Fri, 04/05/19, "Day of Praise"
[Paul recounted how Ananias had said to Paul when he still had the name Saul,] "You will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. And now what are you waiting for?" - Acts 22:15-16
Miracles ripple.
There was this guy named Ananias. Not the one in Acts 5 who disobeyed God and suddenly died. Instead, I mean the Ananias in Acts 9 and Acts 22, who constantly listened for God and then to whom God spoke and appeared. God speaking and appearing to Ananias was miracle #1 of which we speak in this devotion.
God wants to do miracle #1 with you. Are you listening for God? God wants to speak to you.
Then there was a ripple.
Miracles ripple.
Ananias became God's instrument to work in Saul's life to, in essence, transform Saul into Paul. Through Ananias, God removed scales from Saul's eyes, and Saul came to understand how his God-given gifts were to be used to "witness to all men of what you have seen and heard" (Acts 22:15) about Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world. Watching Saul's transformation, Ananias lit a fire under Saul to get going as Ananias said, "And now what are you waiting for?" (Acts 22:16)
God wants to do miracle #2 through you. Are you seeking understanding about your God-given gifts, which will lead to you being able to help others understand their God-given gifts?
There will be a ripple.
Miracles ripple.
We've done this in various classes, seeking understanding about our God-given gifts, which has lead to our being able to help others understand their God-given gifts. An amazing Bible study tool to learn about your God-given gifts is Arthur Burk's teaching on the Spiritual Redemptive gifts from Romans 12:6-8 in the Bible. Everyone is either a Prophet, Servant, Teacher, Exhorter, Giver, Ruler, or Mercy.
One woman discovered her gift as Servant. The Bible teaching shows that when you accept and use your gift to God's glory, then God gives additional spiritual gifts. This particular woman has discovered that God's given her the gift of healing. She has started to follow God's lead, approach people, ask people if she can pray for them, and see them healed in a few moments or a few days, which is miracle #3.
God wants to do miracle #3 through you. Are you using your God-given gifts, which will lead to you receiving other God-given gifts?
There will be a ripple.
Miracles ripple.
In telling of this one woman's transformation, I saw a couple other women become intrigued, begin to explore what their Spiritual Redemptive Gift might be, and experience positive life change that very evening, which is miracle #4.
Miracles ripple.
It's part of God's plan to get the good news of Jesus through every person to every person in the world.
Indeed, it's as God says through Ananias in today's Bible verse, "You will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. And now what are you waiting for?" (Acts 22:15-16)
Aaaaaahummmm! Soooooo? What are you waiting for?
As one of my friends says, "God has big plans for you!"
So let's go and explore our God-given gifts and use them as a team, one team, Team Jesus, the one and only Body of Christ, using our God-given gifts to God's glory and seeing miracles and watching them ripple to the blessing of all people.
What an incredible day is awaiting us!
Praise God!
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