for God to forgive the very ones who were killing him.
7) He was hospitable to God's word and all that it commands because he knew that God only asks us to do what we will need God's strength to do which increases our faith, brings us closer to God, and unveils our eyes of the heart so we can see God!

May God bless you as you share your faith story!!!!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

Fr, 04/29/16, Easter Day #34, "Day of Praise"

Luke 9:3 - "And [Jesus] said to them, 'Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics.'"

As the month of May is a stone's throw away, my mind turns to Memorial Day because the older I get, the more I value those who have been willing to live less so that I could live more. It has been said to me that Veterans Day celebrates the heroes who came home. Memorial Day celebrates the heroes who didn't come home. In essence, all these heroes took one thing and only one thing into battle, namely, a willingness to die for their country, coupled with the belief that earthly freedom was worth the price.

In today's Bible verse, Jesus sends out the disciples and basically tells them to take one thing and only one thing into their mission field, namely, a willingness to die for the kingdom of God, coupled with the belief that spiritual freedom was worth the price.

Do you see the parallels?

You could say that there's at least an implicit charge here from Jesus to us, Jesus sends us out as disciples and basically tells us to take one thing and only one thing on our trip, namely, a willingness to die to self for the kingdom of God, coupled with the belief that spiritual freedom is worth the price. This dying to self will happen when we use time with family and friends to remember, speak of, and celebrate both those who have died for our freedoms and how those sacrifices have blessed our lives.

Many military personnel have died for our earthly freedoms. Many a missionary and Jesus Christ himself, most of all, died for our spiritual freedoms. Let us be found using our time to remember, speak of, and celebrate both those who have died for our freedoms and how those sacrifices have blessed our lives.

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Day of Praise

Fr, 04/29/16, Easter Day #34, "Day of Praise"

Luke 9:3 - "And [Jesus] said to them, 'Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics.'"

As the month of May is a stone's throw away, my mind turns to Memorial Day because the older I get, the more I value those who have been willing to live less so that I could live more. It has been said to me that Veterans Day celebrates the heroes who came home. Memorial Day celebrates the heroes who didn't come home. In essence, all these heroes took one thing and only one thing into battle, namely, a willingness to die for their country, coupled with the belief that earthly freedom was worth the price.

In today's Bible verse, Jesus sends out the disciples and basically tells them to take one thing and only one thing into their mission field, namely, a willingness to die for the kingdom of God, coupled with the belief that spiritual freedom was worth the price.

Do you see the parallels?

You could say that there's at least an implicit charge here from Jesus to us, Jesus sends us out as disciples and basically tells us to take one thing and only one thing on our trip, namely, a willingness to die to self for the kingdom of God, coupled with the belief that spiritual freedom is worth the price. This dying to self will happen when we use time with family and friends to remember, speak of, and celebrate both those who have died for our freedoms and how those sacrifices have blessed our lives.

Many military personnel have died for our earthly freedoms. Many a missionary and Jesus Christ himself, most of all, died for our spiritual freedoms. Let us be found using our time to remember, speak of, and celebrate both those who have died for our freedoms and how those sacrifices have blessed our lives.

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

Thur, 04/28/16, Easter Day #33, "Day of Praise"

Luke 21:34 - [Jesus said,] "But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap."

I was sixteen. And I'd had my license two weeks. And there was this nice, used car; we'd had it two weeks. It was the Fall of 1980. And there was this dance at school. You had to dress up. I'd asked this girl to go; I'd never been to her house. So I'm driving down her street to pick her up; I'm going real slow because it's dark and because I'm looking for her house number. All of a sudden, I hear this horrible metal on metal noise; I look up to see that the nice, used car we've had for two weeks had kissed the nice, used car that somebody's had for two decades. What made hitting a parked car even more humiliating was that I looked at the house number where I'd crashed, and it was hers. There were about to be two deaths. My date was going to die laughing at me; and my father was going to kill me. Praise God that she didn't and he didn't. 

That doesn't change the fact that I should've been watching better. 

Just like the other three times that I've backed into objects that weren't there the last time I backed out of those places: one was a dumpster in the parking lot of the church where I grew up and the other two were cars in my driveway. Hey! At least I've never hit anything that was moving. 

That doesn't change the fact that I should've been watching better.

And I wasn't watching better in every case because my mind was on something other than where I was going. 

Spiritually speaking, that's what Jesus is talking about in today's Bible verse. Our minds get on something other than where we're going. So we're not watching, and we run into things. It causes damage to both cars, er, I mean lives. Our eyes are supposed to be on Jesus. 

Good thing his eyes are on us. Or the whole world would be a big ol' pile up.

Y'all, Jesus warns us that the world is eager to grab our attention with all the "cares of this life" (Luke 21:34). He also reminds us in many scriptures, like John 10, that he's raised from the dead to put his attention on us because he cares for our life. He's a very, very good shepherd. And he's watching out for you. 

