Sunday, September 8, 2019

Day of Praise

Mon, 09/09/19, "Day of Praise"

Based on y'all's replies, you seem to be enjoying the stroll down Memory Lane. So with an important request for us all to remember 9/11 and keep our nation and all touched by Hurricane Dorian, here's another memory from my archives. 

"Why do you cry aloud? Is there no king in you?" - Micah 4:9

They were 30 feet high, walking on quarter-inch cable, crossing over and under ropes, except when they were jumping from "cloud" to "cloud" which were boards nailed together in three feet by three feet or smaller islands across the cables. It's a big island if it's only you hopping one to another. It's a small island when you have to get all six people in your group on the island before you can start to go to the next one.

I was 30 feet below on the ground, taking pictures. But no snapshot could capture what frequently happened as the 5th and 6th people tried to get on the next cloud.

Yelling! Lots of yelling! With most of the group crying out to no one in particular. As sweet Bronwyn Estep said in the debriefing, "As if yelling was actually going to keep us all from falling off of the cloud."

That's what God's saying through Micah in today's Bible verse, "Why do you cry aloud? Is there no king in you?" (Micah 4:9). In essence, God's saying, "Yelling is not going to make anything any better. But if you'll remember the king in you, he can certainly save the day!"

Yep, Jesus Christ, the King of kings wants to live in you by the power of the Holy Spirit so that the next time you feel like you're falling off your cloud, well, there's no need to yell. Just appeal to and trust in the King. He'll make sure that you, and all your loved ones, stay on board together! 

Praise God!

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