Thursday, June 13, 2019

Day of Praise

Thur, 06/13/19, "Day of Praise"

"But you are a shield around me, O LORD." - Psalm 3:3

One of my all-time favorite movies is "Gladiator." I honestly do not think it's because of the violence. Instead, "Gladiator" is one of my all-time favorite movies because of the themes of hope and perseverance by the protagonist, Maximus. 

I also love how Maximus never meets a stranger when it comes to those who are willing to work together with him for the sake of both surviving and also defeating the enemy. 

In one scene, Maximus, and many others who've been enslaved, are about to be thrown to the "lions" of the gladiators for the sheer sport of it in the 2nd century. 
The following is the dialogue as Maximus and the slaves are in an arena, waiting for some gates to open and release vicious and overpowering animals or men, which will mark the death of most of the slaves but also becomes a ray of hope and perseverance for the slaves who will stick together. 

Maximus: [while Cassius continues his introduction] Anyone here been in the army?
[an unknown slave responds yes and tells Maximus he served under his command at Vindobona]
Maximus: You can help me. Whatever comes out of these gates, we've got a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together we survive.

Basically, what they do, in working together, is they form "a shield around" each other, which is the image of what God does for us in today's verse from Psalm 3:3.

It's an image of daily life for believers as we walk by faith in a fallen world. Each day and each moment, we never know what's going to be thrown at us by life, but if we stick with God and one another, we find that God is eager to be "a shield around me, O LORD" (Psalm 3:3). We also discover the power of believers who will work together in the face of overwhelming odds, and in so doing, we learn again the power of friendship and the power of the Body of Christ, when what binds us together is love for one another and honor of what is right and faith in the living, mighty God. 

So, as life comes at you and throws all sorts of arrows and animals and gladiators at you, stick with God and stick with others who are committed to God and God's Word. And, with those other believers and the one true God in whom you believe, you'll discover again and again the power of strength and honor. 

"But you are a shield around me, O LORD." - Psalm 3:3

Praise God!

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