But he also wants you to watch for him. Ya know, so you can see him, see his blessings, and see the car you're about to otherwise run into.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You know what's in front of us this day. There are so many things demanding our attention. It's impossible to see 'em all and not run smack into something or somebody and cause some damage. So Lord, we just ask that you help us to trust that you're watching out for us so that we can watch out for you and see your gracious guiding hand and provision. We ask for this, and all that you know we need, in the most precious name of your only Son, Jesus Christ, our crucified, risen, and indwelling Lord and Savior. Amen. 

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day of Praise

Thur, 04/28/16, Easter Day #33, "Day of Praise"

Luke 21:34 - [Jesus said,] "But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap."

I was sixteen. And I'd had my license two weeks. And there was this nice, used car; we'd had it two weeks. It was the Fall of 1980. And there was this dance at school. You had to dress up. I'd asked this girl to go; I'd never been to her house. So I'm driving down her street to pick her up; I'm going real slow because it's dark and because I'm looking for her house number. All of a sudden, I hear this horrible metal on metal noise; I look up to see that the nice, used car we've had for two weeks had kissed the nice, used car that somebody's had for two decades. What made hitting a parked car even more humiliating was that I looked at the house number where I'd crashed, and it was hers. There were about to be two deaths. My date was going to die laughing at me; and my father was going to kill me. Praise God that she didn't and he didn't. 

That doesn't change the fact that I should've been watching better. 

Just like the other three times that I've backed into objects that weren't there the last time I backed out of those places: one was a dumpster in the parking lot of the church where I grew up and the other two were cars in my driveway. Hey! At least I've never hit anything that was moving. 

That doesn't change the fact that I should've been watching better.

And I wasn't watching better in every case because my mind was on something other than where I was going. 

Spiritually speaking, that's what Jesus is talking about in today's Bible verse. Our minds get on something other than where we're going. So we're not watching, and we run into things. It causes damage to both cars, er, I mean lives. Our eyes are supposed to be on Jesus. 

Good thing his eyes are on us. Or the whole world would be a big ol' pile up.

Y'all, Jesus warns us that the world is eager to grab our attention with all the "cares of this life" (Luke 21:34). He also reminds us in many scriptures, like John 10, that he's raised from the dead to put his attention on us because he cares for our life. He's a very, very good shepherd. And he's watching out for you. 

But he also wants you to watch for him. Ya know, so you can see him, see his blessings, and see the car you're about to otherwise run into.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You know what's in front of us this day. There are so many things demanding our attention. It's impossible to see 'em all and not run smack into something or somebody and cause some damage. So Lord, we just ask that you help us to trust that you're watching out for us so that we can watch out for you and see your gracious guiding hand and provision. We ask for this, and all that you know we need, in the most precious name of your only Son, Jesus Christ, our crucified, risen, and indwelling Lord and Savior. Amen. 

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

Wed, 04/27/16, Easter Day #32, "Day of Praise"

1 Peter 2:9 - "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was standing next to my dad, standing on my tip-toes, trying to peer through the window. I asked him to pick me up, ya know, so I could see 'em better. I mean, I was only three.

We had put a baby into the pot. So we got to pick a baby out of the pot. It was so exciting because there was a whole big room full of babies to choose from!

Of course, that was not how it really worked. And I have no idea where I got the notion that if your mom has a baby and puts it in the pot, then you get to choose anyone you want out of the pot.

Bottom line, I'm glad we chose the one that my mom gave birth to, Cheryl Dianne DeGreen. With the exception of the annual Halloween masks scare, my little sister and I have gotten along famously to this day. So, I'm really, really glad that we chose her.

And in the same way, so is the Lord. The Lord is thrilled that He chose you. That's what God's talking about in today's Bible verse from 1 Peter 2:9 where God says, "But you are a chosen race." Yep! If you have a living, hope-filled faith in Jesus Christ, then it's totally because God chose you.

As Lutherans, we do not believe that unbelievers are not chosen by God; we just believe that they just don't know that they're chosen by God, and they won't know they're chosen by God until they surrender to the movements of the Holy Spirit in their heart.

But today the focus is on the fact that you are specially chosen by God, so God tells us more in the verse of what that means. It means you're in a "royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession." And you're a part of such a distinguished group for a purpose, namely, so "that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

Wow! In the spirit of what Paul said to Timothy, do not let anyone look down on you! Oh, yes, someone may look down on you today, but you just remember your credentials: chosen by God, royalty, holy, God's own. And you remember your purpose: you are here to tell the excellencies and the greatness of God and how he changed your life! He brought you out of the hopelessness and darkness and loneliness of life when you were estranged from him, and he brought you into a new life, filled with hope and a future and a purpose and sweet fellowship with God through a faith that he gave us, faith in Jesus Christ!

