Friday, March 14, 2014

Day of Praise

Fr, 03/14/14, "Day of Praise"

John 10:10 - "[Jesus said,] I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Fascinating, but not surprising. A friend of mine, who's also a fellow member of our church, drove us from Birmingham to Atlanta yesterday for a church conference on the use of social media like Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and a bazillion other electronic communications that I never even knew existed.

It was great. And it was helpful. And, even with all the possibilities for communicating, the message to churches was extremely clear because all the speakers from all over the country kept saying the same thing in different ways, namely, "know yourself and get better at being you." What is the one thing you're here to do? Do that well! And tell other people how you can bless their lives with that one thing that you're about.

That's what Jesus did. He knew himself and the one thing he was here to do. He did that well! And he told us how he can bless our lives with that one thing that he's about. Jesus said, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10)

So, are you a church? Help people to take their next step in knowing God personally through Jesus. It may be inviting someone to take the first step in knowing God personally, which is to put their faith in Jesus as their Savior. It may be inviting someone to take a further step in knowing God personally, which is to follow Jesus as their Lord, surrendering some area of life to the Lord where they themselves have previously held control.

Are you a husband? Learn to be blessed and receive love from the greatest husband, which is both God to the bride of his people and also Jesus to the bride of his church, and then be blessed by giving that love to your wife.

Are you a student? A parent? A boss? An employee? Learn from God and his word how to be you and what it means to be you. Know yourself in the light of God's word, and do well the one thing you're here to do. You will bless the lives of many, which God made us eager to do!

Dear Lord, you made each of us in a unique and wonderful way. You bless us. Help us to know our own selves in the light of your word, which shapes and molds and prunes and matures us so we can be what you made us eager to be, namely, a blessing to others. We love you, Lord. Thank you for being our great and wonderful God, who daily shows us your perfect love in Jesus Christ. Amen!

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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