Friday, February 1, 2019


Sat, 02/02/19, "Day of Praise"

This is not a repeat from recently; it's just time to come together as God has literally called for thousands of us, if not tens of thousands, to join in some way (small or large) and to some extent (small or large) in the fasting and Prayer for Ben.

"Jesus said, 'But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face'" — Matthew 6:17

Please join us for fasting and prayer for Ben Abercrombie.

Ben sustained a spinal cord injury in his first Harvard collegiate football game in September of 2017, which left him both paralyzed from his neck down and also dependent on a ventilator.

We are believing in complete restoration and ask that you join us in a time of fasting and prayer. We have designated two days to this fast and prayer—this Sunday, February 3rd, and this Friday, February 8th. Some may feel called to fast this whole week, and that would be great too!

Fasting is Biblical, and many examples of fasting for breakthroughs are given from God in the Bible. God's Word says fasting must be combined with prayer, and specifically we want to pray for Ben to be able to breathe on his own and to have complete restoration of his nervous system.

Please prayerfully consider participating in this fast, and decide what exactly you will be fasting. You may fast the whole week, one whole day, or one or two meals. For some, fasting may not be from food but could be fasting from social media for the week or from anything else that would be a sacrifice for you to refrain from.

#prayfor Ben

Praise God!

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