So y'all have what Chosen People have! Have a great day! May the God of peace be so near you and in you that you can taste him. And may you enjoy telling others of Him too!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Day of Praise

Wed, 04/27/16, Easter Day #32, "Day of Praise"

1 Peter 2:9 - "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was standing next to my dad, standing on my tip-toes, trying to peer through the window. I asked him to pick me up, ya know, so I could see 'em better. I mean, I was only three.

We had put a baby into the pot. So we got to pick a baby out of the pot. It was so exciting because there was a whole big room full of babies to choose from!

Of course, that was not how it really worked. And I have no idea where I got the notion that if your mom has a baby and puts it in the pot, then you get to choose anyone you want out of the pot.

Bottom line, I'm glad we chose the one that my mom gave birth to, Cheryl Dianne DeGreen. With the exception of the annual Halloween masks scare, my little sister and I have gotten along famously to this day. So, I'm really, really glad that we chose her.

And in the same way, so is the Lord. The Lord is thrilled that He chose you. That's what God's talking about in today's Bible verse from 1 Peter 2:9 where God says, "But you are a chosen race." Yep! If you have a living, hope-filled faith in Jesus Christ, then it's totally because God chose you.

As Lutherans, we do not believe that unbelievers are not chosen by God; we just believe that they just don't know that they're chosen by God, and they won't know they're chosen by God until they surrender to the movements of the Holy Spirit in their heart.

But today the focus is on the fact that you are specially chosen by God, so God tells us more in the verse of what that means. It means you're in a "royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession." And you're a part of such a distinguished group for a purpose, namely, so "that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

Wow! In the spirit of what Paul said to Timothy, do not let anyone look down on you! Oh, yes, someone may look down on you today, but you just remember your credentials: chosen by God, royalty, holy, God's own. And you remember your purpose: you are here to tell the excellencies and the greatness of God and how he changed your life! He brought you out of the hopelessness and darkness and loneliness of life when you were estranged from him, and he brought you into a new life, filled with hope and a future and a purpose and sweet fellowship with God through a faith that he gave us, faith in Jesus Christ!

So y'all have what Chosen People have! Have a great day! May the God of peace be so near you and in you that you can taste him. And may you enjoy telling others of Him too!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

Tu, 04/26/16, Easter Day #31, "Day of Praise"

Some of you might remember this one from the past, but I like it, so here you go. 

1 Samuel 17:38-39 - "Then Saul clothed David with his armor. He put a helmet of bronze on his head and clothed him with a coat of mail, and David strapped his sword over his armor. And he tried in vain to go, for he had not tested them. Then David said to Saul, 'I cannot go with these, for I have not tested them.' So David put them off."

Saul's armor was way too big for David. I know how David felt. 

Ya know there's an old saying, "You're getting too big for your britches," which means you think too highly of yourself. But what about when your britches are too big for you? That's what happened to David in the Bible and to me. 

I was about nine, and I was definitely overweight. But the soccer shorts that were assigned to me were ridiculously huge. I didn't realize it until our first game when I put on my uniform. Whoa! My shorts were so big that I had to hold a wad of the waist in my left hand. I remember thinking, "C'mon coach, I'm overweight, but really?" In the pregame warmups, all my teammates were laughing at me. Let's not even mention the ridicule of the other team. Have you ever seen someone trying to play soccer while holding up their britches? It's hilarious, with an element of watching a Stock Car Race; ya know, everyone's waiting for the Big One! Yes, the Big One, which is the moment the nine year old forgets about his britches, lets go of his britches, his britches fall down, he's exposed, and then trips over his "ankle britches" to boot on a muddy soccer field. Hilarious for the crowd! Humiliating for the nine year old!

In today's Bible verses, David refused to fight in the armor that was way too big, and he took it off. And I, as a nine year old, refused to play another moment in the over-sized soccer shorts.

And you should too!

The analogy is simple. Often when we're kids, other people have dreams for us that are way too big for us. They want us to become more than what we're ever capable of being: President or Bishop or a CEO or a Hall of Famer. It's like dressing us up in armor or soccer shorts that are way too big. But y'all, everybody can't be President or Bishop or a CEO or a Hall of Famer. Somebody needs to be a commoner. 

The world needs commoners, ya know, the little guy. Commoners, average people, make this world work. Somebody's got to do the plain old ordinary jobs well or nothing would ever get done. And instead of trying to make the commoner more than they are and telling them they need to do more with their life, the commoner needs to be celebrated for faithfully showing up to work everyday and putting in a good day's work.

And I'm telling you this because I'm a pastor who constantly hears people feeling laughed at and looked down upon because they're not doing more and bigger things with their life. Hey, if there are 196 boys on my son's high school football team, then there's at least 150 commoners who need to be celebrated for doing things that the studs need done to have a team. And if there's 10 or 100 or 10,000 employees at your work, then 75% are commoners who need to be celebrated. Everybody can't be calling the shots. 

