Friday, September 13, 2013

Day of Praise

Fr, 09/13/13, "Day of Praise"

"Our eyes failed, ever watching vainly for help; in our watching we watched for a nation which could not save." - Lamentations 4:17

Dear Friends, there's a Day of Praise book questionnaire at the end of today's reflection. Please help us by "reply"ing with your answers.

As to today's verse, my daughter, Calley, wrote a piece for her blog yesterday that reminded me of today's verse. Calley makes us think and calls us to act, saying:

I was walking to class today, and a girl walking beside me dropped her pen. She almost bent down to pick it up, but her eyes locked with mine, and then she straightened back up. Almost like she was gonna see if i would pick up the pen.

So I did. I picked up the pen.

She said, "Thanks!" And we kept walking.

About 5 seconds later, she turned and poured out, "I have just had a horrible week."

Then, she tells me about 15 seconds worth of the horrible week and says, "Maybe it will be better now."

What made her think that? That "maybe it will be better now"? Because I picked up her pen? Because I listened to her for 15 seconds?

Then she just walked away. I called after her, saying that I hoped her week got better.

Oh, man, guys. Really? There are so many people, and they are all living their lives, which are likely as messy as yours, without a Savior. What hope do we have? The pen is on the ground, and what do we have?

All we have is a random chance that someone will pick up the pen.

That's all we've got without Jesus.

"Our eyes failed, ever watching vainly for help; in our watching we watched for a nation which could not save." - Lamentations 4:17

Calley reminds us how our little acts of love can open the door to share our big hope, encouragement, and salvation through Jesus. The world is dying to hear.

So, in the vein of ways that we can share hope and encouragement with the world, many of you have asked if I'd ever looked into making a book out of the over two years of Day of Praise devotions. With a pledge to you that every penny of proceeds will go to the Global Mission endeavors of my daughters and my church, I kindly ask you to "reply" to the following questions:
A. Is a book comprised of Day of Praise devotions a good idea?
B. Would you buy one for yourself and/or give one or more as a gift?
C. Several books with the same or very similar titles are already on the market - what would YOU name such a book?
D. Would you be willing to send in black and white photographs to be considered as illustrations in the book?

I look forward to hearing from all who would be willing to "reply."

And don't forget Calley's encouragement today to stoop down and be helpful so we can share the good news of Jesus, who stoops down and helps us!

Praise God!

(For an archive of "Day of Praise", please visit my daughter Calley's website at

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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