Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day of Praise

Tu, Mar 12, "Day of Praise"

"'"If you can"?' said Jesus. 'Everything is possible for one who believes.'" - Mark 9:23

I know we used this verse yesterday, but I have a couple more things to share. Some of you have heard these, but I think you'd agree that they bear repeating.

First, I was driving on a major road when my friend told me to turn. It was the small short road to The Red Barn. (You have got to check out www.theredbarn.org but even better is to go there.) All of a sudden, I felt this spiritual power sweep over me and through me. I slammed on the brakes and backed up the car. When I stopped, I said, "This is where the anointing of this land began." My friend said, "Well, look here to the right; it's the property line."

The testimony in this is that, as God says in the Bible, land and buildings and homes can retain a spiritual power (something like a battery). So pray for God to bless your material property so that it will be blessed and not defiled. Also pray for your material property so that it will draw people to ministry and refuge that's offered in Jesus' name.

Do you believe? "'"If you can"?' said Jesus. 'Everything is possible for one who believes.'" (Mark 9:23)

The second thing I wanted to tell y'all is to believe that God is working overtime to bring you to his joy and plans and healing, which are three distinct but connected blessings from God.

This past Sunday afternoon, I thought, "Oh, I'll call Shirley [about a small matter I needed to discuss]." When I called, she said that she was literally texting me to tell me she couldn't come to our monthly healing service, (where God has been changing people's lives, like last month when a woman was healed of a skin rash that she'd been suffering for years.) Shirley said she really needed to come for prayer and the Bible-commanded laying on of hands, but she was just swept over with unbearable, shut-you-down pain from a sudden migraine and more. As we talked on the phone, she sent me the text she'd typed about not coming. So we prayed on the phone that God would cast out the pain so Shirley could come to the monthly healing service.

Not only did God relieve Shirley's pain to make coming possible, but when Shirley got there, God opened at least three doors to healing and joy and plans for Shirley that she would not have received if Shirley had stayed at home. But God orchestrated Shirley's blessings; just read back over this brief witness!

The bottom line is that God wants to give you joy, plans, and healing, according to his bidding and orchestration. Do you believe? "'"If you can"?' said Jesus. 'Everything is possible for one who believes.'" (Mark 9:23)

May your day be filled with anticipation as you look in faith for what God has in store for you and also for those that you yourself call to believe.

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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