So here's to you, dear friends! God celebrates you being just the right size and doing each day what needs to be done! God knows how he made you and loves you for the person you are!

And just like David, who was the ordinary, common, little-guy, shepherd-boy who went and conquered Goliath with his little, ordinary, shepherd sling-shot, let's us all go out there today, proud to be God's little guys and eager to conquer the world by faithfully doing the work that's before us!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Monday, April 25, 2016

Day of Praise

Tu, 04/26/16, Easter Day #31, "Day of Praise"

Some of you might remember this one from the past, but I like it, so here you go. 

1 Samuel 17:38-39 - "Then Saul clothed David with his armor. He put a helmet of bronze on his head and clothed him with a coat of mail, and David strapped his sword over his armor. And he tried in vain to go, for he had not tested them. Then David said to Saul, 'I cannot go with these, for I have not tested them.' So David put them off."

Saul's armor was way too big for David. I know how David felt. 

Ya know there's an old saying, "You're getting too big for your britches," which means you think too highly of yourself. But what about when your britches are too big for you? That's what happened to David in the Bible and to me. 

I was about nine, and I was definitely overweight. But the soccer shorts that were assigned to me were ridiculously huge. I didn't realize it until our first game when I put on my uniform. Whoa! My shorts were so big that I had to hold a wad of the waist in my left hand. I remember thinking, "C'mon coach, I'm overweight, but really?" In the pregame warmups, all my teammates were laughing at me. Let's not even mention the ridicule of the other team. Have you ever seen someone trying to play soccer while holding up their britches? It's hilarious, with an element of watching a Stock Car Race; ya know, everyone's waiting for the Big One! Yes, the Big One, which is the moment the nine year old forgets about his britches, lets go of his britches, his britches fall down, he's exposed, and then trips over his "ankle britches" to boot on a muddy soccer field. Hilarious for the crowd! Humiliating for the nine year old!

In today's Bible verses, David refused to fight in the armor that was way too big, and he took it off. And I, as a nine year old, refused to play another moment in the over-sized soccer shorts.

And you should too!

The analogy is simple. Often when we're kids, other people have dreams for us that are way too big for us. They want us to become more than what we're ever capable of being: President or Bishop or a CEO or a Hall of Famer. It's like dressing us up in armor or soccer shorts that are way too big. But y'all, everybody can't be President or Bishop or a CEO or a Hall of Famer. Somebody needs to be a commoner. 

The world needs commoners, ya know, the little guy. Commoners, average people, make this world work. Somebody's got to do the plain old ordinary jobs well or nothing would ever get done. And instead of trying to make the commoner more than they are and telling them they need to do more with their life, the commoner needs to be celebrated for faithfully showing up to work everyday and putting in a good day's work.

And I'm telling you this because I'm a pastor who constantly hears people feeling laughed at and looked down upon because they're not doing more and bigger things with their life. Hey, if there are 196 boys on my son's high school football team, then there's at least 150 commoners who need to be celebrated for doing things that the studs need done to have a team. And if there's 10 or 100 or 10,000 employees at your work, then 75% are commoners who need to be celebrated. Everybody can't be calling the shots. 

So here's to you, dear friends! God celebrates you being just the right size and doing each day what needs to be done! God knows how he made you and loves you for the person you are!

And just like David, who was the ordinary, common, little-guy, shepherd-boy who went and conquered Goliath with his little, ordinary, shepherd sling-shot, let's us all go out there today, proud to be God's little guys and eager to conquer the world by faithfully doing the work that's before us!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

Mo, 04/25/16, Easter Day #30, "Day of Praise"

Acts 21:20,27 - "And when they heard it, they glorified God. And they said to [Paul], 'You see, brother, how many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed.' When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, seeing [Paul] in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him."

When I was a kid, 4th grade to be exact, I had a little devil in me from time to time. I think part of it was that I had the sweetest little sister, Cheryl, and she and I grew up to be very dear friends. But in 4th grade, she was a really easy target of mischief. 

For example, when I was a kid, we had these plastic Halloween masks that stayed on your face with a piece of elastic around the back of your head. Dad got the box of masks down from the attic days in advance so they were available for me to put on a scary mask and hide down the hall where Cheryl would eventually have to walk to get to her bedroom. And eventually she did come, and I'd test out her heart, ya know, jump out and scare the bejeebers out of her. (Uhhh, bejeebers means "mental soundness" or "wits.") Fortunately, her heart was healthy. And I thought I was the King of the Hall!

