Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day of Praise

Sa, 07/26/14, "Day of Praise"

1 Corinthians 11:1 - "[St. Paul writes,] Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."

Well, all the Special Needs Campers are going home here in a few hours, and we counselors will be just a couple hours behind them.

I'm going to miss the unique personality traits of each of the campers. Celia is so proud of our country. Aimee loves to hold my hand and wants Amanda and me to adopt her. Heather is a hugger. Nikki is just plain ol' Milo's-Tea-sweet. Angie has loads of manners and personality. Eric is one of the most considerate people who ever lived. Kevin called me "his Chris" from day one. Cody walks as slow as molasses in January. Kenny dresses and talks like a cowboy. Scott, well, Scott is a character who takes forever getting ready, has to touch everybody, has a small 14-year old stuffed dog "Woof!" processes beans efficiently, and constantly says, "I'm sorry." Jamie is literally in his own world except when you call him back to this one with extremely simple words.

But the thing I'm going to miss most about all of the campers is how they followed the good example of some of us counselors, often without being asked. For example, at the start of the week, when each group was called to go through the chow line, it was kind of counselors watch out for the campers, but basically everybody for himself. But then some counselors started setting their group table and taking drink orders, and by the end of the week, Jamie (see his description above) was setting up napkins and silverware for everyone at meals without ever being asked just because he'd seen the example.

Another example was from our group time at horseback riding. (Shout out to all y'all at the Red Barn for the awesome training Kathryn said y'all gave the horsey-rides staff!) One of our counselors planted themselves at a lonely stretch of the circle so they could sing a verse of a horsey song each of the three times the camper went by on a horse. When it came time for the counselors to ride, someone asked the counselor who would sing to them. When the counselor looked up, there was Scott (see his description above) setting up to sing without being asked just because he'd seen the example.

And I could go on and on about the campers picking up debris from the awesome fireworks, sharing seats and chairs, being caring to each other when someone fell, and on and on. All because of an example set by the counselors, who, of course, were only heeding God's counsel through St. Paul in today's Bible verse from 1 Corinthians 11:1 says, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."

So I know it's Saturday, but I just wanted both to pass along a Special Camp warm fuzzy for the last time this summer and also to encourage you to remember that, whatever you do today or any day, there is someone watching so they can have an example.

But there's no pressure in having people watch you as an example because God also says, in today's verse, that we ourselves have an example in Jesus, who we can learn more about today by reading our Bibles and learn more about tomorrow by going to worship at a local church.

Through it all, may Special Campers always be an example to us of major trust in others and a child-like faith in God. And may all the rest of us eagerly follow Christ's example so that our example is worthy of being followed too. May God help us with the example we set and move us to praise him for his!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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