Monday, May 14, 2018

Day of Praise

Tues, 05/15/18, Easter Day #45, "Day of Praise"

Matthew 6:8 - "[Jesus said,] 'Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.'"

When Jesus says, "Do not be like them," there are many things that he's referring to. But they're all tied to two fundamentals, namely, being anxious and having peace. Come what may, Jesus is calling us to trust that God knows what we need so we don't need to be anxious, and because God knows what we need, we have the miracle that is peace in the face of storms.

Let me illustrate. I know pastors who serve small churches that have a hard time paying the bills and who've gone to the church mailbox and found an envelope of cash with just enough to cover that month's shortfall. God the Father knew what they needed before they even asked. 

I also remember some years ago a member of our church calling to give an update on their child's overnight hospitalization and release. This young couple had grown in trusting God more and more each day to provide as God promises. However, the cost of their child's ambulance ride, emergency room visit, and overnight hospital stay had the potential to create a great deal of anxiety. Yet, of course, the importance of their child's health was non-negotiable, and they trusted that God valued the same. They had peace in trusting God to provide.

So, when the dad went home from the hospital in the wee hours to get some necessities, he also checked the mail, of course. And what do you know? There was an envelope from some loved ones, who, weeks before these hospital costs came about, had decided to pass on some encouragement in the form of a check that would wind up covering more than their child's ambulance ride, emergency room visit, and overnight hospital stay.

Just as Jesus said in today's Bible verse, "Your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

So, what's upon you, Dear Friends? What has the potential to stir anxiety in you? Or what has already stirred your pot of concern? Jesus invites you to give it to God and trust God's promise that "Your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

No, it may not be with a check in the mailbox, but somehow God has a plan to bless you and provide, even before you know the need.

Dear Heavenly Father, we tend to be anxious and wonder how things will work out. But you more than tend to be faithful each day, for faithful in provision you are. Thank you for your promise to have a plan of provision long before we know our need. So move us, Dear Lord, to turn all our cares and concerns over to you. For in your hands, our cares will be blessed, and we ourselves will have peace. In Jesus's name we ask this, Amen.

Praise God!

Pastor Chris 
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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