Unfortunately, days, sometimes weeks, of that brotherly love would really mess with her mind. She got to the point, as I remember it, that she started crying even before she came down the hall. I mean she was only 1st grade when I was in 4th. But she was also smart. What she did was she figured out that if she'd turn on the hall lights then she could see shadows, and it just wasn't as scary. The problem was that she left 'em on, and my late father would fuss about the lights being left on, and he knew who was to blame, namely, the King of the Hall. Ya couple that together with her starting to cry at the start of the hallway, and let's just say that the King of the Hall got a few whoopins plus one more to grow on, not to mention sent to my room more times than I could count. 

All this is to say that sometimes ya' get feelin' really good about yourself, and life comes along, or maybe your father, and knocks ya' back down to size. That's what happened with St. Paul in today's Bible verses. Paul was an amazing instrument of God to bring many to faith in Christ, but some people didn't like him bringing people to Christ, so they knocked him down to size, plus one more for good measure. 

But ya' know what? Paul got back up and got right back to it. Just like me. I'd get the green light to come out of my room and start terrorizing my poor, little sister all over again. (And I wonder why my son is so good at doing the same with his sisters. What's the old saying of parents to kids, "May the trouble you caused us come back on you threefold"?)

Of course, the difference is that Paul had an eternal cause for getting up and getting back at it. Mine wasn't so noble. But, praise the Lord, it actually translated into adulthood. I've been kicked in the teeth a few times and knocked down to size, but God, in his grace, picked me up, set me back on my feet, and said, "Now, get back out there and make a difference today! Christ will be your strength!"

And that's what he's saying to you because chances are you're gonna' get kicked in the teeth pretty soon. If not today, then be on the lookout tomorrow. But not too much. Because you can be sure that God will do for you what he did for Paul and for me and for anyone who believes that Jesus kicked the devil and death in the teeth when Jesus went down there, ya know where, for us. Yep, God, in his grace, will pick ya up, set ya back on your feet, and say, "Now, get back out there and make a difference today! Christ will be your strength!"

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Day of Praise

Mo, 04/25/16, Easter Day #30, "Day of Praise"

Acts 21:20,27 - "And when they heard it, they glorified God. And they said to [Paul], 'You see, brother, how many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed.' When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, seeing [Paul] in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him."

When I was a kid, 4th grade to be exact, I had a little devil in me from time to time. I think part of it was that I had the sweetest little sister, Cheryl, and she and I grew up to be very dear friends. But in 4th grade, she was a really easy target of mischief. 

For example, when I was a kid, we had these plastic Halloween masks that stayed on your face with a piece of elastic around the back of your head. Dad got the box of masks down from the attic days in advance so they were available for me to put on a scary mask and hide down the hall where Cheryl would eventually have to walk to get to her bedroom. And eventually she did come, and I'd test out her heart, ya know, jump out and scare the bejeebers out of her. (Uhhh, bejeebers means "mental soundness" or "wits.") Fortunately, her heart was healthy. And I thought I was the King of the Hall!

Unfortunately, days, sometimes weeks, of that brotherly love would really mess with her mind. She got to the point, as I remember it, that she started crying even before she came down the hall. I mean she was only 1st grade when I was in 4th. But she was also smart. What she did was she figured out that if she'd turn on the hall lights then she could see shadows, and it just wasn't as scary. The problem was that she left 'em on, and my late father would fuss about the lights being left on, and he knew who was to blame, namely, the King of the Hall. Ya couple that together with her starting to cry at the start of the hallway, and let's just say that the King of the Hall got a few whoopins plus one more to grow on, not to mention sent to my room more times than I could count. 

All this is to say that sometimes ya' get feelin' really good about yourself, and life comes along, or maybe your father, and knocks ya' back down to size. That's what happened with St. Paul in today's Bible verses. Paul was an amazing instrument of God to bring many to faith in Christ, but some people didn't like him bringing people to Christ, so they knocked him down to size, plus one more for good measure. 

But ya' know what? Paul got back up and got right back to it. Just like me. I'd get the green light to come out of my room and start terrorizing my poor, little sister all over again. (And I wonder why my son is so good at doing the same with his sisters. What's the old saying of parents to kids, "May the trouble you caused us come back on you threefold"?)

Of course, the difference is that Paul had an eternal cause for getting up and getting back at it. Mine wasn't so noble. But, praise the Lord, it actually translated into adulthood. I've been kicked in the teeth a few times and knocked down to size, but God, in his grace, picked me up, set me back on my feet, and said, "Now, get back out there and make a difference today! Christ will be your strength!"

And that's what he's saying to you because chances are you're gonna' get kicked in the teeth pretty soon. If not today, then be on the lookout tomorrow. But not too much. Because you can be sure that God will do for you what he did for Paul and for me and for anyone who believes that Jesus kicked the devil and death in the teeth when Jesus went down there, ya know where, for us. Yep, God, in his grace, will pick ya up, set ya back on your feet, and say, "Now, get back out there and make a difference today! Christ will be your strength!"

