Fri, 11/16/18, "Day of Praise"
"Josiah however would not turn away from [Neco king of Egypt]...[Josiah was] badly wounded...and he died." - 2 Chronicles 35:20-25
Josiah's kingship, leadership, courage, resolve, and premature death are about much more than a timid resignation to each person's life having only a certain number of days (Psalm 90) and having boundaries of time set in "pleasant places" (Psalm 16).
Josiah was a human being with a mission. He had what every person, being made in the image of God, longs for. He had a reason to live for which he was willing and unafraid to die.
His mission was to know the LORD and to walk in his mighty power. Not recklessly. But purposefully. To be in a relationship with God that was at the top of his list and at the center of everything else on the list.
Josiah determined to live, possibly, even probably, fewer days in the LORD and the LORD's mighty power, instead of more days in his own strength where he had no need for the LORD's strength and therefore no need for the LORD.
This is the life for which all of us are made and to which all of us are called, that is, in a relationship with God where God's at the top of our list and at the center of everything else on our list, where we're determined to live, possibly, even probably, fewer days in the LORD and the LORD's mighty power, instead of more days in our own strength where we have no need for the LORD's strength and therefore no need for the LORD.
For who or what are you living? The house payment? Retirement? Get the kids through college? Those will never satisfy. Josiah learned that at a very, very, very young age. That's why he lived for the longing of his heart, the longing of every man's heart, the longing of every human being's heart.
Josiah lived and died for God! And in so doing, blessed us all by calling us all to live for more than the world is and more than the world could ever offer.
And we will live well, doing the same.
Praise God!
Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson
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