Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day of Praise

Sa, 03/15/14, "Day of Praise"

Matthew 19:14 - "But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.'"

To hear Jesus talk about children, ya realize that God must have infinite love and a gigantic sense of humor. So, in the bounds of God's word, my kids and I try to make people laugh.

We'll go through the Taco Bell drive-thru, and we start by complimenting them on their menu board and the landscaping they've planted around it. After a momentary silence from shock, you usually hear a chuckle, and then they thank you for your kindness. Then we pull up to the window and as payment we'll hand 'em some Chik-Fil-A gift certificates, maybe a BoJangles, which they'll look at, read, and say, "Are you for real?"

Or maybe we make our irregular trek to a fancy sit down eatery, like for Calley's Baptism Birthday (February 28) or Caden's Baptism Birthday (yesterday, March 14). And we'll take in a laptop and show our waiter, Gary, some crazy pictures of us, and we'll tell him from the git-go what we'd like him to give us for free. We tell him that if he gives us some stuff, then we'll give him a nice tip, like "don't serve banana pudding to a monkey." And we laugh all through dinner and talk about memories and make some new memories too. And Gary smiles a lot while other tables ask him if they can order whatever we're eating. And then we tell him Jesus loves him, invite him to church, and leave him a nice tip (and this time it's money).

In the bounds of God's word, make someone laugh today. After all, Jesus says heaven belongs to children of God, no matter what your age may be.

Praise God!

Pastor Chris
"The gospel is the story of Jesus [what God's only Son has done for us that we can't do for ourselves], spoken as a promise." - Robert Jenson

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