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Day of Praise

Sat, 04/23/16, Easter Day #28, "Day of Praise"

Genesis 1:27-28 - "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'"

God intended for us to have the upper hand in life! Period! In other words, the creation was not made so it could bring us down. God made us in His image so that, even in the face of storms, we'd have dominion over all the earth.

Today's Bible verses also record that Marriage, the Union of Male and Female, is a huge part of God's plan for us to have the upper hand. The relationship of marriage between a man and a woman brings with it the power of complementarity, where two unique beings (male and female) are made to fit perfectly together and bring about mutual encouragement and affirmation that bear the fruit of children, whether they are one's own flesh and blood or not. Indeed, the purpose of marriage, beyond mutual encouragement, is to raise up children of God, which may come about by working a camp for intellectually disabled adults or adopting orphans or raising your own flesh and blood.

Will you join me in praying for all who are married to find strength in the Lord so that their Unions will reflect the Intentions of our Maker?

Lord God, constant in mercy, great in faithfulness, we bless you for the joy that your servants have found in each other and pray that you give them such a sense of your constant love that they may live a life of praise of you, whose work alone holds true and endures forever.

Faithful Lord, source of love, pour down your grace that husbands and wives may fulfill the vows they have made and reflect your steadfast love in their lifelong faithfulness to each other. As members with them of the Body of Christ, use us to support their life together. And from your great store of strength, give them power and patience, affection and understanding, courage and love toward you, toward each other, and toward the whole world that they may continue together in mutual growth, according to your will in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Gracious Father, you bless the family and renew your people. Enrich husbands and wives, parents and children, more and more with your grace, that strengthening and supporting each other, they may serve those in need and be a sign of the fulfillment of your perfect kingdom, where with your Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, you live and reign, one God, through all ages of ages. Amen!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Friday, April 22, 2016

Day of Praise

Sat, 04/23/16, Easter Day #28, "Day of Praise"

Genesis 1:27-28 - "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'"

God intended for us to have the upper hand in life! Period! In other words, the creation was not made so it could bring us down. God made us in His image so that, even in the face of storms, we'd have dominion over all the earth.

Today's Bible verses also record that Marriage, the Union of Male and Female, is a huge part of God's plan for us to have the upper hand. The relationship of marriage between a man and a woman brings with it the power of complementarity, where two unique beings (male and female) are made to fit perfectly together and bring about mutual encouragement and affirmation that bear the fruit of children, whether they are one's own flesh and blood or not. Indeed, the purpose of marriage, beyond mutual encouragement, is to raise up children of God, which may come about by working a camp for intellectually disabled adults or adopting orphans or raising your own flesh and blood.

Will you join me in praying for all who are married to find strength in the Lord so that their Unions will reflect the Intentions of our Maker?

Lord God, constant in mercy, great in faithfulness, we bless you for the joy that your servants have found in each other and pray that you give them such a sense of your constant love that they may live a life of praise of you, whose work alone holds true and endures forever.

Faithful Lord, source of love, pour down your grace that husbands and wives may fulfill the vows they have made and reflect your steadfast love in their lifelong faithfulness to each other. As members with them of the Body of Christ, use us to support their life together. And from your great store of strength, give them power and patience, affection and understanding, courage and love toward you, toward each other, and toward the whole world that they may continue together in mutual growth, according to your will in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Gracious Father, you bless the family and renew your people. Enrich husbands and wives, parents and children, more and more with your grace, that strengthening and supporting each other, they may serve those in need and be a sign of the fulfillment of your perfect kingdom, where with your Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, you live and reign, one God, through all ages of ages. Amen!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

Fri, 04/22/16, Easter Day #27, "Day of Praise"

Psalm 119:103 - "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"

Proverbs 24:13 - "My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste."

Psalm 19:10 - "More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb."

Proverbs 16:24 - "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."

As a Southerner, born in Georgia, reared in TN, and now living in Alabama for a whole bunch of years, I can't help but think about sweet tea when I hear God's word talked about as honey. 

Here's a few Southern, Summer, sweet tea observations.

Sweet tea is a redundant phrase in the South. Tea is always sweet. If it's not, then you call it unsweet tea.

In actuality, sweet tea is pronounced swayt tay.

To qualify as Southern sweet tea, you must be able to liken it to hummingbird feed, which means it's raaaayl swaaaayt.

Some guy named Milo has the ultimate secret swayt tay fomuluh round these parts, just like the Cuhnel has the chickin fomuluh.

Swayt tay has been identified as the cause of young ladies (who grew up in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and the like) goin' up to their senior uncles and granddads (who often persist in their Northern ways) and pullin' the grumpy out of 'em by way of a Southern Swayt Tay kiss on the forehead, a big ol' smile, and a quick gentle rub of the back. Such Uncles and Granddads actually like this very much from their Southern nieces and granddaughters, but they just can't let anyone know it.

The bottom line is that Swayt Tay, the Honey that is God's Word, and the sweet taste of grace (which is merely an outpouring of love for no particular reason) is truly some life-changing, heart-transforming, smile-creating stuff.

So have ya some tay; have ya some honey; have ya some word of God; you'll find it's worth faaaaar more than money.

And then spread the love, People. Spread the love. Spread the swayt, life-changing, love of God in Jesus Christ.

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Day of Praise

Fri, 04/22/16, Easter Day #27, "Day of Praise"

Psalm 119:103 - "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"

Proverbs 24:13 - "My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste."

Psalm 19:10 - "More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb."

Proverbs 16:24 - "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."

As a Southerner, born in Georgia, reared in TN, and now living in Alabama for a whole bunch of years, I can't help but think about sweet tea when I hear God's word talked about as honey. 

Here's a few Southern, Summer, sweet tea observations.

Sweet tea is a redundant phrase in the South. Tea is always sweet. If it's not, then you call it unsweet tea.

In actuality, sweet tea is pronounced swayt tay.

To qualify as Southern sweet tea, you must be able to liken it to hummingbird feed, which means it's raaaayl swaaaayt.

Some guy named Milo has the ultimate secret swayt tay fomuluh round these parts, just like the Cuhnel has the chickin fomuluh.

Swayt tay has been identified as the cause of young ladies (who grew up in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and the like) goin' up to their senior uncles and granddads (who often persist in their Northern ways) and pullin' the grumpy out of 'em by way of a Southern Swayt Tay kiss on the forehead, a big ol' smile, and a quick gentle rub of the back. Such Uncles and Granddads actually like this very much from their Southern nieces and granddaughters, but they just can't let anyone know it.

The bottom line is that Swayt Tay, the Honey that is God's Word, and the sweet taste of grace (which is merely an outpouring of love for no particular reason) is truly some life-changing, heart-transforming, smile-creating stuff.

So have ya some tay; have ya some honey; have ya some word of God; you'll find it's worth faaaaar more than money.

And then spread the love, People. Spread the love. Spread the swayt, life-changing, love of God in Jesus Christ.

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise

Thur, 04/21/16, Easter Day #26, "Day of Praise"

Matthew 10:30 - "[Jesus said,] 'But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.'"

I remember when a woman brought her extremely cute grandchild into our Bible class with a new, 3-wheeled, jogging stroller that her son and his wife had recently purchased. Everything was great until it was time to go home. She and I could not figure out, for the proverbial life of us, how to collapse the stroller so we could get it back in her car. We struggled and pushed every one of the 47 million plastic buttons on that thing for at least a half hour and probably longer. We were laughing. Well, a little. And finally, out of desperation, with my whole heart I turned to Jesus and calmly (not!) said, "Come on, Jesus! Please help us out here!" And wouldn't you know that immediately she pushed something that made the crazy thing collapse and fit right into her car?

This is what Jesus is talking about in today's Bible verse. He knows everything in our lives, down to the last hair on our head, and wants to bless each one of those teenie things to huge things that are going on. The question is, "Do we believe Him?" And will we turn everything over to Him? And I mean everything!!! Down to the last hair! And then will we watch to see how he shows his care?

Dear Friends, God cares about every single little aspect of your life. Make it easier on yourself, and give everything in your life to the Lord. Turn it over to Him in prayer. Even better, write down your prayers in your journal, or start a prayer box so that you can go back and see all the ways that God has already addressed most, if not all, of the things that you entrusted to His care.

Try it! As always, what do you have to lose, except a little (or a lot of?) stress and worry from your day?

And even better, you won't just lose the stress of a weary existence, but you can see God replace it with a peace-filled, confidence-packed, abundant life in Jesus Christ and the refreshing power of God's Holy Spirit flowing in and through and out of your life!

God cares!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day of Praise

Thur, 04/21/16, Easter Day #26, "Day of Praise"

Matthew 10:30 - "[Jesus said,] 'But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.'"

I remember when a woman brought her extremely cute grandchild into our Bible class with a new, 3-wheeled, jogging stroller that her son and his wife had recently purchased. Everything was great until it was time to go home. She and I could not figure out, for the proverbial life of us, how to collapse the stroller so we could get it back in her car. We struggled and pushed every one of the 47 million plastic buttons on that thing for at least a half hour and probably longer. We were laughing. Well, a little. And finally, out of desperation, with my whole heart I turned to Jesus and calmly (not!) said, "Come on, Jesus! Please help us out here!" And wouldn't you know that immediately she pushed something that made the crazy thing collapse and fit right into her car?

This is what Jesus is talking about in today's Bible verse. He knows everything in our lives, down to the last hair on our head, and wants to bless each one of those teenie things to huge things that are going on. The question is, "Do we believe Him?" And will we turn everything over to Him? And I mean everything!!! Down to the last hair! And then will we watch to see how he shows his care?

Dear Friends, God cares about every single little aspect of your life. Make it easier on yourself, and give everything in your life to the Lord. Turn it over to Him in prayer. Even better, write down your prayers in your journal, or start a prayer box so that you can go back and see all the ways that God has already addressed most, if not all, of the things that you entrusted to His care.

Try it! As always, what do you have to lose, except a little (or a lot of?) stress and worry from your day?

And even better, you won't just lose the stress of a weary existence, but you can see God replace it with a peace-filled, confidence-packed, abundant life in Jesus Christ and the refreshing power of God's Holy Spirit flowing in and through and out of your life!

God cares!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

Wed, 04/20/16, Easter Day #25, "Day of Praise"

Isaiah 9:7 - "Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this."

Though time is now endless for the reign of Christ, for the rest of us, time, like money, is limited. Spend it wisely.

You're best off to spend your time by learning to enjoy sweet fellowship and communion with God.

Here's how you do it:
1) Spend your time with a daily quiet time with God that begins with, "Hey, Lord, it's me, (your name). I'm listening."

2) Spend your time with a daily praying of God's Word in the scriptures that begins with, "Hey, Lord, it's me, (your name). Please speak to my heart through this that is your word."

3) Spend your time with a daily writing in your journal that begins with, "Hey, Lord, it's me, (your name). I'm going to jot down what I heard you saying to me in quiet time and scripture. (Write down what you heard, then ask...) Did I get it right? I'm listening for you through the day."

God will immeasurably bless you, as he promises, when you spend your time with Him!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day of Praise

Wed, 04/20/16, Easter Day #25, "Day of Praise"

Isaiah 9:7 - "Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this."

Though time is now endless for the reign of Christ, for the rest of us, time, like money, is limited. Spend it wisely.

You're best off to spend your time by learning to enjoy sweet fellowship and communion with God.

Here's how you do it:
1) Spend your time with a daily quiet time with God that begins with, "Hey, Lord, it's me, (your name). I'm listening."

2) Spend your time with a daily praying of God's Word in the scriptures that begins with, "Hey, Lord, it's me, (your name). Please speak to my heart through this that is your word."

3) Spend your time with a daily writing in your journal that begins with, "Hey, Lord, it's me, (your name). I'm going to jot down what I heard you saying to me in quiet time and scripture. (Write down what you heard, then ask...) Did I get it right? I'm listening for you through the day."

God will immeasurably bless you, as he promises, when you spend your time with Him!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

Day of Praise

Tues, 04/19/16, Easter Day #24, "Day of Praise"

Matthew 4:10 - "Then Jesus said to him, 'Be gone, Satan! For it is written, "You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve."'"

Years ago, I remember meeting with an 88 year old church member at her request to plan her funeral. To be 88, she looked  healthy as the proverbial horse. You might ask, then, why did she want to plan her funeral? Very simply, she wanted to plan her funeral when she was healthy so that her family didn't need to do it later when she died. That answered why she wanted to plan her funeral. 

But the better question was "How?" How did this 88 year old, thin, short lady plan her funeral? It would be easy to say "courageously." But it was more than courage; she actually planned it with confidence. In fact, she said so many things about Christ's constant presence with her and about her confidence in Christ's sovereign power that she seemed to be looking death and the devil in the eye and saying, "I'm not afraid of you! Just be gone, Satan. I'm walkin' in the victory and power of Jesus."

As should we all!

It's said that, 500 years ago in Germany, Martin Luther was in his study and felt a presence behind him. Remaining seated at his desk, Luther turned around and literally saw the devil. Luther looked at the Ol' Boy and said, "Oh! It's just you." Then he turned back to his desk and went back to work.

An 88 year old woman in this day and age, Martin Luther 500 years ago, and Jesus in today's Bible verse, all, in essence, saying, "I'm not afraid of you! Just be gone, Satan. I'm walkin' in the victory and power of God."

So what about you and me today? It's first thing in the morning, so there are many things in front of us, and unless Jesus comes again beforehand, some day in front of us is death. Will we face the things in front of us with the confidence in Christ displayed by an 88 year old lady?

And I'll tell ya; I don't care if you think I'm even more crazy than you already do. I have a matter in my life right now where I know that someone is lurking behind me in the shadows. Luther used to say something like this, "Pinch yourself real good. If it hurts, then you're in the world and you probably have something creeping up behind you too." Will we, like Luther, turn and look at the Ol' Boy and say, "Oh! It's just you," and then turn and get back to our day?

Friends, the devil was defeated before he ever got started. The Almighty and Living God is the Lord!

So let's get after our day and flick Satan away, the God in Christ that we worship is Lord!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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Day of Praise Daily Encouragement · 1601 Southcrest Trail · Hoover, AL 35244 · USA